I'll Make You Famous…




Jordyn Jones Bikini of the Day

Jordyn Jones is a nice reminder that girls who dance are girls who can fuck, or at least look like they can fuck, with their hot fit dancing bodies, that they know how to gyrate into creampies….if you’ve fucked dancers and I have…sometimes for money….always for money…you’ll know what I mean…the stamina, the bouncing on dick, even micro penises, innies not outties is magical…

Anyway, the creepy thing about Jordyn Jones is that she was on a dancing reality show for children, which as previously discussed on every Jordyn Jones post, and earlier today in my Maddie Zeigler post….

But that reality show took her out of meth cooking and hooking in trailer parks or barns in Kalamazoo Michigan and allows her to sell access to pics of her hot dance body half naked, even if she looks like her parents were heavy drinkers while pregnant with her, she’s not 300 pounds and rolling through Walmart looking for a tub of cheese balls yet….


Posted in:Jordyn Jones




Workout Wednesday of the Day

I may not be a jock, I may not be a bro, I may not be a Gym-Beau (JIMBO), and I may be the object of unhealty, near death, obesity, disgustigness you’d expect from a drinker who hasn’t taken care of myself and eating dog shit food for decades…..

But I know how important working out is….

That’s not to say that I workout, but when fat people try to pretend they are healthy, I roll my eyes, cuz I know they aren’t….they are fat, they are disgusting, they shouldn’t be allowed to pretend they are healthy, it’s propaganda and it’s bad for the kids to think that being fat is normal and ok…it’s not….it kills…it’s facts….

Even this whole covid thing came down to “it fucks fat people up more than non-fat people”…obviously…and instead of addressing the cause, they scream EQUALITY and down with WHITE MAN and his racism….have a donut, burger and lottery entry for your vaccine because we want you healthy bullshit…

Healthy comes from moving, lifting, cardio…get fucking strong if you can, if there is an apocalypse it will help your survival….if horror movies taught you anything, the slow, clunky fat fucks are the first to go….

Anyway, if you’re like me and fine with dying a fat life, into being exhausted all the time, fighting off chronic pain and illness from life choices…the least you can do is stare at fitness chicks to NORMALIZE THAT.

We are forced to stare at FATTIES all day in a “Don’t body shame me” even though body shaming them could lead to longer life if they listen and feel shame for their lazy slop existence….

We cannot let the media normalize fatties, if we go along with it, we are complicit, and we are the reason for the fatties.

We need to unite and protest the fatties….


Here are some babes who do fitness being hotter than babes who don’t…



Posted in:Workout




Demi Lovato Trans Titties of the Day

Demi Lovato Cleavage

Demi Lovato has already come forward as having a brain injury from her heroin overdose, so anything she says is clearly something she doesn’t have the faculties to say, because of those strokes…

She has also come out as being NON BINARY which basically means she doesn’t identify as man or woman, female or male, which is convenient because we’ve been unable to distinguish whether she was a man or a woman, she just lacked that sex appeal despite having probably been banged out by the industry countless times.

I did find it pandering, convenient, in poor taste, narcissistic, disgusting that she’d go down that road for PRIDE MONTH to try to make herself a more relateable hero to her fans, or maybe to cash in on a trend, that for whatever reason the vapid idiots who celebrate her go along with because they are idiots and just excited by anything she does…

I do find it an obvious and exploitative tactic that mocks people with real gender issues, but Hollywood types always make it about them and get away with it…

I am also still angry that she’s been able to comeback from a heroin overdose by playing a victim and everyone buys into the “poor bi polar person”….when we know she just uses “bi polar” as an excuse…

If I was an undercover journalist, I’d prove to you how easy it is to get diagnosed bi polar and get prescribed the meds for bi polar disorder, they had that shit out as candy and it makes for a great excuse for any slip ups….

I do think that parents should take charge and cancel a heroin addict who had a heroin ovrdose from being a mentor or idol to their kids…but instead they are right there with them coddling this shit like it’s ok…cuz it’s human…it’s her story…or I guess THEIR story now that she’s not a she, something we ALREADY KNEW BY LOOKING AT HER…

She’s a fake, a lie, a product of evil and she continues to fucking suck….

If anyone should be cancelled – it’s Lovato…


Posted in:Demi Lovato




Addison Rae Showing Tit of the Day

The most followed person on TikTok, therefore she must have something the people like, therefore the industry or the EVIL Kardashians need to move the fuck in on her because they can’t stomach someone else having the eyeballs, when they are the masters of social media and deserve all the followers….which makes Kanye West fucking Irina Shayk all the more satisfying because he’s finally fucking a woman…those Kardashians are fucking evil…

Anyway, famous for lip synching and awkward dancing, signed by the industry excited by her audience, because it’s easier than creating stars, take someone trending even if they aren’t that exciting, eventful, impressive….and just package them anyway they can in hopes the audience will follow….

In ways, it is killing the concept of celebrity, of stars, of talent…but I never subscribed to celebrities having talent, they are just bullshit, this is just a new version of that bullshit, and really not even that new of a version…talentless idiots have amassed audiences before….this is just from another platform..

Anyway, Addison Rae’s torpedo tits in a dress doing her best Kardashian face and body, learning from the best, even if the best are the fucking worst.

It’s safe to say we’re all doomed.


Posted in:Addison Rae




Chanel West Coast Nipples of the Day

When you’re a secondary character on a hugely popular MTV show back when MTV was a thing cuz bitch is old….and that celebrity from being a secondary character on a hugely popular MTV show doesn’t really give you the glory you hoped for when you first signed on and thought “this will be great for my rap career”…only to discover that no one gives a shit…you are faced with a very complex decision on how to get people to care, to noticed, to listen, to subscribe…you know money needs to be made and relevance needs to be fought for….and the conclusion is always the same, it’s simple really…pull your motherfucking titties out…

This is Chanel West Coast, a rapper from a reality show no one cares about, in a sheer bra, cuz she’s got fucking tits and when all else fails, you gotta fall back on those tits, to get it done…I’m just not sure what “It” is….but it’s tits…


Posted in:Chanel West Coast




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I don’t know about you and I really don’t care about you because you don’t care about me and I am convinced that you don’t exist, that this website isn’t real, and it’s all a terrible simulation, dream, or schizophrenic experience and I”m actually in an institution hopped up on meds creating this horrible reality….cuz there is no way I update this shit voluntarily…it doesn’t make sense.

That said, I don’t know about you, but I fucking love cameltoes…I think it is glorious that they’ve become a trend or a style play…that girls are jacking their tight shorts or pants or bikinis up inside themselves to show you just how fat their pussy lips are…cuz I like fat pussy lips…who doesn’t…but then again I like skinny pussy lips too…who doesn’t….they are pussies and pussies are glorious.

I don’t know if it is a gender bending issue, of “LOOK WE ARE REAL WOMEN”…to fight off all the trans stealing their sugar baby money cuz rich dudes are into fucking trannies..or if girls are just more and more exhibitionists and now that cleavage and ass has run it’s course, the natural progression is pussy and how hungry they are…as they eat their way through outfits….who knows…


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Maddie Ziegler Underboob of the Day

Maddie Ziegler was creepily cast on a children’s dance show, which is a terrifying concept and I’ll forever say it should not be on TV, because the worst kinds of people would be drawn to kids dancing….like SIA…who cast this girl for all her music videos because she watched the show she was on…propelling her to superstardom by casting her in all of her videos for her overly popular videos..

Well, she turned 18….clearly has the right advisers and is sexualizing herself on social media, by barely sexualizing herself compared to the other 18 year olds shoving objects in their assholes for the highest bidders…but still sexualizing herself by our standards of sexualizing because we are old and remember pre-social media when girls weren’t thirsty half naked whores fighting for followers in the weirdest competition we’ve experienced….money grubbers money grubbing like the mental cases they are…

I heard some story about how they introduced money to apes in some research program, and once the apes understood the concept, the men started cheating and stealing to hoard the money, while the women prostituted themselves…it’s basic primate instinct fools and we’re knee deep swimming in it…

All this to say Maddie’s looks good in her “fitness” outfit posing casually…and not because she wants you to think she’s hot..obviously..


Posted in:Maddie Ziegler




Sophie Turner Bisexual in a Bra of the Day

Sophie Turner, who I never really cared about because I didn’t watch Game of Thrones, and only really know of her as the Jonas Brother wife and baby momma, which is pretty embarrassing for her, but I’ll assume before she was a famous she was a fan, so it’s like Jenny McCarthy marrying the New Kid on the Block you know she’d fuck her hair brush to when they were famous in the 80s…and she was in her mid-30s…

She’s recently and conveniently decided to identify as bi sexual, which means basically nothing, but saying that would be a hate crime, when I should celebrate her being so brave to come out as a married women, who recently had a kid, being into tits and eating pussy…women are hotter than men, if you can fuck a man, then you sure as hell can fuck a woman, especially if you are a woman…

It was convenient because it was planned around PRIDE MONTH, and it is also a smart career move, because ad agencies are specifically looking for LGBTQ+ people for their campaigns, so announce it, get the press, broaden your horizons…all while maintaining a hetero relationship in some Nuclear Family of the rich and famous who dabble in inviting chicks in to switch things up…in this porn generation…

Or maybe she figured she was bisexual when she realized that she married a woman….NO SURPRISE FOR THE REST OF US.

The point is, who the fuck cares if she identifies as someone into chicks cuz she watches porn, or whatever the programming has done to these people, fuck everyone, you’re rich and famous…

Either way, here’s her bi sexual outfit…so daring….and tall and skinny, how we like em….


Posted in:Sophie Turner




Gwyneth Paltrow Topless of the Day

Gwyneth Paltrow Topless

Gwyneth Paltrow’s the fucking worst old timer attention seeker out there….always peddling her bullshit and for whatever reason, I assume satan, the media has made her their sweetheart, all while being absolutely uninteresting in her bullshit existence as a rich kid who had a stint as a shitty actress…

I don’t know anyone who was into Gwyneth Paltrow, even at her peak in her acting career, if anything people only got off to her when her head was cut off in Seven….you know the best Paltrow is the one who isn’t being shoved down our throat…

I don’t care if she makes pussy scented candles, probably not based on her herpes, menopause, fecal scents her pussy likely has….I don’t care that she pushes masturbation, people have been masturbating since we were teenagers, we don’t need Paltrow pushing vibrators to inspire us…women know all about shower heads, washing machines in spin cycle, the pool jets, basically anything and everything…massagers…you know vibrators existed before Paltrow…and we don’t need her as our old corpse hero to normalize that shit…we’re perverted enough without her.

I don’t know why she’s topless, maybe to divert from that old grey face, I just know that this body is boxy and should be covered up, it’s the decent thing to do…but her narcissism won’t let her…arm bras for everyone…and if you’re into this…you’re part of the problem..


Posted in:gwyneth paltrow




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I know that weed is marketed as numbing people’s minds, possibly making them schizophrenic, and whatever other propaganda that’s been put together to keep weed illegal or to make weed illegal…which has clearly been by design because weed is the magical plant that has medicinal values and a lot of other harmless anti-inflammatory traits that would really fuck with the big pharma industry, which we’ve learned over COVID is a bullshit industry that doesn’t care about lives or people, but rather profits…

Anyway, I would argue that social media, gambling, money are far worse soul sucking addictions, while weed, although mild, can be inspiring and enlightening…

I would also argue that the opiate crisis, not white supremacy, despite Biden’s billshit on fake racism, is the real problem in America and I bet if those people smoked weed, they’d have never been prescribed those opiates by the big pharma industry that is heavily corrupt…

I would also argue that all the anti-depressants, the media, the news, the Hollywood industry, also all far more numbing that smoking a joint before watching a movie, or fucking, or basically anything..

I may be an alcoholic but I am pro weed…and I guess so are these girls…posing nude with weed…activism doing their part as activists for the weed heads out there…some look way too into weed…a few too many munchies…maybe too stoned to realize they are gross…but I SUPPORT the amateur nude model…always…I’m a hero or at least an upstanding citizen showing support to girls getting nude…becuase I’m no sexist….misogynist…into the “Partriarchy”….I am a feminist.


Posted in:Weed