I'll Make You Famous…




Kate Hudson Ass in Leggings of the Day

Kate Hudson is proof that anyone with any level of celebrity can create an instagram brand and become a billionaire, because her brand, Fabletics, is fucking huge and it’s probably got very little to do with her being a partner in it, but I am sure being a rich, spoiled, coddled, second generation hollywood trashcan, probably assumes it is all her…

The only thing I believe Kate Hudson has influence over is casting directors who decided she was the go-to replacement for any role that her mom would be suited for…the romantic comedy where she plays herself….and I guess the guys she fucked or that wanted to fuck her…but they aren’t buying shitty leggings…then there’s Owen Wilson who was rumored to have attempted suicide after he dated her, so she had influence on him too…but I doubt mom’s anywhere look to this drunk, rich before she started, LA rich kid and thought “I want to dress like Kate Hudson”…but I could be wrong, I’ve just always felt she was third tier on the celebrity list…present, in movies, but consistently WHATEVER….

The only time I thought she was hot was in Architectural Digest back in 1997 when they introduced her to the world, I remember thinking Goldie Hawn’s got a hot daughter, nice…but that was before she got knocked up by a bunch of dudes….with babies she brought to fruition and the ones that ended up floating in the toilet / dripping down her leg.

All this to say, the 40 something is 40 something and the legging thing is out of control…even yesterday I saw at least two fat chicks in leggings with asses far too sloppy for leggings, yet there I was staring at their anus ridges cuz the pants were so fucking tight…thinking “I blame Kate Hudson’s money grubbing for this”….


Posted in:Kate Hudson




Julianne Hough Jumps Off a Cliff of the Day

Julianne Hough is doing some cliff dive, pretty badly for a dancer if you ask me, which you didn’t, but that I’ll assume you did since you landed on this site and I’m the fucking narrator of this motherfucker…these Julianne Hough dives are about ME motherfucker…

The reason I’d expect better form is because she’s a fucking trained dancer who has worked as a professional dancer, skipping the whole stripping part of the the professional dancer right of passage, and in being a professional dancer, arguably the most famous professional dancer of recent time, because dancing, despite TikTok’s success is fucking silly….she should have the fitness and the connection with her body to fucking nail it….instead she looks like she took some Ryan Seacrest sedatives before anal…all fucking sloppy….

The Mormon Gone Wild is in a one piece, still has a hot dancer body and clearly can fuck better than she dives because dancers know how to move their hips rhythmically and that’s really what this dive should be about…you imagining the ways you’d eat that ass before the launch and as her care giver after her head injury makes her a gimp retard who needs a volunteer to change her diaper with your mouth….you know like you were her brother…who she’s a little too close to.


Posted in:Julianne Hough




Chelsea Handler Butthole of the Day

Chelsea Handler is one of those old stripper types that has no shame because she’s done far more disgusting shit in front of groups of people for as many years as she’s been working…so now that she’s 50, it’s just a put those fat tits and skeletor with skin hanging off her face out there, because nudity gets positive feedback even when you’re old, used up and nasty.

The funniest thing about Handler isn’t her jokes, which I remember being cunty and unwatchable, but maybe that’s me….they were clearly good enough to land a TV show for a while or have respect in the comedy scene…but I think her dick sucking had more to do with that…not that I know anything about the comedy scene, I find it lame, laughing is for losers….and a distraction from all that is wrong in the world…

Anyway, I don’t think Handler really gave a fuck about comedy either, she just did that because her acting wasn’t working for her and I guess she knew she could be funny and inappropriate while charming execs, so it’d be easy to apply to loser comedians…

The whole naked thing is fine, but the looking at that mom in her 50s looking back is the reason I don’t like the public pool.

Bodies expire….and it’s often too late when women throw in the towel and decide to be naked…because they’ve either given up or are using the last ditch effort to exist…because when half of hollywood has seen your asshole, what’s the problem with the instagram followers seeing it.

I guess the answer is that there is no problem with that…it’s just not very nice to look at….


Posted in:Chelsea Handler




Cayley King Exposing The Thong of the Day

Cayley King is an Indiana born model, she’s 23 and a Virgo….she started her modeling at 16….and her claim to fame is that she dated Cindy Crawford’s son, Presley, to try to get herself famous…or working…you know all these clout chasers who move to LA need to figure out who to fuck to get some sort of security in this evil industry that makes stars…or bottom feeding hookers….the lines are pretty blurred and many of the stars you know today started as bottom feeding hookers and a lot of the hot models of instagram you assume are making money are just doing that to secure rich dudes to pay their rent…even when they are hot…because LA is where the hot people go to try to monetize and there’s just not enough room for every hot person to monetize outside of sex work…

That’s not to say that Cayley King is a hooker, but I guess we’re all hookers in our own right, taking it up the ass figuratively and sometimes literally to get by….

She’s posing in some underwear from the right angle for some instagram brand and I like it..


Posted in:Cayley King




Medical Worker Monday of the Day

People say that if the TV and the Internet didn’t exist, either would COVID, that it’s some fear mongering set-up to control the population in the weirdest way possible, by making them scared of each other, including their families…and I think the whole thing has been hilarious because you see how scared old people are…

When I go outside (maskless because I am outside and masks aren’t proven to work)….to sit in the park and stare at the insane people out there just complying to the rules…every old person some in masks and some not in masks walk by me fucking terrified…holding their breath…not that this is anything I am not accustomed to…people have avoiding me on the street for decades…they just weren’t as obvious about it…you know like I am some kind of contagion…they grab each other, stop in their tracks, wait to see if I leave the sidewalk or not…fully fucking scared…and it’s not just of me, it’s for everyone they come across…like stay at home you chicken shit…

So yeah, the fear mongering obviously has worked….at least in Canada with the old people where everyone likes being babysat by the government…and it’s funny to see pan out because if you read the data, it’s not all that scary of a virus…not nearly as apocalyptic as possible..

Anyway, my problem is this whole “Essential Worker Hype” where people think they are on the “Frontlines” when they are just doing their fucking jobs….and the media hypes them up in big ways…even though they are just doing their jobs…and all these people have these egos now…like they matter…

So medical workers, at least some of them are getting naked for attention, to trick you into subscribing to their only fans, fully MONETIZING off COVID like all the billionaires have, whether it’s Amazon through online sales or all the big investors through the stock market, or Biden’s medical chief who has million dollars of stock in some vaccine company….then there’s the PPE vendors, the PCR test vendors…COVID is a BIG enterprise and even the slutty nurses can monetize it..

Not only do they get their parades and praise and the chance to go to the Super Bowl and other events…but they can get dudes to pay them monthly to see their cunts on the frontline of COVID….just no barrier between pussy and invisible virus…because they are the HEROES we need to be celebrating…

Not that I hate when girls get nude, I am all for this…

Not that I care when a legit worker becomes a nude peddler on the internet, it’s fucking AWESOME, I just find it crazy that they claim to be so burnt out, but not enough to diddle themselves in the break room, and sure, it could be stress release, a dopamine rush, but I think it’s more of a cash grab….when else will they be seen as heroes again…this is their moment…

But I do think it is gross to be naked in a medical office regardless of COVID….but I’ll stare at the medical nudes…


Posted in:NURSES




Lila Grace Moss is 18 and in Vogue Japan of the Day

I saw these pics but thought that Lila, Kate Moss’ daughter was 16 years old, you know because I am in a time warp like Groundhog Day….everything is the fucking same….daily…

I was thinking another model mom throwing her hot daughter into the evil industry, thinking that because she’s Kate Moss, people won’t fuck with her girl, but instead just make her a fucking star….and she could be right about that, I mean Kate Moss is a legend…

So I’m a big fan of all she’s done, from topless yacht trips to her work in the 90s, to cocaine scandals, she’s been genuinely COOL as shit, rock and roll as shit, so since she’s always been a crowd favorite…her daughter is probably awesome too…at least in comparison to her counterparts…

I am glad to see that Kate Moss waited until Lila was 18 to really get her going, unlike that pervert Cindy Crawford before her, who had Kaia posing half naked when she was a kid….

I am glad to see that Lila is out here modeling because I love celebrity kids, I think they are a unique and fascinating breed of people, but one who wasn’t raised in the shit whole of vapid trash that is LA, but rather in the UK is better…

Not to mention, she’s a babe.

Seeing an LA rich kid posting nudes to instagram for attention, is just fucking lame, even though I appreciate it….I much rather see a young model with that Kate Moss energy in these produced shoots…for Vogue, it’s less trashy, tacky and desperate.

I think it’s fair to say that it is time to overthrow the influencer instagram model like Bella Hadid getting all this hype in the fashion industry because she pushes product….

There is more to life than pushing products, bottom lines and money…you fucks…

DEATH TO THE Kardashians….who are fucking monsters with fake fucking faces and bodies confusing the masses of internet idiots…replace them with BETTER quality and more worthy talent….this is a second generation model and thus better than the other trash out there.

Lila Moss for the fucking win…this is what models are supposed to fucking look like…you muppet loving, McDonalds eating, pig consumer, we did it joe fucks…

Posted in:Lila Grace Moss




Alessandra Ambrosio Still Does Swimsuit Modeling of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio may be old as shit by every fucking standard of modeling….but she still looks pretty fucking good…if anything she looks better than she did when she got her start with the Evil Underwear Corporation that financed Epstein and that solidified themselves as heroes when they publicly stated they’d never work with Trannies and Fat chicks, only to fire that guy when it didn’t pan out for them and they borderline went bankrupt, only to hire trannies and fatties to survive..

Yeah…in this era of ugly chicks being models, the models I used to think were ugly are all of a sudden hot as shit, even when they are far too old to be considered hot as shit, at least not on the internet..

I get in your real life, when jerking off to tinder or whatever it is you do, and coming across some mom who’s kids are with the dad for the weekend, looking to get her fat mom pussy fucked for 12 hours to last her the next two weeks of being a mom…you know we do things in real life that we have to do..

For the sake of internet fantasy, you’d think we’d only be dealing with the under 30 year old models, because we fuck old chicks in our day to day….but instead we’re sent back to the old chick models…because they still have the same values and put the same importance on being fit as fuck in this era of “include me cuz I’m fat”….and they end up including htem cuz they are fat…cuz they don’t want to be seen as fat shamers and since fat is easy, laid back, and LAZY….all the babes that could have been are just fat….so we have to go to the babes that were who know that not being fat is what we need out of bikini models.

It’s all so confusing…at least for me…like why the fuck am I looking at a 40 year old mom with her surfboard for a campaign going “Nice”….looking at her mom pussy in the high cut one-piece…thinking “nice”….wondering at what point in the shoot did she take a pee in the ocean thinking “nice”….when I should be giving this attention to a 23 year old doing it better…that’s how you know society is fucked…when the bikini models are 40 cuz the under 40s are ugly, fat or hot but too busy making millions on OnlyFans that the brands can’t afford them.

So here’s that Brazilian Dream…..

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio




Iggy Azalea Shops Right of the Day

I used to make fun of Iggy Azalea because she looked like a fucking clown with her fake ass, fake storyline, fake rap career, but she pulled off a scam, like some interpretive dancer, who really believed her own hype and ran with it, and there’s nothing wrong with that….take the money the idiots are going to give you…otherwise she’d just be an ONLY FANS girls, instead of being some rich performer who looks like ONLY FANS girls…

Part of Iggy’s storyline was that she as an underage stripper in Miami, despite being Australian and I don’t buy it, but I am sure underage strippers exist, fake IDs aren’t too hard to come by, so it’s possible but LA is a bullshit place with bullshit people making bullshit backstories to brainwash the normals like you into liking their starlets more…and buying what they are selling…it’s some Glamour model shit that’s offset with releasing music along with the semi-nudes…

If Iggy was actually a stripper, you’d think she’d be on the PREMIUM CONTENT hustle as hard as she could be, seeing as she could make MILLIONS on there, based on her fanbase dying to see that wild and crazy ass…

Or she can just call the paparazzi and go for a COVID grocery shop in the best leotard looking outfit you’d expect to see in an 80s aerobics class, but why bother doing aerobics when you can just pay to have the fat sucked out of you and re-inserted in your asshole.

She’s a recent new mom…her ass is hilarious…in a good way…it’s like fake tits…if you’re going to waste your time getting them…make them count…this ass fucking counts..it’s a cartoon ass.


Posted in:Iggy Azalea




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

So we meet again – Milky Tits Monday….

For whatever reason, Monday’s are about MILFs, the rebirth..

In celebrating moms, which are typically a gross thing to celebrate, except maybe on Mothers Day, where you have no choice by to celebrate moms and really you’re only celebrating YOUR own mom….we must celebrate the mom tit….

The mom tit can be the deflated sloppy post lactation tit that husbands everywhere are probably far too familiar with…maybe families who have more than one kid only have more than one kid because the husband wants those tits filled with MILK again…you know to fill them back up from the depleted milk bags they became…

Today we celebrate tits doing what tits are designed to do in order to keep humanity alive in this era of “we may experience the end of the world in our lifetimes” which I think is pretty fucking cool, but that’s just because dying as a collective with humanity means leaving nothing behind so there should be comfort in that, at least if you scale back on your survival instinct…

Tits are supposed to make milk…to feed the offspring and apparently be part of a campaign to free the nipple for titty empowerment…even though I’ve seen bitches breast feeding in public for as long as I can remember…

So here are some tits making milk for the sake of jerk off material…which is not the point of the tits, don’t sexualize the tits, especially not when they are WORKING…but these moms are probably DYING to be sexualized…so that’s why they are producing this kind of EROTICA, SMUT, WEIRDNESS….and I’m just here documenting it…

These girls are crazy.


Posted in:Lactating




Guard Dog Sleeps Through and Other Videos of the Day

Just some Bros

Transport Unit

Party Idiot Eating Shit

Man Tackled for Trump 2024 Flag

Idiot Race Win

Driving into a Semi

Magic Carpet Ride Fail

These Women who Dressed like Old Ladies to Get the Covid Vaccine.

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos