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stepLINKS of the Day

I was thinking of doing some Patch Adams shit and go to the local funeral home tonight to help mourners deal with their loss by reminding them that it may suck to lose a loved one but at least they aren’t me, but decided that’s a little too morbid and will go drink instead, but […]




From the stepLINKS of the Day

Someone told me the most offensive thing to say to someone is : “I hope your mother dies having my abortion.” My mother died when I was a kid so your mother jokes never really worked for me, so I always just felt like the most offensive things aren’t always what you say, but what […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I was rated number 7 blog in Montreal in some local bullshit paper that tries to be relevant because it is the only free English paper in the city. I was number 1 last year and I guess I should look at it as sign that it’s all downhill from here…this is what they wrote […]




From the Forum of the Day

The action goin’ on in the forum is pretty fuckin’ insane, hot girls are getting naked, guys are poppin’ bottles to impress the girls who are getting naked in hopes of landing a date and most importantly good shit is being posted, and here’s some posts you will probably like…. ———Music——— Cat Power – Live […]




Jessica Simpson Has One Hard Nipple in a White Dress of the Day

Nothing says I am a loser like posting pictures of Jessica Simpson because one of her nipples is hard. I guess stealing 5 dollars out of my wife’s purse to buy myself a luxurious coffee from Starbucks to pretend I was am a baller for a group of high school girls was probably up there […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Last night, I was bored and had no money so I ended up drinking a couple of 40s in the park. I ended up running into an old friend who wanted some hookers and I decided to go along for the ride because I was drunk and had nothing better to do. We drove through […]




From the Forum of the Day

Posted in:Forum


So the Forum still hasn’t be shut down, but probably will be. It’s just that crazy. Here’s some shit going on up in that bitch that can get you through the rest of your day because it will give you the illusion of having a voice of your own in this big scary world while […]




stepLINKS of the Day

So I am getting fatter than I have ever been – mainly because I eat badly, drink too much and sit all day, while trying to think of something to write here, my last good pair of underwear just split in half when I stood up and that means that from today onwards, I will […]




Kim Kardashian and Her Cellulite Treatment of the Day

So we have all agreed that Kim Kardashian is a fat lazy bitch who just happens to have a flat stomach making the average person think she’s not a fat lazy bitch but something vuluptuous and desireable, which is almost understandable having been to Plattsburgh, New York for some discount shopping with my wife a […]




From the Forum of the Day

Posted in:Forum

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It was a big day in the forum. A girl posted a picture of her vagina and we all got excited because even if she was staged or a picture of another girls’ vagina it was the thought that counts. It’s like getting a shitty gift for your birthday and deep down inside you hate […]