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I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I was walking by the water this past weekend and saw the coolest couple I’ve ever seen. they were fully white poor trash and dude looked a fucking wreck with ratty hair, some trashy tank top and was rockin’ a Speedo. He was holding his wife’s hand and bitch was in a pair of the […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

This is a story I wrote in an email today that I am recycling here because like someone said in the comments, that Paris letter wiped me out. I even had to go to the post office, interact with people and include my home phone number to send it out. I am hoping it gets […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I was sitting outside for about 15 minutes today before realizing that it was too hot for me and my fear of dying made me come back inside, but in those 10 minutes I saw to ladies with summer dresses on talking about their outfits. At first it was too fucking boring to listen to, […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I was out last night because that’s what I do when people tell me there are free drinks at a party for me. I got to fucking place and the line-up to the fucking bar was so long that it took me over an hour to get served and when I did get served they […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I went to a bar the other night to drink because that’s what I do. The place was a fucking dump that was in the basement of some hotel or some shit and after getting walking right in, ignoring the line of losers and getting to the bar to order a drink I realized that […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I have decided that my new years resolution is to ask more girls to show me their tits in person. I figure that since I do it all day on the internet I am ready to take the step into the real world and randomly try getting everyday girls to pull out some tit. I […]




I am – Heather Locklear trying to Prevent a Vagina Slip of the Day

Heather Locklear may be old, but she’s a good kind of old. She’s the type of old who has a lot of money and very little to do. I don’t think she’s been on TV or in Movies in the last 5 years, but for some reason is so vain that she spends her days […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I had my mind set on doing a bunch more posts today with all the fucking MTV pics that hit. I was going to live blog the show because I haven’t live blogged in a long time but realized that I don’t get it on my one channel. I was going to write about how […]




I am – Gay Porn Moment of the Day

I hate this Sarah Silverman bitch. She looks like shit and is about as funny as the rash on my balls that won’t go away. I know to other people a rash on my balls that won’t go away could cause a good fucking laugh, but the bleeding, burning and infection I have to deal […]




I am – Sienna Miller’s Sex Video of the Day

I posted the Sienna Miller Sex Scenes from Factory Girl a long time ago. The Weinstein Company emailed me threatening a lawsuit if I didn’t take them down. I don’t have any money to fight the Weinstein company and even if I did no one would pay attention to the site because I was getting […]