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Archive for the Kim Kardashian Category




Kim Kardashian’s Fat Ass Dykes Out with Pussycat Antin of the Day

Kim Kardashian brought her fat ass to get her nails done because she’s got nothing better to do with her fat self, it’s not like she’s gotta be at the gym working out, and she can’t eat 24/7 and the downtime between snacks and meals sometimes gets pretty fucking lonely, and lucky for her Robyn Antin, someone as equally useless and equally as scary looking as her was there to touch, cuz donuts don’t have the same affect on our emotions as actual human touch and here are the pics.

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Dyke|Fat Ass|Kim Kardashian|Robyn Antin




Kim Kardashian Pretends to Take her Fat Ass to the Gym of the Day

Kim Kardashian is so committed to looking like she’s into being fit. It’s like she’s either promoting weight loss products on her twitter for $10,000 a tweet, or she’s running off to the gym or releasing work out DVDs, it’s like based on her efforts to come across as a fitness guru you’d think she was a modern day Jane Fonda…until you look at her and realize it’s all a fucking lie and too fat to be Jane Fonda, or Suzanne Sommers or Susan Powers or whoever else I used to jerk off to late night and if it’s not a fuckin’ lie and she actually is this health conscious, bitch was probably destined to be 500 fucking pounds, and the sad thing is that even if she was 500 pounds, I’m sure black dudes would still pounce on her fat ass and fat titties that she’s showing off in these pics….the second she was in range…..

Here she is going to the gym with her beast sister…

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Fat Ass|Gym|Kim Kardashian|Tits




Kim Kardashian Hides Her Fat Belly of the Day

Kim Kardashian sells tweets on twitter to a diet company for 10,000 dollars a tweet. They probably advertise on her website, maybe on her show, and pretty much have an endorsement deal with her, but what I don’t understand is why anyone would buy diet supplements from a fat chick, doesn’t that just mean shit doesn’t work and that you are pissing your money down the toilet? Wasn’t this the whole Anna Nicole Smith scandal with Trimspa diet pills that may or may not have killed her but at least made her good coin in the final months of her life…it just doesn’t make sense to me…I mean even Kardashian knows she’s fat, notice how she’s covering her gunt in every fucking picture with her oversized purse strategicially selected for this purpose…maybe a fast food company should sponsor her with the slogan “eat here, get fat, but that won’t stop black guys from mounting you”,proving yet again that celebrities are fucking idiots but the companies who throw their money at them are even worse..

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Belly|Fat|Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian’s Fat Ass From Behind of the Day

Kim Kardashian got famous for her ass or because she got fucked on camera by a black man and everyone was shocked….but now her ass in jeans looks like she’s either wearing a diaper or that she just shit herself and I guess that means it’s not so exciting unless you are into shit covered bitches in diapers and this post is pretty fuckin boring…I could talk about fuckin fat chicks who smell like shit, but I live it every fuckin day, so I’d rather just move along now…

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Fat Ass|Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian and her Scary Sister in a Bikini of the Day

Kim Kardashian posted these pictures of her and her sister in their bikinis, because her sister’s role in the family is making Kim Kardashian look skinnier than she is, that was the contract she signed with Kim in exchange for fame, otherwise she would have never agreed to giving her fame, she would have just hired another fat chick or even a dude dressed like a girl for the same fucking effect…

Posted in:Bikini|Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian in Her Bikini on Twitter of the Day

The only good thing about Kim Kardashian is that she became more famous than Paris Hilton, something I know fucks with Paris Hilton every fucking day, and something that may, if we’re lucky, lead to Paris Hilton’s suicide. She pretty much used all the same tricks as Paris Hilton, from shitty “I don’t know how to fuck” Sex Tape to Reality TV, but for some reason she’s got more staying power, despite her face lookin’ big and awkward like something you’d find on a bootleg stuff animal you won at the fair, but at least she looks worth fucking in her heavily photoshopped bikini pics she put onto twitter pretending that this is right off the fucking camera, because a girl doesn’t give up her beauty secrets to her fans, even if that girl so happens to look like a dude.

Posted in:Bikini|Kim Kardashian|Twitter




Kim Kardashian’s Face Looks Fuckign Weird of the Day

If you’re anything like me, you like sitting on benches outside of various stores in the mall until the staff kindly ask you to leave, or sometimes call security on you because you are creeping out the customers as you try to get them to invite you into the changing room, or chime in with suggestions of what panties you think they would look good in. Sometimes we hit up the bikini store, other times the underwear stores and every once in a while the shoe store. Sure, I’m not a foot fetishist or anything like that, but I do know that skirts and shoe testing means a lot of upskirt pussy flashes, so seeing Kardashian doing what I’ve seen so many girls do before reminds me that even the ugly ones are still worth lookin’ at because they’re better than lookin’ at nothing…. and here are the pics.

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Face|Kim Kardashian|Weird




Kim Kardashian’s Tranny Face and Tits of the Day

Kim Kardashian is the kind of girl you go home with because of her tits and the entire time you’re banging her all you do is stare at those fucking tits, because if you look at her face you’re gonna open up a whole can of worms in regards to your sexuality. A long hard manly face doesn’t make you a faggot? But it could lead to some tranny porn addiction and ruin your marriage or at least hope in having a normal sex life like this guy I know who threw it all away for a tranny. You see, one day motherfucker decided to check out tranny porn out of curiosity, because he was bored of regular porn, and felt it was more bang for your buck, since you had 2 sets of tits, and the closure you don’t have in lesbian porn, eventually leading to him sneaking behind his wife’s back meeting craigslist trannies to fuck, eventually losing his job, his house, his family, all because he liked chicks with dicks a little too much and I can’t be sure that it all started with the Kim Kardashian sex tape, but like to think it did…

Here are pics of her now stare at those tits.

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:cleavage|Kim Kardashian|Tits




Kim Kardashian’s Still Got a Solid Fat Ass of the Day

There’s still something magical about seeing pictures of Kim Kardashian’s ass even though I know it is all illusion and that any girl could have an ass like this, all she needs to do is a develop a moderate eating disorder and not exercise. The only real challenge in maintaining this kind of body is that to get to this level it takes some serious neglect that will re-program your brain to develop some serious bad habits that will take them to the point of no return, where they will end up looking like my wife. To balance on that fine line that is just the right fatnesss, is something that is almost impossible and I think that’s why everyone gets excited about Kim Kardashian, it’s like a talent all the fat chicks admire because she’s done fat right and her are the pics to prove it.

Here are some bonus pictures of her ass walking around and getting into cars in some dress…..

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Ass|Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian Charity Boxing Black Eye of the Day

Kim Kardashian and her family had an auction to box them and it was the one time I wish I had a ton of fucking money, because beating the fuck out of Kardashian, ideally punching her in the cunt at least once and leaving her knocked the fuck out is something I’d be more than happy doing, whether the money went to charity or not.

I think she pussied out and boxed a chick, but at least she was left with a black eye and I just don’t understand how she doesn’t relize that getting punched up is alright, but the number one thing this bitch could do for charity to help better the world out would be to disappear….

On a sidenote I just Youtubed Kim Kardashian for a video of the boxing match and all I got was clips of her sex tape cuz Youtube is a Porn site and her sex tape is all she is good for and she’s not even that good in it. Funny that all the big advertisers advertise on Youtube even if it is a Pornsitre….not that you care…but I do….cuz no one advertises with me….

Posted in:Black Eye|Kim Kardashian