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Archive for the Miley Cyrus Category




Miley Cyrus in a See Through Dress of the Day

I don’t know what is going on in this picture of Miley Cyrus or where it is fun but apparently she’s prepping for some photoshoot, and I don’t really care, because I’m impressed with her hustle…

Seriously, I like whatever it is that she is doing with her career, no matter how obvious or text book it is, cuz really a half naked Miley Cyrus at 17, is better than one taking the traditional country route for the Christians, cuz not only is Christianity an outdated theology, but it’s also boring as fuck….

I’ve never even liked Miley. I used to find her ugly, boring and I’d tease her sexual relationship with Disney Execs that made her millions, supporting her young whore attitude, without actually knowing whether she was actually a whore or if that was just fantasy cuz she was so prude and boring….but now, I know and I guess you always did, cuz you’re a fucking dirtbag who has been deprived of teen pussy cuz the USA doesn’t like that shit, while Canada and the UK does…maybe you should move.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|See Through




Some More Miley Performing Pictures With Ass of the Day

I have spent the better part of the morning talking to a girl who was 16 and 3/4 about sex. I was doing it for research purposes, because I tend to lose touch with 16 year olds the less time I spend in Starbucks and American Apparel. She pretty much told me that she’s been fucking her 18 year old boyfriend consistently for over a year. She was a gymnast and appreciates her flexibility. She showered with a girlfriend and 3 guys just last weekend and she is down with giving blowjobs, but prefers to get fucked from behind, sometimes by more than one person, as long as they cum in her and play with her large tits, since all teenage girls have huge tits these days….

When I was 16 and 3/4 the only pussy I was getting was the fat chick who craved male attention and wanted as much cock as she could get and really was willing to put anything she found inside her. The hot girls were virgins and in longterm relationships waiting for that special night and the slutty hot girls were fucking older dudes with cars. I still got pussy…but it was nothing like the anal loving/ cock sucking/ group sex parties motherfuckers are into at 16 and 3/4 now, because of hormones in the food, the internet, oversexed population and now Miley Cyrus, who I think deserves a thank you for sacrificing her throat to make her contribution..

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Shows Off Her Teen Body of the Day

We all know what happens to teenage bodies when they turn 20. They start to widen and sag in all the wrong places and what was once an ass or even tits you could chip a tooth on because they were so solid and intact become a pile of mush you can lose your hand it. Then they hit 30 and things get worse. Pussy gets dryer and saggier because of the damage slutty break up months between relationships and possible kids and hormone levels dipping, hips get wider and pretty much all sex appeal is gone….So I appreciate what Miley is doing…she’s embraced her young body and figures she might as well use it to make some money, get some attention and we can thank the execs at Disney and their private meetings for instilling these morals and strong understanding of how to play this game….tits get fucking hits…and so does sucking off the right people or givng people something to jerk off to….

The reality in all this is she’s 17 so it isn’t that bad…just a few months away from legal and when I was 17 I was fucking and that was 2 decades ago….before internet and over-sexed media…so it’s safe to say this bitch has been there, has done that and is ready for more, which makes what is to come quite exciting…despite her weird lookin’ face.

A weird looking face I am willing to ignore for tickets to a Miley concert…cuz teenage sluts make for good entertainment…

Pics via Bauer
Pics via Fame

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Kisses a Girl on Stage of the Day

In not so surprising news…Miley Kissed a girl on Britain’s got Talent….and it also has white trash prostitute looking Glamour Models….

I saw this one coming from miles away..It was the obvious move for her. Everyone knows that you start at Disney, End with a Sex Tape and take all the proper paths in between…

Not to mention, every girl knows the controversy and attention comes when you kiss another girl. It’s what college Keg parties are fucking made of, so this is no re-inventing anything, it’s just funny to see it happening as part of her concert tour, like some kind of coming of age into being the most obvious attention whore and celebrity slut who really just needs to release the fucking nude pics already, ideally after her 18th birthday, cuz I want to be able to post the shit…

Here’s the video…

To See the Rest of the Pictures – Follow This Link

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus’ Concert is Kiddie Porn of the Day

Here is the flaw in the Sex Offender laws..you see, in American, we aren’t allowed to fuck anyone under 18, but people under 18 like to get fucked….and you end up getting bitches like Miley pretty much fucking on stage…or at least wanting guys to think she is fucking on stage…in a way that you’d expect her to throw herself at you if you were an exec at Disney or someone who isn’t as much of a loser as you actually are…and if you were to give in and fuck her…you get arrested…so the laws should be re-worked so that 17 year olds who try to give anyone over 18 a hard-on get in trouble for taunting, teasing and tormenting us…cuz if you hang a piece of meet in front of a dog’s face long enough, you’re gonna get bit…kinda thing…

Either way, here she is in concert, slutting out….and I’m not complaining…I just hope these pictures don’t get you arrested when you take your computer in to get fixed.

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|Slut




Miley Cyrus Camel Toe in Concert of the Day

Miley Cyrus, Camel Toe

I don’t know what the legalities of posting pictures of a 14 year old’s camel toe on the internet is, but I am assuming that 95% of the world either have kids or have come across articles about Miley Cyrus and realize that she is public domain, and by public domain, I mean a dirty little slut who likes cock especially it belongs to a Disney Exec, because Disney Execs give you money to keep your fucking month shut, money that buys you lots of nice things….

So here she is performing with her cameltoe, not wearing pants, pretty much because that’s the new standard for popstars, or really anyone on stage or in the mainstream trying to look fashionable, because everyone is doing it and I’m not complaining, because I like any piece of clothing that touches pussy, ass and tit, so if I was to be reincarnated into a garment, this would be it, because it allows you to keep things diverse…and while I wait for that to happen, I’ll just put on my Aerobic VHS from ’89 I used to masturbate to, or stand outside American Apparel changing rooms, or volunteer at the ballet school down the street, where the 19 year olds are built like 11 year olds, or maybe I’ll just watch the old folk’s home swimming lessons, cuz none of those bitches are rockin’ the two piece, all to get my dose because leotards are apparently where it’s at…

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Bikini Pictures of the Day

When you have a website called Drunkenstepfather and your slogan for the site for the first 3 years was “a place where I get drunk and molest you”, you do what you can to only post and link to bitches who are 18 and over, even if 16 is legal where I am from, because you don’t want the FBI, who are probably already watching the site closely, thinking that I may have bad intentions, even if I don’t, and even if there are far worse humans out there doing far worse things, like the execs at Disney and her father for exploiting her, so I don’t post 17 year old starlets in their bikinis, even if they are celebrities who give lapdances, and are fairgame cuz they want all the attention and they want you to think of them sexually, cuz I just don’t want legal issues….but I do look at pictures of 17 year olds in their bikinis…cuz I am only human…and in Canada, I am allowed to fuck them…..

To See The Pictures Follow This Link

Posted in:Bikini|Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Lap Dance Video of the Day

The big news yesterday was that someone was shopping around video of Miley Cyrus giving a lap dance and I guess TMZ got their hands on the shit because here it is…..and really I don’t find it all that interesting or surprising because girls of all ages are little dirty dancers and the fact that she’s not getting gangbanged by a group of guys after High School practice is pretty fucking wholesome of her.

I’m calling no big deal on this shit, but I am down with getting some private dances from Miley, it seems like she knows what she’s doing, which will be a nice back-up plan if all else fails, which I am pretty sure it won’t….She’s at the level of fame where stripping is not an option….

Posted in:Lap Dance|Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Can’t Be Tamed and Sluts Out of the Day

Here is a pantsless performance of Miley, who is half bird, have teenage prostitute and she’s pretty much doing the Gaga, I guess trying to re-invent herself, saying shit like how she goes through guys like money and that she can’t be tamed, all while showing off her tit, and I can only assume at least one of you is going to jerk off to this shit. I guess I shouldn’t hate on Gaga as much as I do, cuz she managed to get all these conservative Jesus virgin cunts to whore out, dyke out, and influence a whole lot of girls to follow her lead, making this summer a possible beautiful thing…so I’ll stop bothering laughing about the new Miley and I will just let you get back to masturbating, cuz it’s not everday you get to see a minor like this, so take advantage and then thank Hollywood for giving you some kiddie porn…goodtimes..

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|New Video|Slutty Teen




Miley Cyrus Rocks the Mic of the Day

There are some pretty desperate people out there who can get off to an ugly teenage popstar just because she’s got a mic up in her face that makes it easier to visualize a cock in its place. I never really understood that level of desperation but that’s probably because celebrities don’t really get me fired up, but slutty 19 year olds do, and there’s ample clips of slutty 19 year olds on the internet actually sucking dick on video, so I never had to get that low and pathetic to pretend a mic was a cock, but don’t feel bad, I am pretty sure there have been many other things that were just as low, desperate and pathetic, but no one’s judgin’ anyone here, we’re all a gang of fucking losers…especially you.

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|Performing