Archive for the NSFW Category
NSFW Pippi Longstocking star Tami Erin’s Sex Tape of the Day
I am a little late on this…but apparently the Pipi Longstocking tape that was advertised as being stolen and leaked without her consent has hit the internet and is available for sale…but as someone who has been on a porn set, I know that even the fucking make-up artist has to have her ID photocopied and contracts need to be signed, cuz this shit is regulated hard…
This is just another basic example of a basic low level trying to get famous in the most basic way…and the good news is she does anal, but in this day and age, I think everyone does anal…
If this happened when she was still on TV…you know still on Pipi Longstocking and not just a the girl who was on Pipi Longstocking people over 40 remember…this could be interesting…
I mean at least more interesting than seeing a chick craving attention getting cummed on her belly…because I’m always down to watch that shit…even if it’s an obvious fail on all fronts…
People just don’t get it…this isn’t the 90s…sex tapes don’t fool us anymore…
Posted in:NSFW|Pippi Longstocking|Tami Erin|Videos
Martha Hunt and Samantha Gradoville are Naked for Fashion of the Day
Martha Hunt and Samantha Gradoville are a couple of models who really grasp the importance of getting naked to get ahead as a fashion model, I mean it is done tastefully, so what is the big deal in being topless, right? There is none, but before these girls were models, and even now, they are probably still all uptight about getting topless in sexts and shit because that’s slutty, but once behind some hipster photographer creeper getting them half naked, it’s art and it’s gonna take em places, places that are further and further away from my bed, because the more famous a model gets, the less they fuck me…that’s a fact.
Posted in:Martha Hunt|NSFW|Samantha Gradoville
Lady Gaga’s Cry For Attention Continues of the Day
This is what serious desperation looks like…
She’s trying so hard…but no one cares…even when she pulls out her tits and acts theatrical it gets ignored…and records aren’t sold…because she’s gone too far into fake obscure for anything she does to be shocking or interesting, other than maybe suicide…which we’d all appreciate, endorse and support…
She’s the worst…and her body is keeping’ is also the worst…
Some Never Before Seen Madonna Nudes of the Day
The story goes like this…in 1977 Madonna wasn’t Madonna yet and she, like so many girls before her and after her who have tits and a vagina, decided to do some nude photos, whether to help pay the rent, or because she thought she was hot enough and it made her feel appreciated, or maybe she was trying to leverage herself into some sort of next level…and what it comes down is her motivation doesn’t matter. I am just glad it happened….
I wonder why it took so long for these pics to be released, I would have been up on this when she was at her peak, not when she peaked in terms of age…..I mean she’s got an awesome fucking bush…that should have been shared years ago…and not now that we need to wish had a time machine to appreciate the social climbing fame whore that was..
This is kinda like jerking off to your grandma’s bikini pics….it’s almost as though we’re not even looking at the same fucking person…but 1977 was a good year and more importantly I like how it reminds us how old as fuck Madonna is…
French Actress Adele Exarchopoulos and Lea Seydoux Lesbian Scene the Day
This is not pornography, this is art, it is cinema, and like fashion, the nudity associated with cinema is considered ART and not pornography, even though it is as pornographic as mainstream movies can get, I mean she’s in so deep she probably got poo on her nose…
Her name is Adele Exarchopoulos, she’s getting a lot of hype, mainly cuz of this movie that was banned in America called Blue is the Warmest Color, that is about high school kids who fuck….the other actress is Lea Seydoux, who plays the older lady who fucks the younger girl, and the whole thing reminds us just how great French women are…and how great French cinema is…
The movie opens in the States this week, maybe even today, looks awesome enough for me, even if there is only 10 minutes of fucking in the 3 hour movie, but I’m always into watching movies for the sex, and I am really into giving girls any reason to to dyke out like they want to, but would never, without a purpose, like it is a job, so they actually do it….
Looks hot to me…
Posted in:Adele Exarchopoulos|Léa Seydoux|NSFW
Inga Makarova Nude Modeling for a Magazine Called Volo of the Day
I don’t know who this Inga Makarova chick is, but I know she’s lovely as fuck and that I am in love and hope she is still available for purchased on the mail order bride websites that I am sure don’t actually ship the ones who look like this, but rather the ditch pigs no one wants, because that’s the key to internet scams, but it low and sell it high…and I guess anyone buying a wife on the internet, doesn’t really have standards…
Posted in:Inga Makarova|NSFW
Sallie Axl and her Classy 2014 Calendar Photoshoot of the Day
Sallie Axl is some gutter Glamour Model shit….but in her defence so are all Glamour models…because the whole basis of a Glamour Model is to find them big titty girls when they are inexpensive, sign them into a contract, and recruit them into your magazine, where they show off their tits for very little money, but fame…fame that they can leverage to find good rich husbands…it is the dream most strippers I know have…that one day they will be saved by some knight in shining American Express Black card…only with this Glamour model hustle…there’s more hope of that happening, because idiot rich dudes think it is status to date some bitch who has been published, or who has her own calendar, because it is seemingly more high profile than some girl with a yeast infection from rubbing up against a dirty stripper pole…
Posted in:NSFW|Sallie Axl
Ellen Page Alleged Video Game Nudity Stunt of the Day
So Ellen Page was cast as a character in a video game put out by Sony called Beyond Two Souls, I guess she’s not getting much other work….
Here’s the scene these alleged nude pics are from that you’ll like since you prefer cartoon women better than real women, they cost less and don’t talk back unless you program them to….weirdo…
Apparently, she was never naked on set, that Sony is saying the body is someone else’s body and that Ellen Page was in a spandex suit when they were doing her body imaging….and that these leaked pics aren’t of her…but Ellen Page is still suing them…
I don’t follow Ellen Page or video games, I just post the pics…and here they are…and they sound like a huge publicity stunt to me…because nerdy video game programmers can make even the most clothed girl naked…that’s kinda what their sex life is based on….
Posted in:Ellen Page|NSFW
Alyssa Arce Hot Model I’ve Never Heard Of of the Day
Alyssa Arce is Playboy’s Miss July….
I had never heard of her before seeing pics from this photoshoot, where clearly she’s fucking lovely, and I guess this means Playboy, a magazine that had fallen hard into the depths of horrible, because they had senile Hefner trying to determine who was hot enough for the cover, and in doing that chose all these horrible bitches, turning what was once a premium magazine, into some gutter porn shit…that people couldn’t even jerk off to if they wanted to because it was just fucking awful across the board…
Well, I guess until July, when Alyssa Arce exposed her vagina in it, because after seeing these pics of her, I approve of these titties…and it’s really all about what I approve…when it comes to billion dollar companies who do what I do better…right…
All this to say, who cares about Playboy, let’s stare at Alyssa Arce…
Posted in:Alyssa Arce|NSFW
Kate Moss Never Wears a Bikini Top of the Day
Kate Moss is probably around 100 years old and has been modelling for at least 4 decades at this point…so seeing her topless at the beach is nothing really exciting or new…because she does this every time she is in a bikini…she’s European like that…not to mention she’s been topless in her modelling since the 90s…so these nipples are like an old friend or ex girlfriend…and like old friends they are boring to hang out with, you kinda hate what they have become, and you try to avoid them when they call you for the 10th time and you feel obligated to answer, but they bring a level of normalcy and comfort to your life, consistency, even though they are now just older and fatter and less interesting than they once were…and you already fucked them in their prime…but you’ll still keep them around…cuz that’s what life is about…never turning your back on a set of tits…even if you really want to…