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Archive for the SFW Category




Billy Ray Cyrus and Tish Cyrus Do Social Distorition Dance of the DAy

A video posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on

What people seem to forget about Miley Cyrus is that she is white trash…when she does all these shocking things that are so against the Disney Way…unless you’re talking about in the offices of the Disney Execs, which since the dawn of time have been rumored to involve child rape….

Her dad was a viral song in the 90s before the internet existed. How it went viral, I dont’ fucking know and I’m not about to research…but 9 months after it did go viral, Miley was born to Tish Cyrus, some coctail waitress, and I use that word loosely, stripping looking bitch….who hopped onto Billy Ray…because that was the kind of gold digging and trapping she could do…it was either dude with a hit song or the trucker out back….go for the gold…

So together, this trash got money, like the Beverly Hillbilly-ray-cyrus’, and whoring out their daughter, was just the logical step…

So when she’s naked, flashing tit, doing her thing, and wondering where the parents are, the answer is the mom’s out having a gangbang, the dad out hunting road kill in the canyon…..when they aren’t singing Social Distortion doing the stripper dance…



Posted in:Billy Ray Cyrus|SFW




Nicki Minaj is Single for Cosmo of the Day


Nick Minaj….is in Cosmo this month…where she probably discusses a whole lot of bullshit, because Nicki Minaj is bullshit…she’s some acting school, casting couch, creation to reach a hole in the market Lady Gaga made, you know a circus clown weirdo….who eventually because Lil Kim…in a weird turn from bubble gum pop…to rapping about the quivering of her asshole while being eaten out…thanks to the world being sexed the fuck out…

Well, throughout the whole thing, she went from fat chick to fat tits and fat ass….and I guess here are the vanilla and boring teeny bopper pics…

When what I think is more interesting, is that according to her instagram it looks like Nicki Minaj is single…thanks to rappers fucking groupies and getting caught…not that I find Nicki Minaj’s sex life, love life, personal life, professional life, her music…or anything about her interesting…



Posted in:Nick Minaj|SFW




Caitlyn Jenner’s Vanity Fair Cover of the Day


I guess we can thank Caitlyn Bruce Jenner for taking some attention away from his vapid, disgusting, porn star stepdaughter, as his cover for Vanity Fair where he outs himself, or names himself Caitlyn, in what I guess is the most publicized tranny of the year, thanks to being part of the most publicized family of the decade, in what is probably the most substantial thing they’ve contributed to the world…not because I love trannies, or I’m into tranny porn, or because I didn’t think Kim Kardashian was a tranny and still do…but because apparently this is empowering and inspiring other Trannies who are feeling lost in the world, and that’s more than we can say for the rest of the family that has just contributed to people getting ass implants, filming sex tapes, and being vapid tacky cunts…that we all hate…because it’s low level garbage…

But Bruce Jenner…I mean for a 60 year old…motherfucker’s got some Olympian tits..and why does he look like Katie Holmes..

Posted in:Bruce Jenner|SFW




Jessica Alba’s 200 Million Dollar Humping of the Day

A video posted by Jessica Alba (@jessicaalba) on

Jessica Alba was a hardly talented, but hot, actress who never got naked but who people fucking loved, probably not because she’s a Mexican, since no one likes Mexicans…who trapped her boyfriend at the time, who had just dumped her, Cash Warren, by getting pregnant and forcing him to do the right thing and be a dad to the kids…which worked out nicely for him, because he linked her up with some tech geniuses who were able to build a brand off of her, and all she had to do was promote it…

Sure, part of the marketing campaign was that she worked 86 hours a week and built it from the ground up, but I have people who know people, who know people, and apparently, she was definitely present at the office, but she never really handled anything, or made any decisions..

It was just a spokes modeling contract that worked in this dot com tech wild west where anyone can become a billionaire…with the right team and 20% equity in something…

I am not saying she doesn’t deserve to be worth 200 million dollars, at least she took her celebrity and followed the american capitalist dream to make stupid fucking money…like she was Ashton Kutcher…

I am just saying, who the fuck cares…the real discussions should be “where are her tits!!”…billioare or not..I want to see her tits…because I’m old..and remember when she actually mattered…

I’m not impressed by any of this, it doesn’t matter to me..or really to any of you….great, you’re a fucking evil billion dollar corporation that manipulated idiots into her lie…now where are the tits?

She was already rich and living the rich life…before this…not to mention, why isn’t the Brian Lee…the founder of LegalZoom and ShoeDazzle, who runs the fucking company….oh probably worth more than Alba’s 200 million take….why isn’t he on the cover? Oh right, because that would fuck up the marketing campaign that involves Alba being the face…now where are the tits?

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All this to say, this is more interesting than Kim Kardashian’s second pregnancy, unless her second pregnancy ends with complications that leave her dead….

Posted in:Jessica Alba|SFW




Miley Cyrus’ Armpit Hair is Red of the Day

Screen Shot 2015-05-01 at 11.10.50 AM

I have a friend who used to fuck girl’s armpits…like he would only be able to get off if he was fucking an armpit…and he would even pay regular girls to let him fuck their armpits and most girls would go along with it because they never had their armpit fucked…and figured why the hell not do it like a hooker….

I have been in different sexual situations where I find myself licking a sweaty armpit, not because I love armpit but because it is there…

So I am not against armpits…I mean I am not against anything on a girl…but really not against armpits…even if I am not into armpits like my friend is….

I am also into bush, unkempt huge fucking bush…But for some reason, when the two come together…and are dyed to bring more attention to them….I get repulsed…

Miley has a great body, is a lot of fun, but I just can’t fuck with that hipster feminist trend…even if it is just hair and not a huge deal…I don’t think liking a hairless armpit means I want to take away a woman’s right to vote….it just means red armpit hair freaks me the fuck out…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Rihanna Bikini Photoshoot of the Day


Rihanna did a little self produced bikini photoshoot for social media…because Rihanna loves being half naked in pictures…it is a good kind of attention that must remind her of when she was prostituting herself in barbados at the Karaoke bars the rich British men went….before miraculously landing a record deal and becoming Rihanna….

There’s a back story here…I just don’t know what it is…but at least in the mean time she gives us glimspes into her core personality…that of a girl…who likes being watched….while half naked…and as a guy who likes to watch half naked….that works for me…unfortunately…Rihanna doesn’t…because if she did….I’d probably not be wasting time posting on her bikini pics for instagram…but instead spending all the money she makes me…

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Katie Cassidy in a Bikini of the Day



I don’t know anything about Katie Cassidy …other than that she’s David Cassidy’s daughter…which means she probably has a lot of daddy issues, you know because her daddy was some teen idol in the 70s, which would theoretically make him some kind of self-involved, egotistical, drug fueled asshole who is still stuck in the glory days of the Patridge Family, leading to a very fucked up upbringing…

But then again, maybe she’s normal, but there is no fun in that…and I guess there is no fun in her getting into the entertainment industry either, considering her dad, her grand parents, her uncles were all in it…and if she was to become a doctor or lawyer, she’d be more interesting..

The good news is that her in a bikini makes none of that matter…because at 29…she still looks good in a bikini.


Posted in:Katie Cassidy|SFW




Selena Gomez is a Mexican Pot Bellied Pig of the Day


Selena Gomez was just in Mexico, possibly recording a video, or a song, or just having a break from the vacation that is her life, with a couple of black music producers, who either made her some beats..or beat her fucking pussy until she couldn’t watch, which actually would take a lot, thanks to being her size and ethnicity…not to say Mexicans have big pussies…but ya know…they do.


Well she got back to her house in Calabasas that is probably more of a resort, or luxury hotel, staffed by Mexicans…where she had someone take a pic of her by her pool…with her gunt hanging out..

I mean girl has gained a solid 20 lbs and is owning it…which is wrong. Sure fat girls everywhere want to bring her over to the dark side by shaming her for being skinny…and celebrating her when she is fat….but a fat Selena is a bad Selena…no one wants to look like the Mexican working the taco stand…not even the Mexican working the taco stand…she’s just happy she’s got a green card…

All this to say…I prefer emotional starvation to emotional eating…and here’s her pot belly…for you to jerk off to…because you’re a Selena Gomez fan and she can do no wrong.

Here she is for Mario Testino’s Towel series…


Here she is still in Mexico…Rocking a Massive Fat Girl Cameltoe…

Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Kylie Jenner and her Black Boyfriend in a Stripper Bikini of the Day


I like that 17 year old Kylie Jenner realizes that now is the peak time based on historical evidence, for her to make as much noise as fucking possible, because America loves girls when they are 17, about to turn 18, acting slutty…even though we were all 17 once and probably fucking slutty 17 year old girls who had been fucking older guys since they were 14…at least I was…It’s not like teens don’t jerk off or watch porn, especially in this era fuck…they’ve been watching porn since they were 5. Thanks Internet.

But for some reason, a reason I call programming…the media loves saying “OMG THIS 17 YEAR OLD FUCKS”…or “WEARS STRIPPER BIKINIS”…or “HAS ASS IMPLANTS”….it’s like they forget that you can be a whore at all ages…especially when your mom forces it on you…and focus on a dated law that doesn’t reflect the fact that 17 and 18 is pretty much the same fucking thing…only this is illegal…and won’t be in a few months, even though it is being treated like it is not illegal, because the government can’t decide when a girl’s ready or not…

Here’s some pics of her from instagram…

Here’s a video of a girl doing the “#kyliejennerchallenge”….which is a tactic to suck on a jar to make your lips fuller…and it is amazing to see the positive impact she has on the youth:

Here are some pics:

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Selena Gomez Bikini Recovery of the Day


Selena Gomez responded to everyone calling her fat, because she is fat, with a “More to me to love”…positive message of “I eat a lot”…that has got a lot of fat girls through being fat and allowed them to continue being fat…and even getting fatter…only to die of heart disease and stroke…since that kind of “I don’t give a fuck”…”embrace yourself”…”this is me”…is actually really fucking unhealthy…despite what the people putting sugar and hormones in everything are telling you…

The good news is that she’s rolling with black rapper dudes…which could either be the cause or the effect of Selena Gomez being this size….you know because so many fat girls before her have found confidence when an athletic black guy with an 11 inch penis destroys them…and tells them how hot they are…because that’s what they are into…

Either way, as long as the bikini is happening, girl doesn’t need a model body…hell, she doesn’t need any body…just tits and a pussy..and we’re good….

So Stop fat Shaming…and start jerking off to her…because this is Selena Gomez…chubby….and slutty….like chubby girls are…and I think she looks good to grab..

Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW