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Archive for the SFW Category




Rihanna Models Sunglasses for DIOR of the Day


Rihanna is not just a pop tart who sings other people’s songs pretty fucking badly, but in a really fucking marketable way, thanks to being from the Islands and just going along with this whole winning at life thing…

But she also sits with Sunglass designers at Dior and says which of the 50 designs they present her are her favorite – in an hour long meeting – so that they can come up with the Marketing hook that Rihanna designed these glasses, as the girl who actually designed the glasses sits at home crying as she drinks a bottle of wine she can barely afford from her shitty junior designer job…making herself feel better about things because “Rihanna chose one of my designs out of the 50, that means I am good, right?”….no credit when you work for vapid celebs who everyone wants to ride the name of…

Rihanna also modeled the glasses she “designed”…so versatile..

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Jessica Simpson in a Biking of the Day


Jessica Simpson has a billion dollar clothing brand that she built off a billion dollar record / music and reality TV star career….and in keeping her brand name alive she sometimes is forced into doing shoots for the site…you know “Push them products, the fat chicks who buy this garbage want to see her, that’s why they wear her name on their plus sized elastic waistband pants”….so now that she’s not fat and there is photoshop they make her get her sloppy mom body in a one piece…that is not as bad as it was thanks to a million dollar Weight Watchers campaign, ut that is still fucking busty even though they photoshop the shit out of it…and they use some lookalike Jessica Simpson, still youthful, for all the other fucking pics…

So these are the three that made the cut to make the brand seem relevant and alive and to make Jessica Simpson seem connected to connect with the trash who buy this shit..and there’s a lot of trash who buy this shit….




Posted in:Jessica Simpson|SFW




Ashley Graham is a Monster in a Swimsuit of the Day


Ashley Graham is terrifying…

She’s so body positive as she cashes her checks being the hireable fat girl with the loudest voice and least offensive face in fat girls…wearing bikins and bathing suits…even though fat girls should stick to oversized elastic waistband sweatsuits…despite there being a huge market for fat chick bikinis since the world is so fucking fat…even though no one wants to see fat chicks in bikinis…except maybe fat girls who don’t think they are that fat since their friend is fatter and dudes still fuck them…even though they are still fucking fat…

Fat girls are better off locking up and shutting down, eating their feelings until they decide to choose life and start working out…this accepting and owning laziness being a powerplay is so ridiculous since all evidence states fat is death and fat is something you can get over if you work at it..but why work..when you can spin that story out…so that you don’t have to…it’s fucking crazy…

That’s not to say I wouldn’t piss on Ashley Graham’s pussy while she’s getting eaten out by some skinny model, in some fat model on normal model mud wrestling fetish after the eating contest I masterfully coordinated…I have no standards, the world needs fat chicks..just not as models…or rolemodels…perpetuating the lazy that made them…

Not to mention – this bitch is photoshopped and made up – which by definition of being body positive is hypocrisy….

This whole celebrate fat – swimsuit for all is a good scam – but just crazy…unless you’re a black dude…

They have a video – big budget set video – all for fat chicks – what the fuck…I need to get into the fat chick business…

Posted in:Ashley Graham|SFW




Hannah Ferguson Weird Shoot for Triumph Magazine of the Day

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Hannah Ferguson is a hard faced model who was put out by TRUMP models, not sure if TRUMP still owns the modeling agency, which is really just an escort agency for him to find pussy to stare at and be around, but that still does huge things in the world – like create Hannah Ferguson…the 10,000 dollar a night, will travel to 5 star hotels, low level…like real low level…sports illustrated model…oh no wait – that’s Samantha Hoopes…

This one dates another model’s brother, but these girls are all a variation of a hooker, half naked, and I’m into that…it’s the girls who pretend they aren’t whores that annoy me….own that pussy, be that pussy, pose that pussy, fuck rich guys with that pussy…you deserve it..

I like it.

Posted in:Hannah Ferguson|SFW




Gillian Anderson Tits on a Computer for the Nerds of the Day


I never thought Gillian Anderson was hot. I never watched the X Files. I also thought the nerds who thought she were hot were just undersexed perverts with no real options….but to jerk off to the star of their favorite show…and they were, I was right, but surprisingly…they still exist and will forever remain the object of their desire – thanks to being an obsessive compulsive, socially awkward nerd – who still considers those years the glory days…

I assume those people are probably the same people who still visit the site…all 3 of you…who come visit the site…so as a service to you and your adult virginity…and memories of your youthful chronic masturbation to girls you pretended were your girlfriends…who you made sex dolls of as you came on their pics…like Gillian Anderson…here is her cleavage…many years later…in some selfie she posted…weirdness…alien shit…the real x files…

Posted in:Gillian Anderson|SFW




Edita Vilkeviciute for Shitty Zara Catalog Pics of the Day


Edita Vilkeviciute has big tits…Zara has big budgets…together they came together and made fucking garbage…

It’s like when you see too really hot people together in love – with some ugly retard kid in a bike helmet with thick glasses on at the age of 3….all autistic from Vaccines, and mutated because TWO RIGHTS don’t always make a RIGHT….

The world is saturated with boring catalog pics that look like they are shot on an iphone..

The world has too many, even though we can never have too many, people playing model on the internet like a bunch of fucking losers who should be beat up, and bikini pics and nude pics are everywhere – shot for under 100 dollars for props for the most part…

So when you have 100k or you’re paying a model 100k…a titty model…who has worked with all the brands…for some big production thing – why not go fucking big – instead of this…

It’s like I can’t even see her pussy slit in her bikini bottoms – what the fuck is this shit…I’m going back to looking at nobodies on instagram…

The only good pic is her fake laugh so I can imagine stickin’ my dick in her mouth like I was the one who helped her escape eastern europe at a price..

Posted in:Edita Vilkeviciute|SFW




Ariana Grande’s Subtle Butt Shot THOT of the Day

Ariana Grande on a Bed

Ariana Grande is a THOT…and she’s straight THOTing on her snapchat like every girl out there in the #Squad all thirsty trying to be whorish without being actually whorish..

In this case we have a prime example of “I think my ass looks good”….but presented as “cute inanimate object in the corner next to my butt”….

Brilliant..or is it shameless…or is it obvious….I mean everyone knows what’s going on here…and that is that she’s the worst…

Posted in:Ariana Grande|SFW




Chloe Grace Moretz Legs Post Paparazzi Pics on her instagram of the Day

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Celebrities are such egotistical creatures, so self involved and in love with themselves, that they believe all the good things people say about them instead of listening to the bad things people say and use it as constructive criticism….

I’m in an era where all people would do is shit on the paparazzi, so thanks to social media, we now know that the paparazzi pics celebrities used to complain about, because they are liars and make a living from lying, and like to play things up are actually images they like of themselves, that they use to promote themselves, because it’s competitive out there, make sure you’re the one they are paying attention to, and if you’re Britney Spears or Brittny Murphy, make them your boyfriend you need them… since calebs are egos and love all images of themselves…

So this is a paparazzi pic, Chloe Grace found when googling herself, that she’s posted without credit in a “Look at my legs”…because despite paparazzi being shitty photographers..with decent cameras…this makes her look less doughy, maybe she’s been bending it for Beckham…

Shameless whores…all of them….but none of them post pics of themselves getting shit on..


Posted in:Chloe Grace Moretz|SFW




When You Bang Leonardo DiCaprio You Land Vogue Beauty of the Day


Here’s a pretty simple mathematical equation for you…

Big Titty Published Once Model Kelly Rohrbach + Sex or Fake Sex To Hide His Homosexuality with Leonardo DiCaprio = Landing Baywatch Movie and leveraging that to a Vogue Spread…because now you fucking matter and all it took was a little fucking or the illusion of fucking…

Make fucking fucking count girls…and be like this whore Kelly Rohrbach…in Vogue Beauty..lookin’ all big titty and modeling..

Posted in:Kelly Rohrbach|SFW




Emily Didonato in Vogue Ukraine of the Day


Emily DiDonato is an American Model…something you don’t really see that often…since American Girls have taken a liking to having the wrong kind of eating disorder…you know one fueled with fast food and not starving themselves.. eating their feelings with sugar addiction – candy and greasy foods everywhere…plus sized model that shit, don’t body shame me, be body positive even though YOU ARE GOING TO DIE with your fatness – it’s scientifically proven you lazy cunt…

Let’s celebrate her for “Fleet Week”…this time in Vogue Ukraine not SI or VS, who are usually forced to outsource their skinny chicks, while only using fat Americans….to make their brands accessible…

She’s not naked, I think she’s banged Jake Gyllenhaal, these pics aren’t that good..but they happened bro..and sometimes that’s all that matters..

Posted in:Emily DiDonato|SFW