I'll Make You Famous…




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

So you probably already know what an On/Off is, so I’m going to write you a novel explaining it to you, despite you already knowing, because my take, that I take, every fucking week when I do this post…is really not that enlightening, interesting, even funny…

I mean there really isn’t FUNNY in girls posting side-by-side pics of themselves in clothes and naked, or less clothed, depending how keen the slut involved is….but there is FUN in girls posting these side-by-sides…it’s the best game ever, one they should implement instead of college, because seeing clothing vs no clothing enlightens us…it helps us see what’s really there…on a philosophical level….it’s DEEP man…but also technical…in that we can see what fabric technologies can do to help women mislead people by making themselves look better…it’s that WHO DONE IT MYSTERY of does she look better or worse….presented to us in an easy way to understand…in PICTURE form, which is why you should be looking at the damn pictures by now, I hope you’re looking at the damn picture by now…

Spoiler Alert…the NUDES are always better, even when they look worse, because they are nude and it’s nice to have the side-by-side to know it’s really a nude.


Posted in:OnOff




Jamie Lynn Spears Bikini of the Day

I heard that Jamie Lynn Spears has put herself on the chopping block to be the diversion from all the insanity that is Britney Spears, her handlers, her own parents, all exploiting her, enslaving her, imprisoning her, in what we can be certain will end in killing her off….

So while Britney’s out there putting weird terrorist camp beheading video energy out on her IG feed from her mansion that doubles as her prison cell….they’ve got Jamie Lynn in the mix either speaking out, not about her being molested and impregnated by that Nickelodeon exec they say knocked her up when she was underage…but by taking weirdo bikini pics with her tits exploding out…because everyone knows tits are a great diversion…and her bikini pics also have that terrorist beheading video energy…you know to keep it all in the family’s aesthetic….like how the Scotts have their Tartans or some shit…

I guess it is possible that Jamie Lynn is doing this for attention to herself, you know she’s allowed to have a life of her own, assuming her dad doesn’t have her in the same Spears’ cage that we don’t know about because who cares about Jamie Lynn…plus they all live off Britney so anything they do is to offset the fact they re exploiting her..

But now that the world knows she has tits, maybe it is Jamie Lynn’s time to fucking shine….it’s a win to me…except that the family are billionaires, yet their pics are all shot on a Sega Master System….


Posted in:Jamie Lynn Spears




Frog Butt Friday of the Day

Frog Butt as a pose is evidence that girls practice and plan their instagram poses for their slutty instagram content and they have communities or conversations about the various poses they can do depending on the body part they are trying to give some shine to….

So they’ve got the Centaur pose, where they king their back in the weirdest way while pushing their chest out to get the look of a curved back arch, with more higher up ass…they’ve got the cross your arms to push your tits up…and they have FROG BUTT…some make the ass look rounder whilst on your knees…and it’s pretty hot.


Posted in:Frog Butt




Hailey Baldwin Bieber Tits Out for Jesus of the Day

I like when I see Hailey Baldwin Bieber out with her tits out because it reminds me that she pretends to be some Jesus loving, Jesus Freak, which as you probably know is not something you advertise, but rather something you just live out, but for whatever reason these hollywood Jesus freaks are slutty…or at least LEWD…you know they didn’t get the MODEST IS THE HOTTEST MEMO..

Now I am not a religious man, but everything I’ve heard about her and Bieber is that they connected through god, through the church and got married to consummate the relationship despite having already fucked in the past, she as a Bieber Groupie and letting him pop her cherry was a gift to him….

Anyway, maybe her logic is that god made her tits, clothing is a construct of man….or that GOD made these clothes to fit like this so that people can see her tits and so she can get more attention to herself because she is someone who clearly doesn’t believe in the church, because she befriended the Kardashian/Jenners and followed them everywhere…like they were Jesus…

The Jesus thing, probably an angle, or maybe the POPE has accepted tits like he’s accepted gays…WHO KNOWS….


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|Hailey Baldwin Bieber|Hailey Bieber




Skylar Grey See Through of the Day

Skylar Grey has hard nipples.


Posted in:Skylar Grey




Brie Larson Pussy Stretch of the Day

I saw someone bitching about the “FAN CASTS” he hates…meaning the people who get cast in these bullshit superhero movies that fucking suck but that make Hollywood a ton of fucking money because people are mindless idiots into action movies that suck…based on comic books that sucked…in an era where I thought we’d be better than this…you know after years of making fun of comic book nerds…why they fuck are we making their stories into movies that take up budgets from actually original concepts….you know we BULLIED the nerds so that we wouldn’t need to deal with this shit….but instead, the nerds succeeded, were drawn to work in Hollywood because a nerd in Hollywood is not seen as a nerd because he’s in Hollywood…and I realize a guy with a website calling a millionaire movie producer making nerd movies a nerd…is pretty fucking nerd but know that I barely know how to send an email which is NOT nerdy at all….

In the event you are confused – this is not a fan SITE…

THAT SAID, the dude asking about Fan Castings that he hates, which included Jared Leto, Tom Hardy and who the fuck else, but they never mentioned Brie Larson….

Brie Larson is the fucking worst, try hard, desperate to be an actor, who potentially sold her soul to the devil…because she’s sure not hot enough to justify that celebrity she ended up getting..but she’s got this celebrity and it was all thanks to one movie role, that I actually didn’t mind her in, but they spun that into her faking it as a legit celebrity…while clearly not doing a very good job at the celebrity thing…because despite the roles she’s got…she’s not deserving, doesn’t have that star power, and just sort of squeezed her way in through her asshole I assume….because if she did have star power, her lame ass attempt at being a popstar would have done more for her.

I have no idea why she looks like she’s 45….but she’s probably 45…as she poses in this one-piece…if youre into mom bodies and flat asses stretching….I’m not…if they pretend she’s a star, I’ll pretend she’s worthy of posting…but I am pretending..this is make belief….


Posted in:Brie Larson




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back panties are still panties that you probably wish you could sniff, or that remind you of the panties that you’ve stolen from your sister’s laundry hamper back in high school to sniff, basically panties, especially dirty panties, are for sniffing…that fresh or not so fresh butthole smell…that crusty discharge after a long day of leaking…you know…that petri-dish of good fucking times…all while looking great on the girls who wear them…whether they are FULL BACK who have a bad reputation, or more sleazy versions…they are underwear and despite being very similar to bathing suit bottoms…are designed to be worn under the clothes and therefore you seeing it is special..if if these girls are just trying to clickbait…it works for me…and for you…you panty loving fuck….so into panties you’ve jerked off to your senior neighbor’s panties she hangs out to dry even though you’re not sure she even has a cunt, because if she did it died long ago, but your love of panties overrides that….PANTY BOY….


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Hunter McGrady Poo Fetish of the Day

Hunter McGrady Poo Fetish

Hunter McGrady is another one of these fat chicks that is pretending to be healthy and empowered when we can smell the diabetes wafting off of her…bitch smells like fruit juice and BBQ sauce…at least she looks like it…

She is the pawn USED by Sports Illustrated to pretend that they care about fat people…

They do not care about fat people.

They care about people thinking they care about fat people…when even fat people don’t want to be seen in a bikini uless it’s to make them more internet famous so they can monetize right…

The fact is that these “BELIEVE SCIENCE” whiners of the internet who are “WOKE” and “Blue haired” and looking all trans like Kamala Harris’ now a model stepdaughter (check her out HERE you fucking puppets)…don’t believe science when EVERYTHING about science says that fat kills…and FAT people know this…but I guess marketers know that FAT people are great consurmers so market to them with fat chicks and who really cares when they die, we’re all overpopulated already and can sacrifice a few so long as they spend their money before they go on shit they don’t need.

THERE is nothing hot about fat…even the tits aren’t impressive cuz they ate too much to make them….and the fact that the media panders to this shit is reason to NOT TRUST THE MEDIA…they are pushing inconsistent LIES….for some bigger agenda…

Anyway, she’s repped by some major influencer agency, always using her by doing the Diversity, Plus Sized, Unrealistic Body Expectations are Bad, so lets hit the polar opposite of TOO SKINNY…with too fucking fat and say too fucking fat is fine…but hot an skinny and fit is not…WEIRD….

All this to say, fat is gross…stop eating, start working out, it’s not empowering just cuz brands sell XXXL thongs you dumb fucks…it’s a SCAM…a MONEY MAKING SCAM!

I guess this is Hunter and her man trying to be funny, while advertising he’s a chubby chaser, or a clout chaser, or a bit of both, because I guess some dudes are into the BBW outside of 3 am last call pussy….they are open to letting people know they like being smothered by gunt..in their pick and fold and fuck it sex….but I’ll just assume they’re queer, since everyone is queer…

Hunter McGrady Poo Fetish


Posted in:Hunter Mcgrady




Bella Thorne Bra of the Day

I have a hard time believing that Bella Thorne was able to design her success the way it has panned out for her.

I do think she’s been trained to take order and follow direction since she was very young, and that people saw her as the answer to taking on the generation, so they designed her every move.

I have a hard time believing any of these popular people really envisioned or strategized or even managed to put any of this together, people are lazy, especially people who are built by Disney and told to do what they are told for Disney…

I do not think Disney would invest MILLIONS into a bitch over the years, build her audience, then just tap out when the real money is going to get made.

I do think that Disney is smart enough to know that the 14 year old audience turn 18 and when they turn 18 they will no longer think the starlet they thought was cool was still cool.

So like Miley, Lohan and so many others before her, they have to sexualize them, rebrand them, reposition them…and run with it.

They saw youtubers were trending with the young, get Bella integrated in their storylines, leaving the YOUTUBERS excited that a Disney Kid wants to hang with them….

They saw OnlyFans happened, knew they could make money and make it part of her brand….then build a sideline business off of it.

It’s nice to think she’s got no handlers, that all she does is off the cuff, but she got the fake tits for a reason, and now shes’ using them….

Either way, who cares who is owned and controlled by big corporations so long as part of their strategy is TITS OUT….only Bella Throne hasn’t fully gone TITS out, not even on her Only Fans, because she still needs to work in the mainstream…it’s all scams!


Posted in:Bella Thorne




Ava Max Nipple of the Day

I don’t know who AVA MAX is, but this is her nipple in a tight t-shirt because that’s the kind of things girls do to give you thinks to jack off to…while pretending to be progressive FREE THE NIPPLE feminists because bras are so oppressive…we get it, we remember the bra burners of the 60s happened, you’re not that innovative bro…

Not that I care what idiots use as their motivation, let them think they are revolutionary, clueless about historical nipple freeing, because I don’t expect much knowledge in any of these idiots, despite the access to all the knowledge…it’s easier to selfie..

Anwyays, she’s a singer, she’s has charted, she’s Albanian like DUA LIPA, BEBE REXHA, RITA ORA…and probably a few other popstars….in what I find fucking weird…why are they all ALbanian?

Apparently, she’s a bootleg Gaga…this is one of her annoying quotes

” I don’t like people putting me, or anyone else I know in a box”.

Now look at her bullshit tits.


Posted in:Uncategorized