I'll Make You Famous…




Sarah Hyland Looks Like She Smells of the Day

Sarah Hyland Stinks Bra

Sarah Hyland is giving a titty shout out to her fellow Kidney Failure homie, who is less of a Kidney Failure and more of a organ harvesting host body that Selena Gomez used as her Kidney donor, because if you’re an aspiring celebrity who isn’t getting too far ahead in your career, offer your organs to the biggest celebrity out there, for hope that the Publicity that comes with being her donor gets you work if you don’t die in the process…

As it turns out, Sarah Hyland hasn’t died of COVID, yet, but she does seem to having bigger tits….which isn’t saying much because that face creeps me the fuck out…there’s something wrong with her and her preemie looking face and if you don’t believe me, ask her double kidney transplant…something most people don’t get done.

All this to say, into the titty show, not into anything else and it looks like she smells like a can opener used for wet dog food that hasn’t been wiped down in 6 years.


Posted in:Sarah Hyland




Noah Cyrus Tits of the Day

Noah Cyrus Topless

Noah Cyrus posted up some weird topless pic, despite having shitty tits but more importantly no actual fans….at least you’d assume she had no actual friends until you see the image the nerds of the internet adjusted so we can see her full tit….then you have to ask yourself…who the fuck is adjusting pics of Noah Cyrus topless so that you can see her shitty nipple….

Noah Cyrus Topless

Then you remember that seeing anyone getting naked or half naked, even if youare just there for the sister, is better than seeing them clothed or not getting naked or half naked, because we are perverts.

My theory is if you’re going to follow any girl, no matter how ugly or depressing her story is….knowing that she’s rich, with famous family members she will never be as important, relevant or successful as, but that because of that has been told she’s great her whole fucking life, even though they knew she was pretty ugly, probably why they doubled down on building her confidence, so that she can try hard to make herself famous being edgy too….since looks are only part of the formula when being a slut on the internet for attention…since being the slut is the part we actually care about, the person doing the slutting is interchangeable…


Posted in:noah cyrus




Rowan Blanchard G String of the Day

I once wrote this about Rowan Blanchard:

Rowan Blanchard has over 5 million followers on social media and I am pretty sure that I’ve never heard of her, but all these slutty celebrities that you weird perverts are obsessed with, sort of blend into each other because they are basically all the fucking same…

That said, she is a Disney Kid, who played TOPANGA’s daughter on GIRLS MEETS WORLD a show that was a spin off of BOY MEETS WORLD…and who’s reboot launched the porn career of MAITLAND WARD because there was suddenly new interest in her….

She turned 18 on OCTOBER 14, so you pervert fans are probably mad about it, but where for me, 18 is when she starts to exist…when the fun begins cuz I’m still a pervert, just not that kind of pervert, at 50 fucking years old, anything under 45 starts to look good, even when it doesn’t, plus the early 20s is when the real slutty content starts to happen.

THAT SAID….Her mom and dad are YOGA INSTRUCTORS…..which is hilarious, put the kid to work to pay the bills like she’s Corey Feldman…despite it destroying her at her core…

She is a self-proclaimed feminist, which means we can expect to see her using feminism as an excuse for nudity and empowerment and hairy armpits like all these social media girls do…and that’s something I appreciate being a pervert who likes when girls post slutty shit on the internet because my life is depressing and this is the content that keeps us cruising…

Pretty much sums it up, here she is in a G-String because young people are just edgy exhbitionists who hate men despite producing non stop content for them to jack off to.

Rowan Blanchard Beach G String

Anyone notice she looks like Jaime Gomez, also known as The Teacher, Michel and Andreas from The Buddhafield Cult??


Posted in:Rowan Blanchard




Meadow Walker Shower Porn of the Day

Meadow Walker is in the shower, probably washing off sin from being the heathen who takes videos of herself in the shower, but then again, that’s the mainstream thing to do in this over-sharing society of attention seeking idiots who think they are the stars of their own reality shows thanks to having social media, despite having nothing interesting to say, while barely doing anything interesting, it’s all just an illusion, an avatar, a second life…pretty fucking pathetic on all levels…but when your dad is Paul Walker, you might as well milk it because there are two types of people in this world, those who watch Fast and the Furious and those who don’t, I am one who doesn’t watch that shit, but I know the people who do are so hard for Paul Walker that his skinny slutty daughter with her daddy issues from his premature death and her trust fund is just bonus, you know a nice change of pace from jerking off to Paul Walkers old topless pics….it’s not gay if you’re a super fan…it’s just adoration man…no…it’s gay…but who cares in this era, everyone’s a fucking queer.

Meadow Walker Braless


Posted in:Meadow Walker




Lily James Nude Sex of the Day

Lily James Nude

Lily James who is actually named Lily Chloe Ninette Thomson is some 31 year old British Actress who is getting fake fucked in a movie because movies are make-belief and rarely do they bring us anything authentic, and that is too bad, since we’ve established ourselves as a perverted species filled with sex obsession and exhibitionism, but I guess to these actors and actresses, their fear is to end up in porn, so they keep the sex simulated. Lame.

As a pervert spectator who at one time 25 years ago thought about making mainstream movies with real sex in it, because I’ve always wanted real sex in movies, the fact that Hollywood’s barely even scratched the surface of bringing real sex to the screen for fear of being seen as porn, always offended me….undermined me…like you want me to believe this story and these two cunts don’t fuck, get out of here.

Sure, there are a handful of movies that said “if you’re acting the fucking part, and in fucking character, you two fucking losers better fucking really fuck on camera like you are in the hotel room every night while filming”…..but they pretended to be arthouse, or high brow, when we should be getting real fucked….it’s almost offensive that they don’t…especially for the amount they get paid to do what uselessness they do as “actors”.

Anyway, here’s Lily James bringing it, faking it, possibly getting it like she should be, who fucking knows or really cares.

Lily James Nude

Lily James Nude

Lily James Nude


Posted in:Lily James




Jojo Snake Print Lingerie of the Day

Jojo Lingerie

JoJo has taken a great new direction with her career that most people forgot she ever had because new jailbait sold to the industry turned 18 and replaced her tom boy ass, becaue my memory of her was that of a tom boy that got far too much praise from the desperate loser nerds.

That new direction is get as slutty as possible because it converts because being a half naked on the internet is what the internet is about and for an attention whore trying to relive the glory days of when celebrity mattered, it’s the best route to take, especially when you got the tits like Jojo….

If anything the fact that she’s Jojo, is just a bonus marketing hook, the same way having a celebrity parent is, for the nudie shit they post on social media, you know to give it more reach….but I can assure you that no one is sitting here waiting for Jojo to drop a new song, they’re here waiting for her to drop her damn top again…she flashed us on an IG live, it was obviously intentional, I’d link it but that takes work….

So when she realized that it was time to use her big tits to get likes and follows, pretty pretty basic tactics, but one that doesn’t come so quickly to people who think they are legit and who were taught that was slutty and low level tactics, she got better.

Even Rihanna, who may have grown up watching her on the oil drum TV she had in her shanty, only to give back to the girl and make a lingerie model out of here….because that’s what Jojo is up to here….promoting Rihanna’s lingerie brand…while promoting her big tits….and from this thirsty angle…she’s looking good.

Jojo LingerieJojo Lingerie

Jojo LingerieJojo Lingerie


Posted in:JoJo




January Jones Ruined 2020 of the Day

January Jones Bath

So as I expected, January Jones, the heathen single mother who tried to trap Jason Sudeikis or whatever the fuck that lame comedic actor’s name is, with their baby I doubt he’s met but I am sure has probably paid for, because who needs to meet the kids you pay for when they come with a psychotic bottom feeder who managed to get herself on TV where she got to show the world she had decent sized tits, which is all it really took to keep her around, now on social media more than ever, because the boomer is learning that the internet is based on titties and tits get hits, so she’s been active on the bathing suits and bikinis and the proof that she cast a spell on all of us with her MANIFEST bath, some vision board shit, that probably got her pregnant in the first place, I mean that and hiding the cum in her mouth before she could lay down with her legs up around her head to spit it into her gaping post fucked cunt…..you know mom trapping…or would it be dad trapping…because you know there were no condoms involved in their celebrity sex.


Posted in:January Jones




Ireland Baldwin Got Them Tits On of the Day

Ireland Baldwin Got Them Tits On

I can’t access Ireland Baldwin’s social media because she blocked me years ago, I know what a jerk, but I guess she wasn’t into me ripping into her like the cyberbully I am, because she didn’t ask for it, she was just living her rich kid life, minding her own business while trying to get famous on social media through beach and bikini pics that slowly got darker and darker as she fell the fuck off…..went to rehab…got prison tattoos and I guess filled out her 6 foot tall frame that I still argue could be the model she always wanted to be, since she’s got the height, if she just lost 100 pounds, but instead she lost out to her cousin who is substantially hotter, married to Bieber and friends with the shittiest fucking humans out there….the Jenners and Hadids, not that these people can have valid friendships or relationships, but they can pretend as they use each other for various opportunities as all these phoney fucks do.

Anyway, when she crops herself at her belly button and runs a filter on her face injected face, you don’t realize how barrel bodied this dude is….and you can focus on the big tits…the way her dad Alec wants you to….becaue it’s from the belly button down that you realize she’s got no shape and is just a fucking school bus of a girl coming through….or at least posting titty selfies for attention…as all women do, not just the rich ones with celebrity parents that regret having her so hard they started a new family and keep pumping out new kids to average things out a little better…

Ireland Baldwin Got Them Tits On


Posted in:Ireland Baldwin




Halle Berry Skater Granny of the Day

Halle Berry Skater Girl Granny

Halle Berry is the Drake of acting, which is basically saying that she was lucky enough to have a black father that she may or may not have ever met, or that definitely didn’t have much involvement in her life, but that gave her the backstory to claim being black as she lived the upper middle class life in a white community.

That’s not to say that she’s not black, who am I to decide what a person identifies as, plus when she was in highschool in the 60s, she probably got teased a lot, you know people are racist, at least until her awesome tits grew out….because any dude not getting with that when they had a chance is definitely kicking themselves now, assuming they haven’t died of old age yet.

It is to say that they both had moms who liked black cock, who raised the black kids without the dad and put them into song and dance lessons at a young age so that when they were ready, they could emulate black people as best as they could in movies, or in rap music, even dropping the N-Bomb, because it’s their right as kids with black dads.

Well, it worked out well for both of them because Hollywood and Music needed black people to fill a role and since Hollywood is run by a bunch of racist nerdy dudes who are there for the pussy, the more white and accessible the starlet for the blackpart is, the better it is for them because their racist management styles can manage them without too much cultural differences…so if anything Halle Berry’s whole career is based on racism, where she took the part of actual black girls raised in actual black homes where they struggled with actual black issues…beyond just being teased in their white schools…

But none of that takes away how hot she is, even now, all these years later as she skateboards in a bikini bottom.

Halle Berry Skater Girl Granny
Halle Berry Skater Girl Granny


Posted in:Halle Berry




Cayley King Bikini of the Day

Cayley King Bikini

Despite popular belief, Cayley King is not Martin Luther King’s granddaughter, but I wouldn’t be surprised if her instagram has Black Lives Matter white people appropriating the black plight and trying to make it their own because they like Hip Hop music put out by white owned record labels.

I guess popular belief isn’t that Cayley King is Martin Luther King’s granddaughter, because she’s only got 64k followers and those could very well be Russian Bot followers and her comments on her posts from some India based comment farm call center…

She is however some groupie who managed to fuck Cindy Crawford’s son for a period of time, which is probably a big deal for some sugar baby in LA trying to do that aspiring model thing…but if she was a thirsty as she seems, she should have more followers….

I guess she’s alright as she’s farting in her friend’s face with her pretty sloppy for a model body, but I guess you don’t need fitness to model anymore, they got photoshop for that.

Cayley King Bikini


Posted in:Cayley King