I'll Make You Famous…




Rosie Huntington Booty at the Beach of the Day

Rosie Huntington used to be one of the hottest models, she would get naked despite pulling what seemed like the too good, too rich, too luxurious, what is now being called white privilege, even though people of all kinds can be rich cunts…and Rosie can’t be White Privilege, she posted a pic of a black person in her IG story and possibly apologized for being white, as celebs do…in what has been an INSANE manipulative tactic for who the fuck knows whaat….even her name is WHITELEY….THAT’S HOW WHITE SHE IS…BETTER WATCH OUT OR SHE’LL BE CANCELLED!

She gave pervert bald dudes hope that if they became action heroes like Jason Statham, not Michael Strahan…..they could get good pussy too.

She’s since had a kid with that dude, and this is her mom ass in a Bikini in California with her White Privilege being in Malibu as an Immigrant thank to her MONEY and FAME…while Mexicans born in America are being kept in cages or some shit…because like it or not, the rich get what they want and us poor fucks deal with what we’ve been dealt, or us poor fucks figure it out and get rich so we don’t have to be second rate citizens the masses look down upon like the pile of trash we are…we can be trash in a big house like 90 percent of Hollywood….

Nice fat ass for a mom though…


Posted in:Rosie Huntington|Rosie Huntington-Whiteley|SFW




Georgia Fowler’s Victoria’s Secret / Love and Lemons Campaign of the Day

Georgia Fowler is getting A LOT of hype for being a model and I really have no idea why. It’s one of those things we can’t explain situations where for whatever reason the powers that be have decided that she’s the one for them to use to sell their panties to the masses…when there are so many other girls out there…

I don’t find her all that hot, I mean she’s fine, but there’s nothing stunningly beautiful about her, if anything she just sort of average….the only good news is that she’s not fat, at least they chose average looking over fat because I will never endorse plus sized models and their unhealthy lifestyle choices….no matter how hard pop culture wants to force us into accepting fat people, not fat shaming fat people, it’s been at least 6 years of Obese people crying “what about our fat asses, include us”…get the fuck out of here and get back to that all you can eat buffet as soon as it opens up….

Not Georgia Fowler, she’s the underwear model who is not fat…but she’s not the hottest…but she’s half naked and being treated like she’s the hottest so let’s let her ride it out…we’ll watch…we just won’t be all that impressed…we’ve seen better.

Posted in:Georgia Fowler|SFW




Bella Thorne Topless for The First Time Ever According to Her of the Day

Bella Thorne Infamous Topless

We all know that Bella Thorne is a pile of dog shit, but she’s a popular pile of dog shit thanks to being prostituted by her mom to the entertainment industry for basically her entire life, ending up at DISNEY the dream job for anyone out there learning to be media manipulators in the lamest way possible….Disney are a huge evil company that basically control the media and if you get in with them you are surely designed to be a puppet that can push any agenda they want through their basic brain washing tactics. They are masters of manipulation, under the disguise of being wholesome and for the family, the best bait and switch to push EVIL agenda…

Anyway, Bella Thorne who is now bragging about her first topless scene in a movie, like it’s a big deal, since we’ve all seen her large ginger nipples numerous times…as she’s been gaming social media to make her this main character in this weirdo existence for young people to connect to….

So here she is with half her tit out as she continues her brain washing tactics to get your money, to feed her ego, to allow her to live her dreams all at the expense of having any actual substance…

Here is her topless scene…

Bella Thorne Infamous Topless


Posted in:Bella Thorne




Caitlin Stasey Topless Cigar Smoking of the Day

Caitlin Stasey Nude

Caitlin Stasey is some trashy Australian who posts her tits on the internet because she’s so hip, edgy and intersting. I’m ok with tits on the internet, trashy even if it’s hip, which would otherwise be annoying, except for the tits.

She was on some show called Neighbors, that has been on TV for 50 years or more, and that has cycled through all kinds of low level actresses and made them famous in the native Australian land of trash…

You see, because Australia is so far removed from the world, they’ve got their own weirdo culture based on the criminals who created the modern day Australia….and because of their nice weather, a lot of them are hot….

She considers herself a lesbian, obviously, but her husband is a man named Lucas Neff, so saying she’s a lesbian is pretty offensive, but if you’ve ever been with a drunk Aussie, you’ll know, offensive comes with the territory….

Her husband is an actor named Lucas Neff, who I guess is her “lesbian” partner…who may or may not Bill Clinton her with that CIGAR…but may not Bill Clinton her like the 37 times he was on Epstein’s Island….you know since she identifies as a lesbian and all….and just married her husband for the GREEN CARD…who knows or cares. TITS!


Posted in:Caitlin Stasey




Jordyn Jones Wet and Slutty of the Day

I find it really weird that I’ve been posting about some young slutty girl with 6 million fans on social media for a while now and I still have no fucking idea who she is and I really don’t care, since I’m just here for the smutty bikini pics.

I am sure I’ve googled her a bunch of times to see what her deal actually is, but I don’t retain that kind of information, as she just gets more and more famous, at least in terms of followers everyday….the only think I really ever remember is that she’s from Kalamazoo, probably has a Gilbert Grape looking mom, and she bought her mom a Land Rover because she’s making too much money with those 6 million fans.

They pretend she’s an “artist” but there looks like there is nothing artistic about her, I judge books by their covers, and I am sure if I listened to her art, it’s hardly be art…if anything she’s just some young girl, being used to commuinicate to young people….and I guess a bunch of old perverts like us…and that’s ok.

But I think you need to know more about her…she was in a girl group called 5LP…I feel like they didn’t have 1LP….she was on the first season of Abby’s Ultimate Dance Competition, I didn’t know there was one season of Abby’s Dance Competition….she was inspired by Frozen to sing professionally…fuck we are old….she won a “cover competition” put on by Ryan Secrest because he’s a pervert….of an Iggy Azalea song….these are all very dumb fucking facts….

She is in her bikini…which I am sure she’s better at than singing….


Posted in:Jordyn Jones




Olivia Culpo’s Bra Top for a Target Ad of the Day

This bitch gets paid motherfuckers..

Olivia Culpo is some bullshit media manipulator that clearly has a good manager who helped polarize her as some kind of influencer…so all the brands use her in their campaigns yet no one even knows who the fuck Olivia Culpo is….

She’s just been strategic since winning her pageant, which I assume is Miss America…back 10 years ago before working her way under a Jonas Brother, before realizing musicians who fuck their brothers are queer because it reminds them of being molested when they were child song and dancers….is not as fun as pro athletes…and has since been linked to not 1, not 2, but at least 10 athletes, I am pretty sure all are white because she’s gotta be a fucking racist….she’s so mall-brand of a person that I can’t imagine she takes the big black dick yet, but it doesn’t mean she won’t end up going down that route she just hasn’t yet, and eventually the NFL will be out of white cock for her opportunist cunt.

Point being she’s been at this for at least 10 years, on the hustle, fucking trending people, and it’s worked because bitch gets fucking paid…and there is no way that TARGET didn’t pay her to go shopping for some dumb shit now that she’s back in LA as she’s no longer in her home state of Rhode Island she pretends to love so much despite living in LA….and there is no way this isn’t paid paparazzi bullshit pics that she tipped them off about…there’s no way her pics are worth following her to a parking lot…

It’s all bullshit, but her tits are out…influencer tits that ain’t got no influencer cuz she’s useless and nothing anyone should look up to….unless they want to learn to use their pussy to fuck important people and to profit of that while never quite being important are her own…it’s a good old fashioned Eleanor Roosevelt feminism…of only mattering cuz of the men you get with…in Eleanor Roosevelt’s case it was a relative she didn’t fuck because she was a lesbian, but it sure helped her legacy survive…where as the leading women of today don’t even have to do make-up tutorials…they just need to lie about products you don’t need …that is their garbage legacy…going to target in a bra for 10,000 dollars….

fuck em all.


Posted in:Olivia Culpo|SFW




Kira Kosarin is a Lesbian of the day

kira kosarin lesbian

I wrote about this in the Morning Links, not realizing that it was actually a thing on a bigger level..

I’ll just repost what I wrote earlier:

I saw some graffiti the other day that said something like “Black Trans Lesbian Lives Matter”….for a bunch of people fighting for inclusivity and equality, that’s some niche categorizing….like can you label yourself even more….and reduce yourself to being just a fucking meme…I guess they could do “Black Asian Trans Pansexual But on the Lesbian Side Obese Alopecia Scar on my face from a bike Accident as a kid, with one too many beauty marks with hair armpit and a limp from my diabetes foot…lives matter”….you know so we can all know exactly why we fucking hate you and funny enough it’s not because of anything you identify as….it is strictly because you’re the kind of asshole who would pollute the world and the internet with this bullshit…

Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit..you fucking coddled entitled rich clowns….go fucking juggle or do something that requires some level of skill it’s fucking irritating at this point.


Posted in:Kira Kosarin




Lady Gaga in Leggings of the Day

Lady Gaga in Leggings

Lady Gaga has been disgusting since she first appeared on the scene. I appreciate that she mastered the art of creating brainwashing music because I know every lyric to her songs despite having never heard any of her songs by choice…which in a lot of ways is some mind control brainwashing shit…but is also rape…


I would, if I was a lawyer, create a class action lawsuit to get some money back that this trashcan woman has made from producing music at the level she does, to mentally control people into at the very least knowing her every word…but it could go far deeper that na, and I may have purchased shit because of her music, I don’t fucking know..I just know she’s the fucking devil.

So since she’s always been disgusting to look at, despite her silly outfits…and the noise she’s made around herself, and I’ve never found her to be anything I’d want to fuck, just cuz she’s famous isn’t enough for me….she’s still fucking disgusting but at least she’s in a mask, unlike all the other celebs who have been giving the greenlight from the authorities into moving on from the COVID lie and onto the next lie.



Posted in:Lady Gaga




Miley Cyrus Braless of the Day

Miley Cyrus Braless

Miley Cyrus was likely on social media trying to find the next trend to exploit at the mainstream, Disney Trained, media manipulator, puppet level…because in order to make the losers in everyday think she’s edgy or one of them, she’s gotta connect with them and do shit that they think is cool, or whatever…even if she’s just ripping them all off, because they are all ripping each other off, since this “edgy” mainstream is no really edgy at all, they are the same fucking losers who would have shopped the gap if it was still cool. They aren’t looking to change, or to inspire or to do cool shit…they are looking to be like everyone else.

The hipsters were all just mooch fucks trying to get as much hype around themselves as possible, groupies to the celebs like a bunch of bitches, getting down to pop culture and not in an ironic way….now the hipsters are everyone….

It’s all a bunch of Disney coated garbage…

That said, the bra is dead, girls don’t wear bras anymore so here’s some Miley Braless…



Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Sara Sampaio Got Them Tits On of the Day

Sara Sampaio Got Them Tits On

Sara Sampaio is doing some famewhoring, as all the other celebs this weekend were also doing, because I guess they all got paid by this restaurant called CATCH to have EVERY celebrity show up last night without their masks because restaurants are over and COVID was a fucking scam.

No masks, not COVID, no problem….we’re all a bunch of fucking idiots who have been manipulated by the fucking MAN…for whatever the fucking agenda was. Just look at the people who got rich off COVID and you’ll find the answer I guess….

That said, Sampaio may or may not be pregnant, but she’s definitely looking a lot like Tom Hanks, they are both Portuguese…IBERIAN PENINSULA brotherhood or some shit…and looking at her….makes me really question how she got cast by Epstein’s biggest ally – Victoria’s Secret.

The world is pure fucking corruption.


Posted in:Sara Sampaio