I'll Make You Famous…




Maya Uma Thurman Ethan Hawke Pussy Print for Easter of the Day

Maya Urman Hawke Easter

Maya Hawke is what happens when Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman were practicing the withdrawal method and failed….or MAYBE she’s a product of an IUD miracle child, that happens sometimes to those with creampie fetishes because breeding is what they are coded to do, so sex without internal cumshot isn’t sex worth having…or maybe she was part of their family planning because they felt that together their love was so strong a child would be the logical addition to their loving home…only for them to end up in divorce like all great love stories…

Not that any of that matters, this isn’t about Maya’s origin story, but rather that she’s posting up pics of herself in what looks like the position to be cummed inside herself, you know “easter” themed hipster porn…before the porn happens…looking for a creampie of her own….the only thing getting in the way of all that is them pants…it’s like bitch is staging an easter egg hunt of her own while spreading her legs like they want to stop the spread of COVID….

My takeaway is that this is a bit too real, too “freshly woken up”…..but she’s rich and has nothing to prove so take it in.


Posted in:maya hawke




Emma Kenney Bra of the Day

Emma Kenney Bra

The ugly ginger who is meant to look Irish from Shameless is out here with some fat armpit fetish porn.

I know people who like to fuck armpits, they pay hookers for that, and it’s likely less disgusting for your dick to experience that than some of the pussies out there, but I still don’t “get it”.

The good news is that she’s also showing cleavage, because far armpits without fat tits are like a car without tires, a bike without a seat, a diabetic without an amputation…a Global Pandemic without a plan to microchip the world….it’s just not the way it is supposed to be.

She’s not the hottest of people, but I did watch the last season of Shameless, in a protest against Emmy Rossum, I figure make them know that we don’t need ROSSUM…

I don’t vote, or do any activism, but I’ll watch Shameless episodes being streamed sometimes more than once, just to do my part to keep their ratings up so that the producers never go crawling back to that useless cunt EMMY ROSSUM.

This ugly ginger, with tits and fat armpits carried the show fine, even if its a dumb show to begin with.

So any Emmy Rossum replacement is a friend of mine! A friend who I’ll sexualize as they sexualize themselves with the rosy patch of skin pale gingers get when they are touched by basically anything….oh to be pale.


Posted in:Emma Rose Kenney




Ana De Armas Holding Dog Shit of the Day

I am not referring to Ben Affleck as the dog shit in this series of staged paparazzi pics that these two “love birds” do during quarantine for the paparazzi that are conveniently waiting to capture them on their “walks”…despite being famous and capable of hiring dog walkers, if anything hiring dog walkers would be the RIGHT thing to do for your dogs to keep those GIG workers afloat rather than let them starve to death all because you need an excuse to get seen by the paparazzi….

There are rumors she’s his handler, this is clearly by design…the crackhead drunk celebrity and the up and comer a seemingly match made in heaven…where he can take her under his wing and show her the ropes…but we remember a time when the paparazzi didn’t follow Affleck around EVERY fucking day, we’d go months with no AFFLECK images…even when he was with GARNER…because the paparazzi only surface when they are asked to.

They must have the same agents, there’s more to this story, this is the guy who was brought up by Weinstein…so whatever damage control is going on…it’s going one here….

I guess when you’re famous, staged romance is really all your romances since no one is there for you, they are there for the IDEA of you…and when you’re Ana De Armas, a cuban trying to exist in Capitalism, you’ve likely done far worse than fuck someone like Ben Affleck to get to this point in your life where you’re not working at a Cuban resort cleaning hotel rooms…like CUBANS are typically supposed to…


Here’s her ass in some Khakis….without the old pervert drunken dead weight…


Posted in:Ana De Armas|SFW




Masked Olivia Wilde Big Legs in Leggings of the Day


I’ve heard that this whole quarantine is getting the spoiled brats down because they can’t golf, beach, or do other rich person things….but in Olivia Wilde’s case…it’s causing CHAFFING….

I don’t know if she’s always been built like a woman with midget legs…or if she’s just fattening up in Quarantine because her and her husband don’t have enough money to have a home fucking gym, and her and her husband probably have a home fucking gym, but why would she bother using it…she’s middle aged…and it’s more fun to sit and eat when there’s no filming going on….or in her case directing Superbad 3.

Point being, her real last name is COCKBURN…which is what’s probably happens if you ever get your dick between those things and tell her to run in place…


To See the Rest of the Pics Click Here

Posted in:Olivia Wilde|SFW




Phoebe Price Tits Out for Jesus of the Day

Phoebe Price Easter Tits

One of the more confusing things that happens once ever month or two is when Phoebe Price sends me a text message with her press clippings from other magazines that have picked up her theme / staged paparazzi shoots, because it’s quirky, it’s weird, and girl clearly loves the attention she gets. Why else does she do it.

What I love about Phoebe Price, I’ve said multiple times before, but it’s basically that she is essentially mocking influencers and celebrities, and has been for a long time.

These influencers walk around like they are famous, and famous people walk around like they are famous, and the whole thing is pretty uptight and pretentious while Phoebe Price comes along, is virtually a nobody, dressed like a fucking mascot at some ghetto amusement park, or maybe for some poor kids birthday party entertainment, and her photos get picked up and published.

I appreciate that whole non celebrity, mooching off celebrity tactics, not necessarily benefiting from it financially, but benefits from the validation because in her mind she is famous.

I am a fan, I like delusions…at least when they remind us how insignificant actual celebs are.

I am proud to call Phoebe Price a friend of the site, it’s just unfortunate that she never sends me sex tape footage so that we can make some real money together….

This is her easter bunny paparazzi clickbait shoot!


Posted in:Phoebe Price




Fat Fuck Ariel Winter at the Grocery Store of the Day

Lookin’ Good Sweetheart…..

Ariel Winter, despite being thin for about 5 months, is a fat fuck….and when you’re a fat fuck emotional eater, the only place you care to go is the Grocery Store….

When there is a Global Pandemic and threats of a food shortage…and you’re a fat fuck emotional eater due to all that childhood trauma in being a child star on a sitcom…you stock the fuck up.

I love when she goes to the grocery store to fuck herself up like it’s a drug, because to her, it’s like a drug…because I can scan her bags…

What I see in today’s order, which looks like a big order, even though she just did one last week…is the BIGGEST box of OREOS that her fat ass will sit on the couch and eat…important and nutritious foods for some broken cunt who is now out of work, but rich, so that she doesn’t have that pressure to not eat her fucking face off.

Who the fuck even eats Oreos as an adult, especially when you are rich and can have fresh cookies baked and delivered for you.

This is some emotional eating, fat girl with eating disorder binge and purge moves….I mean she’s fucking sloppy, while not even being old enough to be sloppy…EAT THE SUGAR BITCH…

She’s too young to have a body like this, but hey, if it’s a Global Pandemic, there is no better excuse to gain 40-60 fucking pounds…her her dumpy 50 year old mom lookin’ ass. What a fucking pig.

To see the rest of the fat pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Em RatCow Male Pattern Baldness of the Day

Em RatCow Male Pattern Baldness

Look at that Hairline!

I know that there are a handful of people out there who think that Em Rata is hot. It’s not your fault, you see a skinny bitch with no ass and a set of fat tits, and you just can’t further analyze. It’s like you’ve been given enough information for your needs, why look past it.

From the first time I saw Rat Cow trying to make it in America through a series of nude shoots, I knew her hype was artificial.

I didn’t know she would end up in a music video that took her viral and made her a highly followed personality with no personality on social media, but it did. Reward a bitch for having a set of good sized tits, despite looking like a fucking troll.

She’s been able to maintain the lie, go to important events, like Fashion Week events like a Jet Setter all because of her showing her tits at the right pre-instagram time.

She’s been able to make millions, fuck important people like Kanye, Ben Affleck, David Fincher, amongst others in her last 7 years of whoring.

She still think she’s famous, or a personality…despite the one thing she should discover in this dark COVID times, is how insignificant she is.

She literally offers no substance, no humor, not insight, no fashion inspo, no fitness inspo…if anything she’s just a waste of space cunt who has tits we like to look at.

ANYWAY, as it turns out, the paparazzi got some pics of her that show you what you’re really dealing with, as her instagram pics are all edited to shit….and what it reveals is what I’ve always been saying…bitch is fucking ugly.

Remove the fake hair and she’s got male pattern baldness like that of a pervert elementary school principle.

Put her in sweat pants and show the world there is not ass….

Remove make-up, even though she’s likely in make-up, and her beady eyes look like they are out to steal your soul….

Without the tits, this bitch is a zero…

The only hope we can have in these dark times is that a reset happens and people stop buying into the nonsense these idiots, who are not COMPELLING in the least are selling.

An average girl, playing a hot girl on the internet, cuz she’s got good tits, get the fuck out of her, there are real people worth celebrating in the world, not this fucking vapid bullshit…

Remember, this is her with a ton of work done not looking anything like her IG pics….except maybe for what could be a big and long vagina being felt up by her sweat pants….

Useless whores….be EVERYWHERE…

Oh and she’s a shitty dog mom who lets her dog run free….because she’s probably too busy looking at herself in the selfie cam to find new angles, you know the essential work that matters when you’re a vapid whore of instagram with nothing to offer…

Em RatCow Male Pattern Baldness

Here she is topless for some new shit she’s promoting
emily ratajkowski nude topless



Posted in:Em Rat Cow




Nurses on the Front Line Being Naughty of the Day

I know that the world keeps telling healthcare workers that they are heroes, to mind fuck them into working on the front lines during this crisis, when really they should be reevaluating career choices. I mean isn’t there an easier way to make an honest living with benefits than working as a fucking nurse when there’s a virus out there designed to kill us all off….if not now, than eventually, I mean it is just going to keep morphing into vaccine resistant versions and this will be going on for a long fucking time….being in hospital is the last place I’d want to be.

I get that they train for this, that this is their “calling” or whatever, but even doctors who were really only doctors because they are good at science and good at knowing doctors make 1,000,000 dollars a year…are forced to actually work, or actually risk their lives, whether the virus is as bad as they say it is….so FEED them and their egos, tell them they are the new celebrity and validate what they do for the same pay they got before the crisis. Seems like a shitty deal….

There used to be some risk at your job, now there is huge risk, we’ll pay you the same, but say you’re a hero…because the system knows without them they are fucked, and it is still a free country, kind of, they don’t technically need to be working like this, there are not gun to their heads, but their may be.

So in a FUCK EM ALL, who gives a fuck, FUCK THE WORLD, release, these nurses are like “Look at my pussy hole while I’m in scrubs to really worship me and give me something to cum to, cuz I cum to posting nudes, as soon as I get a 5 minute break to release”….

We are all animals, basic retards, who are designed to want to cum under stress and under good times, it is the constant…

SO this is what some nurses were up to this Easter Weekend away from family, tending to dying old people….crazy times.

Some Videos:

Posted in:COVID-19|Nurse|Photos




Man with a Pad on his Face and Other Videos of the Day

Monkeys Take Over Hotel

Social Distancing in Berlin

Idiotic TikTok Challenge

Another Dumb TikTok Challenge

Dude Launching Rocket from Butt Cheeks

Car VS Gas Station

Two Drunks – One Bike

Female Scooterist

Cop Chasing Runner

Turkish Grocery Store Brawl

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Be like Jesus and take some time before your rebirth…

How’s your guilt free do nothing treating you?

This giving control to the government who will likely fuck us all in the end by microchipping us and never letting us go back to life isn’t so bad.

If anything, the people who have been slaving away at thankless jobs, at any level within that thankless job, can’t really be all that mad about this mandatory vacation….

Besides being over extended financially if you’ve lost the job and aren’t getting paid out for the job, not knowing if you can afford food, shelter, etc could be something that keeps you up at night…But since there’s nothing you can do about it, catch up on fucking sleep. Relax. You probably eat too much anyway….

People don’t realize how fucking exhausted they are until they are forced to stare at the wall for 12 weeks…then they know what sleep is.

The real question we must all be asking is “How the fuck can I go back to a 5 day work with ever the fuck again, those fuckers are stealing my fucking soul, there’s a flaw in the fucking system, working 5 days a week like an asshole to barely afford to live, or doing nothing to barely afford to live, doing nothing always wins”.

So figure out your base costs for food, shelter, life…and then figure out how you’re going to make that money for your damn self instead of going to an office.

This is your chance to change your fucking life…or at least gain 50 lbs laying on the couch eating chips the convenience store delivers…either way, like your CHRIST it is a resurrection.

One filled with tits on the internet….

Here are some stepLINKS…

Busty Chick Dressed like the Slutty Easter Bunny

Caylee Cowan’s Bikini Shoot

Hot Chick Covered in Blood to Embody Jesus’ Execution

Sarah Hyland in Tiger King Cosplay is NOT HOT!

Celebs in Easter Lockdowm!

Purge Siren to Signal Lockdown

Throwing a Knife at Spray Paint Can

Cody Simpson / Miley’s Boyfriend in Make-up cuz he’s a queer.

Snooker Fart

World Record Underwater Bench Pressing

Perfect Booby Trap!

Throwback Sofia Vergara!


Posted in:stepLINKS