I'll Make You Famous…




Bella Thorne’s Dog Playing with her Tits of the Day

I suggest you watch Bella Throne, or Thorne, or Torne Labia, depending on your tasts. and her tits on mute. Her voice is the kind of voice that cuts right into my chest and gives me chills down my fucking spine. I don’t know if I am autistic or not, I’ve never been tested, but I do know when I hear loud and irritating things, they drive me fucking crazy…and her voice…drives me fucking crazy.

I am glad that there is this wall between us called the INFORMATION SUPER HIGHWAY….her screen to my screen divided by miles of wires and radiowaves killing off the people…and sperm count…

Because I can watch her fuck her dog on mute, the way she is better presented to the people….even though she gets cast in movies with talking roles, mute…is how we like her and her gutter rich fake tits….

I’m ready for the overdose, but I have a feeling this Disney Kid doesn’t even do drugs…just acts like she does..cuz she’s a poser idiot…CALL THE PETA.



Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Hailey Baldwin Bieber Spending that Bieber Money of the DAy


It is hilarious to me, the real Hilaria Baldwin right up in here, some low hanging fruit, bottom of the instagram Kardashian / Jenner Barrel where Bruce leaves his testicles to dry…..because he’s not fully committed to burying them….Hailey Fucking Baldwin….the girl who claims to be christian, but is so slutty, provocative and non-Christian in all she does, from her career choices, to her friend choices…she’s a fucking lie…and not even a good lie…a very mediocre lie…

Stephen Baldwin’s bible thumping little girl, who manipulated her way to the level of celebrity she’s at, which wasn’t too hard when you’re rich. I know poor chicks with lots of followers who just need some Hailey Baldwin access to matter the way she matters…it’s not rocket science..that’s what I am saying…it’s almost impossible for a celebrity rich kid to not have followers or brands throwing money at them….

Well…she’s really done good for herself today, or last month, when she convinced a broken down Bieber that they were soulmates. Maybe she threatened to go to the police with stories of how he raped her when she was a 16 year old Christian virgin…whatever the tactic…she got him to marry her…NO PRENUP…


She’s set for life, not that she wasn’t set for life with Stephen Baldwin My Pillow Dot Com money….but actually really on a higher level of set for life cuz Bieber’s worth 100s of millions..

All it took was some manipulation of a weak mind…using her pussy that you can almost see in these Christian shorts..

As much as I hate to see these hookers manipulate weak rich men out of their money, I also kinda love it, because if you’re that stupid, blinded by the pussy, especially when it’s not that great…you deserve it…but I guess he thinks God is on his side, a wise decision by any man, because from my experience God’s really fucking reliable to all his believers…that’s why they are often times poor trash.


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Eilana Jones Canadiana Tits of the Day

Eliana Jones is some Canadian content for you perverts…I never met her at the Igloo festival, where Canadians cover themselves in Maple Syrup, and let beavers lick us clean, but she was on some show called Hemlock Grove….whatever the fuck that is….and has big tits…that she’s got out…showing people what it is like to be a 20 year old making it as an actor, getting invited to events, where she gets to pull her tits out…you know

I mean …she’s fucking busty and I believe she has a very substantial career ahead of her for the simple reason that people love big tits on a skinny girl and by people, I mean me…

The best thing about her is that she even dates a Hockey Player….I mean….that’s the Canadian dream right here…right now…girls are raised to want this…and these tits are getting it…

To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Eilana Jones|SFW




Alexis Ren Bolt On Tits Getting Wet of the Day

We live in a world where hot cam girls post pics of butt plugs in their ass on TWITTER…

What the hell do we need an instagram influencer that really has no influence…but that calls herself an influencer…because she’s got pervert followers into her bikini pics…

But America has their priorities all fucked up and confused, focused on things that don’t matter, fighting over a government that no matter what side you are on are taxing crooks out to fuck you over and benefit themselves…

Like overthrow the government, collectively stop paying taxes, instead of waiting around to see who raped who in the 80s when getting a girl drunk to fuck was considered foreplay…get a fucking grip…

So America, instead of celebrating the cam girl with her buttplug in her ass, because that’s porno, on twitter, publicly traded PORNO…

Are casting these bolt on tits for their dance show in hopes that some of her fans, who actually don’t give a fuck about her, will tune in and watch her dance…

This is their attempt to go viral, her attempt to go legit, when all she is is a cam girl who should be putting buttplugs in her ass on twitter…cuz that’ll get you banned off instagram….

She has a lot of followers, they just don’t give a fuck about her, hence why she barely matters…we just like seeing her half naked…so here she is half naked…and retarded looking, fetal alcohol syndrome looking, dopey eyed looking….

Some influencers have influence. People care. Most are just followed cuz they get naked. Figure it out ABC…you’re a billion dollar company hire some people who can figure these things out for you…fucking as retarded as Alexis Ren’s retarded looking eyes.

Here is her slutty Dancing with the Stars promo
Alexis Ren Tits for Dancing with the Stars

Alexis Ren Promo Dancing with the Stars Big TIts


Posted in:Alexis Ren|SFW




J.Lo Concert Highlight Reel of the Day

Here is the highlight of the J.Lo Vegas show…

That’s all I have to say about an aged hag with an ego….

One of those annoying over achievers who has won at life and is still not stopping because she’s either got an ego that makes her feel she needs to share herself with the world, or a fear of retiring because there’s all this money out there to make, since people are still into J.Lo and want to throw money at her…and not just Puerto Ricans who have survived the hurricane who use her as a beacon of hope, you know a symbol of what can be done with their American passports on the mainland, but actual Americans too…(lol).

What I am saying is that in this world of recycled shit, the following of the social media accounts, the afterlife or halflife or life of these celebrities and Kardashians just goes on and on and on…

We can’t get rid of them, or their fat asses you’d think they’d be too old to want to show, like why boter, but that you can’t help but show, cuz that’s what showmen do….


Posted in:J.Lo|SFW




Ariel Winter Big TItty Erotica of the Day

Ariel Winter Big Tits for Composure Magazine

The word on the street is that Ariel Winter has lost a bunch of weight, because her contract relies on it, as they are offing one of the cast members of Modern Family, and she doesn’t want it to be her, you know the martyr for childhood obesity, having a massive stoke at the age of 22, because she goes out partying one night and her already strained blood vessels can’t take anymore….

So she’s decided to stop being an emotional eater, with an unhealthy relationship with food, and look in the mirror, at those tit reduction scars and say to herself that she got a tit reduction for a reason, and that reason wasn’t to have her massive tits grow back, despite having a better shape, no longer quite as sloppy, something young girls shouldn’t have to deal with, unless they are obese….

She still looks fat to me….and so do her tits…so we haven’t lost her to Hollywood wanting skinny girls yet…

Ariel Winter Big Tits Skinny Black Jumpsuit


Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Ciara Hard Nipples for Fashion of the Day

Ciara Hard Nipples in Cosmopolitan Magazine

Ciara is the born again virgin who has a baby with Future, but who is now with some Football player who she refused to fuck while they were dating, because I guess she was trying to get her vagina to tighten up after having a baby with future and I guess having a career being banged out by producers to get her where she is to day.

I think she’s best known for her song Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, but most people like her work in TLC, pre Lisa Left Eye Lopez’s premature death…

Well now she’s doing something even more substantial…hanging out with hard nipples in magazines that teach girls how to anal fuck, but that also feature morbidly obese women and celebrate their strength and courage to sit on fold out chairs at picnics…I’m talking to you Ashley Graham…so inspiring…where’s the cake.

Ciara Cover of Cosmopolitan Magazine


Posted in:Ciara|SFW




Dynastyloveyou is Your New Instagram Crush of the Day

Dynastyloveyouis a 21 year old babe…

She’s an instagram influencer that not enough big brands are working with – despite her being a fucking legend in this era of inclusion.

She’s the Kylie Jenner, if Kylie jenner was a deformed crackbaby with some kind of retardation…

She’s hood, and producing all kinds of the same content as all the other sluts out there…you don’t need to be able bodied to pull off their hustle….if anything this is one of those “you’re not that great, a retard could do your job” situations…

Not that I see handicapped people, I see handicapable people. I see talent and hard work and drive that able bodied people don’t have because their lives are so simple and basic…

I also see a fetish…a very weird fucking fetish….so take it in…Dynasty is the future.


Posted in:Dynastyloveyou|SFW




Heidi Klum Eugenics Lingerie Model of the Day

Heidi Klum Tits Ass Tight Lingerie

Try to explain Heidi Klum to me in a way that doesn’t go back to Nazi Germany doing research using humans experimentation with various medications….and systems…from the creation of Asprin…to studies in sterilization and Eugenics…

Because other than fitness, diet and botox, Heidi Klum looking this good has got to be on a genetics level…

One that was crafted back in 1940, using her grandparents as the breeders….

Hitler called it Racial Hygiene, because unlike me, he didn’t believe that there is no color, gender, race, or differences amongst us, as we are all one race..the human race…

He believed in getting rid of what he considered disgusting shit, and focusing on breeding the good…

It’s something horse and dog breeders have been doing forever, which is why you have all those cute dogs running around….why not apply it to humans…

Based on my experience, some of the hottest girls have troll looking parents, so maybe it’s not scientifically accurate…but if you look at slavery trade of AMERICA…where that logically only the strong slaves would survive the abuse they endured…their children would be stronger then them, and eventually capable of overthrowing slavery….

I guess Heidi Klum is the human version of that, but then again she’s rich, botox exists, it could be anything….

It is amazing that at such an old age, we all still want to fuck her. That defies everything I’ve ever known about female sex appeal dying off on their 30th birthday…

Heidi Klum Tits Ass Tight Lingerie


Posted in:Heidi Klum|SFW




Isabeli Fontana Nipples of the Day

Isabeli Fontana Nipples See Through Dress

I wrote about Isabeli Fontana last week, what the fuck do you expect me to say about her this week, that will any different than what I said last week….

Her nipples are brought out to a fashion event, because nipples are in right now, they are fashionable and I guess they always were.. I have vivid memories of watching / jerking off to a Canadian show called Fashion Television that would air runway shows back in the 90s…featuring nipples…so it’s nothing new…but I guess it’s more mainstream than ever…

It is something that Isabeli Fontana has been involved in for a long time, she’s old…you know pulling out her tits…

The story I wrote about last week, which is more interesting that talking about what she’s wearing right here and now at this fashion event, is that she was a 13 year old model, that’s fucking perverted.

More perverted, she was hired to do Victoria’s Secret at 16…

Meaning tons of men, millions of men, I don’t know the circulation they had when she was 16, but it was all catalog based at the time, no retail stores and massive in size….something that every dude that got access to the catalog jerked off to….her…at 16….

Pretty fucking criminal, don’t hire that catalog to be Superior Court Judge…it was 20 years ago or more, but still crazy that no one got arrested for it. Not the brand, not the photographer…kinda like the Opiate crisis…arrest the black dime back weed vendor, but let the big pharma actually killing people off with their mass production of drugs walk…only the underage naked girl version…

She’s not underage anymore…but her nipples survived the trauma of being paid a lot of money at a young age to produce content men jerked off to.

She is a survivor.


Posted in:Isabeli Fontana