I'll Make You Famous…




Sofia Richie Big Tits of the Day

Sofia Richie Big Tits Braless in Black Top and White Pants

Unlike Nicole Camille Escovedo, she’s actually his kid, and not just some broken adopted brat, with angst from being adopted, as most adopted kids do, especially when their mom’s are groupie drug addicted whores…who probably didn’t know she was pregnant, and even if she did, still took as much band cock as she could backstage while wasted on whatever drugs were popular in 1980…hoping to either induce labor, or be the FUNNEST ABORTION EVER….living the fucking dream….until she was forced to throw the newborn in the trash for LIONEL to pick up and care for…

This Sofia Richie is his actual spoiled brat, later in life daughter…and as basic LA as you’d expect, all these people fuck each other, she’s banging the Kardashian husband and baby daddy, like her older sister probably used to back when her and Paris made fun of the half white Armenians trying to get in on their scene…

I don’t think an 18 year old broken rich kid dating a 40 year old is a bad thing, it’s kind of the whole dad she never had situation…I just think they look miserable and despressing in their paparazzi strategic life…that I assume Kris Jenner has set up as a storyline on the show and that Sofia Riche is on payroll for…She is a cast member. This is all a lie.


Posted in:SFW|Sofia Richie




Stefanie Giesinger Tits and Ass of the Day

Stefanie Giesinger Topless and Covering Her Pussy By Corey Vanderploegh

Stefanie Giesinger is some hot German Instagram Model, possibly another Eugenics situation….thanks to genetic modification of the evil evil German empire in the 40s…that has made some pretty fucking hot Aryans as part of his legacy…along with great engineered cars….because I guess there is always good to bad and bad to good…

She has 3.2 million followers so she’s a real fucking big deal…that’s a huge amount of people probably waiting to see her tits, unless she has the 3.2 million followres from showing her tits….I just can’t be too sure…because all this stuff crosses over and spills into each other…it’s the chicken or the egg…what came first the titty pic of the insta fame…WHO CAN EVEN KNOW or bother researching it because it just needs to be treated like the clickbait that it is…and that’s exactly what I want to do with it….

Stefanie Giesinger Ass Pantsless By Corey Vanderploegh

Posted in:Stefanie Giesinger




Suki Waterhouse Workout Erotica of the Day

Suki Waterhouse Working out in a Nude Bra and Red Shorts

Suki Waterhouse is some UK socialite who pretends to be a model…and now pretends to be an actor..she was hot a few years ago because she looked underage and guys like that but who looks like shit now that she’s in NYC trying to make it as an actor more seriously…cuz she clearly doesn’t have what is needed to model…

She has had sex with Brad Cooper….before he left her for the Hotter Irina…the meal ticket thrown out the window but the ego still massaged to think she’s a big deal..but she looks like shit in the gym, and her left tit’s doing something weird, but she’s in her bra for the paparazzi which I guess is what matters to these idiots trying to get media hits…


Posted in:SFW|Suki Waterhouse




Tallulah Willis Naked of the Day

Tallulah Willis Naked

Tallulah Willis is a Demi Moore and Bruce Willis daughter who have lived a pretty spoiled and blessed life, because that’s what happens when both your parents are stupid rich from being actors….

She looks a little too Bruce, but at least she’s got tits, tits that her feminist activist who has nothing else to do with her time than create and participate in art like this….art that some photographer is using her to elevate himself and that she embraces because she gets to be on camera…

In the first pic, above – we see her covered in paint, to prove to you that she is in fact an artist, because artists, they do paint…so do Mexican Migrant workers, but not naked, that would get them arrested and sent back to Mexico…

In the second pic – below – Here she is covered in some sort of sperm like substance – that we can assume is not sperm but what her mother’s vagina looks like due to all the sperm trapped inside it….it’s ok because in her old age it acts like lubricant…

Tallulah Willis Covered in Cum in a Black Swimsuit

In the third pic – below – her brother Rumer topless in panties – because it’s important to take a lesson form the Kardashians and make it a family affair..

Tallulah Willis Sister Rumer Topless in White Panties

Posted in:Rumer Willis|Tallulah Willis




Ashley Graham Spreading her Fat Legs of the Day

AShley Graham Big Fat Swimsuit Spreading Her LEgs 55

Ashley Graham posted up some pics of her spreading her legs – and the most amazing thing about this spread legs pics, I mean along with her not having a stroke trying to get into this position, is that her inner thighs aren’t discolored like most obese people from having them rub together…I am a fat man and know how these things work…I have had chaffing before and I’m not even a woman…I know this is some masterful work from her make-up artist who unfortunately has to smell her cheeseburger scented cunt while trying to perpetuate her lie that there is such thing as hot fat chicks…when the world knows the only thing hot about fat chicks is their statistically premature death and as a man married to a fat chick, even that isn’t that good, because it’s a slow death…diabetic and heart disease death…that opens the doors to a lot of fucking whining and neediness instead of a traditional suicide..

What I am getting at is – don’t believe or encourage Ashley Graham. She is all that is wrong with America…the fact they figured “Let’s use fat chicks to sell to fat chicks cuz fat chicks are tired of not relating to hot chicks”….instead of telling fat chicks they are disgusting…and that all sizes aren’t beautiful…and that clothing shouldn’t be available if you’re too fat…so that you don’t leave your damn house…until you get in fucking shape…

I hate this movement and not just because it clogs so many toilets….

It’s just everything wrong in America.

More of her Morbidly Obese Tits..

AShley Graham Big Fat Swimsuit Getting Wet

Posted in:Ashley Graham|SFW




Christina Milian’s Wet Hard Nipples of the Day

Christina Milian Hard Nipples in See Through Wet White Bikini

Here’s some Christina Milian bikini whoring…and we really have to give it to her….at 40 years old she’s still fucking bringing the shameless self promotion, and she was never even that famous. She was on some Disney Show or Disney movie from the perverts 20 fucking years ago…and in 2000 or 2001, we’re talking Y2K she had ONE HIT, ONE SONG, ONE SLUTTY VIDEO of her rolling around….that is it. That’s the extent of her public persona…

Then she went on to marry an accomplished producer, have his kid, get song writing credits on huge fucking songs, and with that has the ability to afford being a shameless bikini whore…

I don’t like it, I think she’s garbage, and I think she’s getting in the way of actual hot YOUNG black girls who want to make it, who have talent and drive, who aren’t ratchet and vile, because the world is full of hot bodied, long legged, round assed, big titty, black girls who are well raised that I’d rather see in short shorts and bikinis…they deserve this post more than Milian MOOCHING…but entertainment is racist and only celebrates those who crack through…

I also hate seeing a mom trying so hard to be a Kim Kardashian…instead of being a mom….it’s just shameless self promotion after shameless self promotion and I can’t imagine anyone actually caring about her, following her, or engaging in her bullshit content, yet here I am reposting it like it matters…to say how much it doesn’t matter…confusing everyone involved in the making of this post…

YES…I am weak when hard nipples are involved.


Posted in:Christina Millian|SFW




Lea Michele Gets Engaged of the Day

Lea Michele posted an engagement ring photo, because she’s trashy, basic, and a bragger like that….but I like her man hands better than her man face..they are rugged and look like they’d change a tire good.

It’s safe to say that this is a huge day for her, because when she was a little boy getting tucked by his mom before auditions, he never knew he’d live that princess life he was visualizing….

It is also safe to say she forced the dude to marry her, either by faking a pregnancy, since she was born man and has no “UTE” I doubt that…. or because she finally found a dude and had a thing for trans people because he wasn’t comfortable being a full fledge homo and she still had tits….or maybe I am wrong about the whole thing…and she is a chick…and love happened…but I like think she had to lock it in before he realized she was a man…

Either way This Dude Lea Michele is engaged…Love Happened…because love happens easier when you’re a rich and famous person in a world filled with fame whore…

Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Alana Champion Titties in an LA Hipster Shoot of the Day

Alana Champion is apparently Lily Rose Depp’s BFF, they are always together, look the same, and I assume this one is 18….because they all look fucking young to a pervert like me….and I can’t tell what I am dealing with…

She’s with her friend Sammie Yochelson who I think she’s done nude pics with before, but they aren’t nude pics really, they are artistic expression for a hip LA rich kid playing “instagram THOT”…

I am not hating, I love this shit, I think it’s amazing that you can go viral and exist because of a series of nude shoots that take you a week or less of actual work time to create and that allow you to live the best life…

Not that she wouldn’t live her best life, since she is Lily Rose Depp’s bff, it’s safe to assume she’s also a rich kid, which isn’t a bad thing in this world where the rich continue to be celebrated as they fucking win doing nothing….but she’s taken it upon herself to put her tits out there and I know I appreciate that…

She’s a real champion to me, give her the participation trophy she deserves.

We’ve seen this same shoot 1000 times with 1000 women, but who needs to be creative when all you need is the tits.

Posted in:Alana Champion|sammie yochelson




Naked Tranny Gets Kicked and Other Videos of the Day

African Sex Dance

Dolphin Takes Out Paddleboarder

Girls VS Bouncer

Armless Couple Shop at the Mall

Dude Bangs the Wall of the Day – His name isHarvey…

Yummy!! Needles found on the Streets of Vancouver

Posted in:stepLINKS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Drunk 45 – 65 year old women are the best…especially in a resort environment wearing their old lady form fitting, body shaping bathing suits..getting wasted…in the party because they’ve finally reached the point of not giving a fuck, and wanting to have a good time, so long as their diabetes hold up….

There is always something fascinating about shirtless dudes buying a Slurpie with their fat girlfriends who are probably their sisters, because they wanted new pussy because they are tired of fucking their momes….because white trash, as repulsive as it may look and smell is a beautiful thing…it is Americana…it is what we all are…

My weekend didn’t involve either of those things…but it should have…and maybe will one day…I just need to drive to Florida…

Here are some morning Links…

Dog Loves Getting Head Stuck

Buy Bongs!

Underwater Poker

Removing Tooth With Crossbow

Buy CBD!

Wedding Fails

Teens Taken Out by Driver

Crazy Man Throws Customers Out of a Restaurant

MAria Shriver Supports Elderly Rapists

Man Discovers he has a Massive Tapeworm

Woman VS Popeyes Window

Patton Oswalt’s Wife who Died Caught the Golden State Killer

Drunk Guy at the Drive Thru

Girl Does a Picture a Day over 8 years Creepy Narcissism

Posted in:stepLINKS