I'll Make You Famous…




Halle Berry Topless Yoga of the Day

Halle Berry Topless in a thong doing yoga

Halle Berry has found instagram and like all these attention seeking celebrities, who used to want to have mystery between them and their fans, has decided to produce content for her fans, connect with her fans, give them a taste of who she really is on a curated and bullshit level that is likely calculated…

In Halle Berry’s case, posing semi seductive pics even if she is 100 years old, because that’s how she compels and engaged her audience or the decision makers…

What it comes down to is that Halle Berry lives matter…black like Halle Berry…which isn’t black at all…you know since she was raised white, and the only black thing about her is that she never met her dad who was black….

She may have been called names growing up because white people are racist and she was the different one in her white highschool, like the fat chick she got teased, getting all insecure before going to Hollywood and living the rich famous girl life….she got for being accessible and white enough for producers to work with her in movies – because white people are racist…

Look at her now!!

Posted in:Halle Berry|SFW




Kaley Cuoco See Through of the Day

kaley cuoco black bra and panties in a sheer black gown

A see through dress is not see through dress if you have a body suit on under the shit – holding your middle aged rich as fuck body together harder than your plastic surgery implant titty stitches…

It’s not a see through dress, when you’re strapped into what looks like some sort of functional Walmart brand underwear to keep fat chicks sucked in, which by default is ANIT FEMINIST and BODY POSITIVITY telling women they have to meet the beauty standards established by the evil patriarchy….despite the product being created by a woman…who made billions of dollars off the invention – SOUNDS like a WOMAN ON WOMAN hate crime to me…

I don’t care for Kaley Cuoco – I don’t watch her nerd show or buy into her being the hot one on the show….even if the show made her rich…

I just keep seeing the girl who killed John Ritter with her seductive outfits on set of the show he died on….because John Ritter was a fucking legend…while Kaley Cuoco has just been a mooch…a really rich mooch.

Posted in:Kaley Cuoco|SFW




Kylie Jenner Getting Wet of the Day

Kylie Jenner Gets wet in a tiny bikini for instagram

Oh god…

I saw Kylie Jenner clickbaiting in a hot tub while being tubby in Wyoming…to show off her lipo suction she got post pregnant – while still having a very weird looking body…which I guess she gets from her dad…and the rest of her family…who feel like surgical intervention for failed genetics is the answer….and the message they need to send to the world of girls who follow these people and think a million dollars of plastic surgery is the right thing to do with themselves…

The real question is where the fuck is the baby, or was it just a prop for her to throw to the side and have raised by a nanny, something she contractually agreed to to tell the family’s public story….and now she’s back to being an obnoxious, materialistic, monster of a girl…for social media…selling product no one needs…

Repulsive really, I have no interest in seeing new moms in their underwear in a hot tub, it just screams of placenta stew that makes me fear hot tubs…

Vile people being vile.

Throwback of her and her fat friend Jordyn Woods getting yeasty in the hot tub

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




That Dude Lea Michele Tits of the Day

Lea Michele Tits out in a black bodysuit

I don’t know why Lea Michele is mounting a chair and rubbing up against it like some kind of drunk horny woman who doesn’t realize people are watching her try to scratch that itch in her cunt….through masturbating against inanimate objects….

I just assume that it’s beyond her control, like a retard, because when you tuck your dick in your ass, it pushes up against your prostate and heightens orgasm, and when’re sitting on it, it just pushes it deeper into you…making you basically explode in yourself as you fuck yourself, only you can’t get yourself pregnant because you don’t have a WOMB…

You know that they say when you ASSUME things right…and that is that you are usually right.

Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Maitland Ward Pussy of the Day

Maitland Ward full pussy bent over in bed with black boots

YAY! Maitland Ward has decided to grace the world with softcore pornography that she’s out there producing for her Patreons who pay her close to 50,000 dollars a month, which is fucking crazy…that’s like invest in real estate money that she probably never imagined having…and it all happened because she followed her love for attention, her sexual dysfunctional pervert husband liking people jerking off to his forgotten girl, some cuckold shit, and the fact that she had low level fame in her early 20s…

Now, I don’t mean YAY! in a good way, I am disgusted by all things Maitland Ward, and amazed that she’s found an audience of supportive perverts who want to pay her to see her twat…but I guess she spoke to the right crowd, doing that whole comicon, cosplay shit for people who clearly appreciate her…and as amazing as that may be…it’s what was happened…and this is the product of that.

Posted in:Maitland Ward|NSFW




Nicole Richie Booty of the Day

Nicole Richie ass in short denim shorts

Whenever I think about Nicole Richie, I don’t think about the one night I accidentally spent with her back when she was dating DJ AM and I trolled him into thinking I was someone he knew, leading to his people, thinking I knew Nicole, and thus that we wanted to sit together as he DJed….

I do think about her gastric bipass surgery, because she used to be this fat little titty thing who would always act up because she was adopted and you know how adopted people are…

But then she got skinny, less angry, married one of the most embarassing people in Hollywood, one of the Good Charlotte sisters, and is I guess Cameron Diaz’s sister in law…a mom of her own..because unlike her mom…she didn’t throw her babies out in a dumpster outside a Lionel Richie concert….only to be saved…she’s the one doing the saving I guess….and she’s rich enough to do it….thanks to her family, her husband and the fashion line she created after being an obnoxious Paris Hilton sidekick.

Posted in:Nicole Richie|SFW




Olivia Culpo in a Bra of the Day

Olivia Culpo in a black bra and sheer shirt

Instagram icon you’ve never heard of and don’t care about – but who may have been some kind of Miss America…Olivia Culpo…wore a bra to an event…because of course she did..

She’s got to work the media, get coverage in the media, as much as she can to both satisfy her ego, her clients, her boyfriend who is a Patriot that lost the Superbowl, and who she likely wants to get knocked up by because pro athletes are rich and rich makes her wet…because she has a vagina and that is what vaginas do when they taste money.

Posted in:Olivia Culpo|SFW




Tallulah Willis Naked of the Day

Tallulah Willis naked covering her tits with her dog

Tallulah Willis is teaching us a valuable lesson, and that is that the human body needs the sun on it’s bare skin for multiple health reasons, and that sunscreen, is apparently the real devil that causes cancer and kills the sea turtles in Hawaii…

She’s a down to earth, roots, hippie who grows her bush out…because I guess when you’re rich and have a trust fund and never have to work a day in your life…you can spend your days naked in the sun contemplating important questions of life…living on a permanent vacation…having fun with her dog…and that’s really living the dream..

The whole posting it to her social media seems a little shameless though…I mean we don’t need to be seeing this what would be cockteasing if she was hotter….if you’re not going to be spread eagled to celebrate your VULVA what’s the point of feminism…

Here is her sister Rumer trying to be sexy


Posted in:SFW|Tallulah Willis




Sara Sampaio Fitness Erotica of the Day

Sara Sampaio fitness in a gucci bodysuit

Sara Sampaio is an irritating sex worker – who will polarize her career as not being a sex worker – while posing half naked for money is by default a sex worker – but just not in this era of of people not realizing they are pros, but rather models, because it feels better on the soul…especially when you come from a catholic background…

Sara Sampaio is the type of model who releases think pieces and complaints and even what she may think is activism because the magazine she did a nude shoot for published her nude pics when they promised they wouldn’t despite being a nude magazine….the nerve they had…publishing images you own the rights to of a model who signed off on the images you took….PREDATOR.

The world is crazy…

Posted in:Sara Sampaio|SFW




Selena Gomez Surgery Scar of the Day

Selena Gomez showing off her kidney scar in a red skirt with high slit

Selena Gomez either pregnant or fat…obsessed with the Bieber and now Jesus because all vapid idiots need spirituality to help them sleep at night…knowing how garbage they are as humans…if they are even humans…despite everything about them being anti-religion…from their greed, their narcissism, the fact that they are in the business of fame and fortune and celebrity and making people idolize them in exchange for money…making me not believe her…

Not to mention, if she really cared about GOD’s intent, if there is even a god, she wouldn’t have harvested organs for herself, she would have given them to dying children with a life ahead of them that can actually make a difference rather than just mooching off fame they got from getting molested by Barney that her mom leveraged into this…

Erotic..not really…but the most followed person on instagram which should be important..I guess..

Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW