I'll Make You Famous…




Nina Dobrev Bikini Bottoms in Hawaii of the Day

Nina Dobrev Canadian Actress in Hot Red Bikini Bottoms

Nina Dobrev is a rumored Canadian, but I don’t see how that’s possible, seeing as she’s in AMerica and that is against TRUMP’s way. It’s like leave them in their fucking igloos where they belong, I guess based on his wife, there are exceptions like if they are worth fucking and willing to let you grab them by the pussy.

But I guess based on her red bikini bottom little pussy cameltoe, your president, would approve of her an her work visa, like he did with his wife, because if she’s good enough to fuck, she’s good enough genetically to throw into the mix and the American Gene Pool for future strength in the top tier of the next generation, raised by vapid celebrities with a lot of money who understand the importance of bikini pics…

Now Nina, who we don’t actually care about, but her body looks good, is doing some charity event or documentary to save the oceans, and I think in bottoms like that the only thing she’s saving is my possible disdain for her, you know self hating Canadian, thinking damn, if she wants to save anything she should come give me mouth to mouth with her pussy after she fucks me to death…you know a REAL charitable cause…not this damn ocean climate shit….ME….make it about me mother fuckers…


Posted in:Nina Dobrev|SFW




Underage Prostitute Zahia Dehar who is No Longer Underage but Still a Prostitute of the Day

Zahia Dehar Flashing Panties

Her name is Zahia Dehar and she’s clearly a slutty attention seeker for the paparazzi the way we like it…but she wasn’t always so shameless, or maybe she was…because years ago she was part of some high profile sex scandal featuring French politician who was caught with an underage prostitute named Zahia Dehar…I am assuming they are one in the same….

I guess she she was able to leverage that high profile sex scandal and tabloid fodder to do amazing and incredible things with her life, that allow her to flash her tits and panties while shopping for the paparazzi in efforts to continue being tabloid fodder…because the world likes sex workers, prostitutes whether to pay to fuck or to laugh at the people who pay to fuck them….

And the prositutes like being tabloid fodder because it validates them or legitimizes their insane existence as something more substantial than 500 dollar sex encounters…

Hookers…they so silly…


Posted in:SFW|Zahia Dehar




Minka Kelly Hard Nipples Walking the Dog of the Day


Minka Kelly has some hard nipples while walking the dog and it is pretty magical for those of you who like hard nipples, who think hard nipples are a thing, who enjoy putting hard nipples in your mouth – either at a strip club or with someone you’ve hired, because nipples are the focal point of the tit, without them, you’re just a breast cancer survivor…

Mastectomy Jokes…like rape jokes…never a hit at a party filled with a bunch of girls…at least not the right girls…because one on one they’d laugh…but collectively…they’d just give you dirty fucking looks…bitches.

I don’t know who Minka Kelly is, but she’s got a dumb name and that may be all I need to know…and really I probably know who she is if someone told me who she was but no one likes talking to me some I’m in this alone…luckily google can save me…if ONLY I cared enough to google such important things like “Who’s hard nipples on the dog walk am I staring at, she seems important”….

I guess I should say something like “Look at Minka Kelly Taking Her Puppies for a Walk”…or “Boy, I wish I had a dog walker like this, I’d walk backwards in front of her for days, and maybe then I wouldn’t die of diabetes….because chasing nipples is a motivating exercise”… but I won’t, even though I guess I just did.

Minka Kelly Takes her Nipples for a Walk


Posted in:Minka Kelly|SFW




Hailey Baldwin Panty Flash of the Day

Hailey Baldwin Flashes Her Panties for the Paparazzi

Hailey Baldwin flashed her panties and the world stopped…just for a second to say “Oh I like Alec Baldwin, his Trump is so good, they should give him his own show, oh what? they did…crazy…see I always told you I should produce TV, I spot trends, I know what will work, what will be big…oh and her was so good in BeetleJuice alongside Gena Davis, whatever happened to Gena Davis, she was all the rage that crazy redhead….Do you think she’s dead yet?….I liked her in Field of Dreams…yeah I know Rosie is Fat…and it’s amazing she was an actor, but the same can be said about Madonna…oh shit…that was League of their Own not Field of Dreams…BUILD IT THEY WILL COME…or I guess in this case flash your panties and they will cum…or I will cum…I’m easy…”…to which people say “No her dad is Stephen, who luckily has the same last name as Alec”….and everyone collectively says “who?”

BARNEY RUBBLE FUCKERS BARNEY RUBBLE IN THE LIFE ACTION FLINTSTONES…that’s who….But luckily her access is on point and the public buys into anything connected to anything famous…..as everyone is pathetic…a fucking dick riding groupie, even some of these people deemed famous….and here is that panty flash.

Check out Hailey Baldwin's Panties for the Paparazzi



So was her cousin with the actual famous dad….was there looking wrecked because lets face it…she is a fucking wreck…that’s what happens when you’re massively huge and your parents are just too iconic to give you a break…you self destruct self hating…and I find it cute..She’s probably on the shitty Maxim list, but way lower down than her cousin. Must really hurt her soul…in the depth of her soul…if she has a soul…hilarious.

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Gillian Anderson Nipple of the Day

Here’s some free the nipple shit that will destroy any Gillian Anderson fan thanks to them being very weak, sad, pathetic, lonely, human beings…where nothing good has gone on for them in the last 20 years so they hold onto their magic lady they love so much…and don’t realize is just an actress who is playing a part that they find sexy…the FBI agent who explores the X-Files….my god…what could be hotter in a fantasy for someone who lives in a basement apartment and masturbates after snorting modeling glue all day…very little…

But to me, Gillian Anderson isn’t hot, was never hot…but she’s showing off nipples…to fuck with all you Gillian Anderson freaks she knows are out there because she still gets fan mail and money off that gig…the best gig of her life..

She’s old, and knows exactly what she’s doing…good hustle…troll the nudes who allow you to continue to exist and not just in sculptures they made of her with their sperm…

Posted in:Gillian Anderson|SFW




Madelaine Petsch is Worth a Fuck of the Day

Pale White Legged Madelaine Petsch at an event in a swimsuit

Madelaine Petsch is the best thing that happened to that show Riverdale, which isn’t saying much because that show was fucking shit, but this redhead who looks like she’s had stripper / porn work done to her face, was the highlight reel…the only thing I thought was worth jerking off on…

Well, now that she’s had success, she’s been invited to very important events where she showed off her pale white redhead, not that she’s necessarily a natural redhead, but if she’s not, she’s committed to the milky white, transparent skin, any redhead lover will like because you can see the fuck out of her blue veins…doing all kinds of spider web shit…maybe not that erotic…but anything can be erotic if you’re jerking off it it happens to be in the pic…

She’s playing off the camera, seducing the camera, enjoying her 5 minutes of very important fame…and really…she looks like a good time / the worst….and that works for me…even if she doesn’t work for me…but I wouldn’t mind if she did…


Posted in:Madelaine Petsch|SFW




Wiz Khalifa’s Girlfriend Who Isn’t Amber Rose’s Nipples and Other’s at the Maxim Party of the Day

Her name is Izabela Guedes, she is not Amber Rose, but apparently as shameless as Amber Rose, pretty much being a stripper at some Maxim Bullshit party with her nipples out, like she was Amber Rose, you know for feminism, like only fucking rappers and getting pregnant by rappers so that they get the fat child support check that screams feminism…and it’s nice to see homie likes to keep it classy…

BUT then again, she’s Brazilian, possibly a trans, because Brazil fucking loves all things TRANS and most importantly, she is just showing some nipple….in this FREE THE NIPPLE WORLD…the nipple doesn’t even matter…

The event is the Maxim Hot 100 party, an event they’ve been running for as long as the magazine existed, back when clickbait was in print form and they’d have events to celebrate the shit….you know when the scam wasn’t fake traffic on the internet but rather fake numbers of subscribers and printed issues they’d just burn in the back room….and it’s nice to see they attract such high caliber people, women they feature, women who want to be featured, women they pay…whatever it is….it’s pretty fucking garbage and I’m amazed Maxim is still doing their scamming fake lists…but then again I’ve done this site for 14 years…I get how you can get caught up in pussy pics…

Delilah Belle Hamlin was there. She’s the Daughter of Lisa Rina I think…and she looks good…


Posted in:Izabela Guedes




Rachel Bilson is Boring of the Day

Rachel Bilson Has a Terrible Bikini Selfie

In the event you’ve been sitting on the edge of your seat, hoping not to break it, because you’re a fat fuck, for the last 5-10 years since the OC ended, wondering what the hell happened to Rachel Bilson, knowing you heard something about her being abducted by her baby daddy / husband – Canadian actor who hasn’t really had that high profile of a career since he was in Star Wars….you’ll be glad to know she’s still fucking boring…and that whole being abducted shit was just adding flare to her boring existence…as you can reference in these pictures, this is how she interprets a beach selfie to look, and I don’t think she’s that old, even though she is old….never too old to know tits / ass / nipple or really anything is the answer.

That said, she was my favorite on the show the O.C., much hotter than Marissa Cooper / Mischa Barton, even though she’s gone onto be far more exciting, drunk, a disaster, disgusting, fat than skinny – a sex tape star then sex tape cock block….while this one seems to be some kind of Mormon or Born Again in terms of sex appeal. Tragic really.

Posted in:Rachel Bilson|SFW




LIly Collins in Shape Magazine of the Day

Lily Collins White Bathing Suit for Shape

Lily Collins is skinny….

Whenever I look at her, I think of her dad, which sounds gayer or creepier than it should, but I think of her dad because I used to fucking HATE his music especially “In the Air Tonight”….for whatever reason it drove me crazy…not that way skinny Lily drives me crazy, but in a way where I would see red and feel like I was being send subliminal messages like the Columbine kids did before shooting up their school….but the way I would power through is by changing the lyrics in my head…to “I can feel it cumming in her hair tonight”…or something simplistic because I am a half retard with terrible sense of comedy and ability to be funny….you night some low level bro joke….cumming in hair…my god…genius…give this asshole a TV show…

Well, it’s come full circle people, because looking at Skinny Lily Collins, famous child people like for being a heiress to her dad’s musical fortune, all being an actor because it’s hard out there for a rich kid with a famous dad, all I’m thinking is how I’d like to cum in her hair, pubic hair ideally, assuming she even has any in this world of bald pussy everywhere….

What it comes down to is that Lily Collins looks fucking amazing, I appreciate the butt shots, but then again I am all about skinny girls, in this world filled with fat girls, especially the rich ones who you know have deep rooted daddy issues the way we like it…..right….because we always choose starve your feelings, not eat your feelings…it’s the right way to manage your emotions.

Posted in:Lily Collins|SFW




Pervert Peeking Under School Girl Skirts…and Other Videos of the Day

Sea Lion Doing Situps

Drunk Driver Trying to Park.

Crazy Boat Sink


Gorilla Splashing

Car VS Human

Father Gets Joint Custody – Mother Freaks Out

Pervert Caught in Miami Mall Filmign…

Camper VS Truck…

Slap Contest Gone Wrong

Posted in:stepLINKS|Videos