I'll Make You Famous…




Sofia Vergara at the Pool and her TV Daughters Also Being Sluts of the Day


Sofia Vergara posted a slutty selfie of her tits at the pool, in what I can assume was a competitive selfie to her TV children, who constantly post selfie porn to the internet because they are shameless, the whole lot of them, and they love attention, the whole lot of them, and they get that attention by showing off their slutty bodies…good times…AT LEAST SHE KNOWS HER ANGLES…I mean she’s an old mom seductress who seduced her way into hollywood, she knows how to work it.

If you don’t like that Sofia Veraga and her Monster tits, here’s her confused TV kid in Cosplay Erotica showing what looks like perky tits…

Or maybe you prefer her other TV kid, who she was likely more of a mom to, shwoing what looks like a sloppy ass, that we can assume she thinks is a great ass because she shows it off all the time, because collectively these three are shameless self promoters who sexualize themselves for work….but more importantly…they are all broken women who made it, two didn’t stand a chance because their parents whored them, the other one was an actual whore and figured it out…and we can assume this is all part of Modern Family’s marketing campaign…I call these pics “Ariel Winter – Pig on the Beach”…

Posted in:Ariel Winter|Sarah Hyland|SFW




Thick Rihanna Airport Security of the Day

Rihanna is Obese in Tight Clothing at Airport

There were rumors that Rihanna was pregnant, but I think she’s just getting fat, it’s the era of fat chicks, and if you’ve ever been to Barbados, this is actually considered fit as fuck, as the people on that island are mostly morbidly obese, or as all the plus sized models like to call it “who are you to call me fat, my doctor says I’m healthy and fit and that science is a lie with all their studies that fat is dangerous and kills, the only thing dangerous about my fat is hot fierce I look”…to which all the other fat chicks cheer along “you’re not fat you’re healthy even though you’re not healthy and you’re fat” in unison like some sort of cult that many dudes don’t mind because the thickness is hot and well fed….good for breeding….shorter life span to get the Rihanna inheritance, not that she wouldn’t have a premature death without the obesity, all these “artists” who are actually just scams are broken and eventually self destruct…

Either way, hot sweatpants, making me feel like I’m at Walmart checkout line or some shit, all while getting some TSA Rub down….

Weird world we live in, nice to see the food addictions and laziness take over a slower firing metabolism…nothing a little tour dancing won’t fix….

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Alexandra Daddario Big Tits of the Day

Alexandra Daddario has big tits…Baywatch of broken dreams…because apparently the movie fucking sucked – which was such a surprise considering it was such a terrible fucking idea and had no business ever being made – whether THE ROCK who fills seats was part of it or not – let that stripper level Playboy cast bullshit from the 90s people watched because there was no porn die…

But I guess it worked out alright for big tits Alexandra Daddario who did all kind of media, as much media as possible, just to get her tits out there to the world as her big break or some shit…

Like this shoot for some very important god knows who cares – her tits are awesome…all round and spilling out everywhere….in a good way….the way….

Posted in:Alexandra Daddario|SFW




Rat Cow has an Ass and WAnts you To Know it of the Day

Emily Ratajkowski posting her ass to social media

Rat Cow is in a movie….that’s why she’s in Italy wearing her bathing suit around like some sort of slut…but she can’t be a slut…if she was would she be world famous on social media with all those millions of Russian followers thanks to having great tits at the right time in a music video that went beyond viral….that’s all it really takes…

She is neither talented or interesting, provided you don’t consider big shameless tits on a pretty small frame talented or interesting, which I guess they kind of are both a talent and interesting in a boring world where not all girls have tits like this one and those who do can’t pull off the scam that this one pulled off…

She may forever earn money because people are dumb and see numbers and confuse those numbers for actually mattering or being capable to carry anything beyond slutty pics on social media..

Even movie producers are giving her work now…when I was really sure she was going to fade into obscurity and remain an instagrammer…I see the IMDB page filling up with people hoping to get people to see their movie by using her….not necessarily how Fincher and Afleck used her sexually…but using her none the less…because that’s what you gotta do with these low levels trying to validate their low level whoring.

I am not a fan, but I think being so not a fan kinda makes me a fan nonetheless because I pay attention to what her tits are up to when I don’t actually care, yet this post tells a very different tale…

In more hilarious news – here’s her boyfriend taking her social media pics like the bitch he is…


Posted in:Em Rat Cow|Emily Rat Cow|Emily Ratajkowksi|SFW




Bella Hadid in a Bra….and Gigi Hadid Not in a Bra Important of the Day

Bella Hadid – the dick riding coattail riding sister who loves riding but probably pretends she’s got so much to offer, that she’s so different and unique, thanks to styling, surgery, and a marketing team…in a bootleg Kardashian, keep it in the family, troll the world with their stupid marketable naked…figured she’d so how different she is from the one who paved the way for her….by wearing a bra…while GIGI didn’t….WILD because Gigi Hadid Braless and Important…

ANd anyone in Malibu will tell you that Gigi Hadid was created….and not even that well…but prior to her fame, she was a troll, tall, but a troll and that reminds us all of how flimsy a world we live in, where Attention Deficit Disorder people everywhere just take what they are told, run with it, and put no thought into it, but figure it’s easier to go along with because “let me take a selfie, do coke, party, stare at the wall”….and all that other good things…if they say they are hot enough, people will believe it…

Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW




Alison Brie Titties for Netflix of the Day

Apparently these are Alison Brie’s tits for GLOW, a show you’ve probably seen if you care about women’s wrestling, and who deosn’t really especially when in mud…especially when you visit sites like this – you fucking weirdo….outdated fuck….

I don’t remember who Alison Brie is but like the cheese her family created and apparently people are pumped on her tits being in a show you’ve probably already seen….but I haven’t because I haven’t checked Netflix this week, but will as soon as I feel like watching free tv thanks to a girl I used to sex with who lives in Miami giving me her password 6 years ago – that still fucking works…

But tits!


Posted in:Alison Brie|SFW




Sahara Ray’s Titty Dance for Instagram of the Day

Sahara Ray pulls off the free spirited, Bali living, beach life model…who shows her tits every chance she gets, like a bootleg Em Rat Cow, who is probably frenemies with her and who they probably have titty competitions with each other, that Sahara Ray always loses because she’s a wreck and Rat Cow is more strategic in her whoring her tits out….

TITTY INSTAGRAM WARS should be the name of my mix tape.

Either way, she’s putting her nipples out there, and they are nipples…so look at them.


Posted in:Sahara Ray




Sexy Archaeologist of the Day

You’re missing culture and educational content in your life…so here’s a video of an Archaeologist teaching you about excavating years gone by to try to decode the human condition, experience and history of who we ended up here……and if you’re not into archaeology, because you’re not Indiana Jones or a fucking nerdy weirdo, you may be into the Archaeologist tits because tits are universal…they transcend all topics you can learn in school if you weren’t a half retard who dropped out of school

Posted in:SFW|stepNEWS|Videos




Anna Kournikova Beastiality Erotic Workout of the Day

Anna Kournikova likes getting licked by her dog…

It is always a special time when a nice hot girl says to me that my pug has a great tongue…this is something that happens all the time…to which I say he gets it from his dad, or you should see what he can do with it, or other things related to me eating her pussy…it just gets awkward when it’s a little girl with her mom telling me about my Pug’s tongue and I tell the mom via the little girl that I am essentially the master tongue in this duo…..you know to be seductive…..because it just comes across creepy…even more creepy than this series of Videos of Anna Kournikova, or as I like to call her, the reason this site exists because I posted a set of her in yellow bikini picking and out of her pussy and shit went like wild fire…it was 2004 and people knew who she was…not today…where people have no idea who or why I am posting videos of some Russian doing softcore beastiality…well this RUSSIAN happens to be the least significant yet hottest Tennis Players and that’s all that matters.

Posted in:Anna Kournikova|SFW|Videos




Alexis Ren is Alright of the Day

As much of a con as Alexis Ren and her gang of followers, her insane amount of followers, and not all dude followers, because girls believed in her hot body in a hot young romance with some gay guy she traveled the world and adventured with, because the world are fucking morons….and buy into anything….

She’s pretty fucking good, especially in this dance video, like what the fuck is the point of this dance, clearly, that doesn’t matter, there doesn’t need to be a point, it’s basically philosophy…just move seductively in a skimpy bikini and we’re good…marketing is just that simple…thank god for that…at least for her and all the other dumb hot girls who otherwise wouldn’t stand a chance in the world…but booty grinding half naked…they got that on lock…good god…this is good.

Posted in:Alexis Ren|SFW