I'll Make You Famous…




Charlotte McKinney Upskirt of the Day

Charlotte McKinney has enough strategic thought to pull a RAT COW…but the white girl with big tits…who is more the kind of rich wife to some athlete who you’d expect to see at the RODEO…who may live in LA because that’s where the fancy live…but who is straight Florida hooters or 1980s topless donut shop level of class…where as people like RAT COW….take the art angle to their short tight trashy sex shop looking skirts…so people buy into their slutting as anything but a cheap photo op to hopefully have someone like me write about…because it’s very important news you know….if you look close enough you can see her asshole…or what I like to call her soul…

I know, fuck Charlotte McKinney when she doesn’t show her tits – so Here are some Charlotte McKinney Photoshoot showing some tit….

Posted in:Charlotte McKinney|SFW




Yanet García Thanks her 4 Million Fans The Best Way She Can of the Day

Yanet García is a Mexican meteorologist….because Mexico like to remind you…like on every TACO TUESDAY…or CINCO DE MAYO….or really weekend night where white drunk women run around with Sombreros because it is one of their birthdays…that they are better than we give them credit for…

The Mexicans are more than just gardeners, illegals and drug runners making billions off GRINGOS….they are more than Mexican hookers at the Tijuana border fucking Donkeys for GRINGOS….they are actually enterprising people who understand good entertainment…good times…sure they are slow as fuck when you order food from them….but who needs to be quick for anything when you’re too busy watching weather reports…

Well, she’s hit 4 million followers and this is her celebratory ass shot…a girl who knows her worth, purpose and why she’s got the fucking job….yes…I am all for girls in the work force and this is prime reason why…empowerment….

MY NAME IS JESUS MARTINEZ BECAUSE I AM HALF MEXICAN AND WHEN MY PEOPLE BRING IT…IT’S BROUGHT…..and sometimes you don’t even have to tip them because you’re a fucking racist.

Posted in:SFW|Yanet García




Pia Mia Perez in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Pia Mia Perez is some really skinny youtube bitch with stage parents from US GUAM…who made it in mainland America and not just their territory where they have a military base and where strippers I know, the career travel blogging strippers, go to work for 6 months a year….

She’s rich and she’s connected. She gets hired. She gets work. She hangs with cunty LA kids…and she’s in a one piece bathing suit checking out her implant because I guess it lacks senstivity and she wants to make sure it’s still there…and didn’t like slip down into her crotch reason…because that would make for a weird cameltoe….one that looks more like a cock…and sure…she’s got the asian sex worker vibe…and probably morals and values thanks to being whored out…but she’s not that TRANNY kind…

I don’t know why I am posting this..BUT it is about to happen and if you’re reading this…then motherfucker it done did…

She looks like a 10 year old with tits…it is freaking me out…

Posted in:Pia Mia Perez|SFW




Anouk Von Kleef’s See Through Bikini Top of the Day

Anouk Von Kleef is someone I’ve never heard of – but I like that her name rhymes with QUEEF – because I am a basic human being with a basic sense of humor that no one finds funny, clever, smart or interesting…but that I feel will be sustainable and long lasting…thanks to posting pics of some hot model with a see through bathing suit, a fetish to any and all dudes who like naked women….and that alone means that I don’t need good jokes, you’re just here for the see through bathing suit…so thank you Queef sounding dutch model I’ve never heard of…and your bikini…and long body…for making this post matter…together we are business partners and you don’t even know I exist…

MAGIC….or bottom feeding…depending on who you ask.

Posted in:Anouk Von Kleef




Ariel Winter Sucking it In with a Huge Cigar of the Day

Ariel Winter just keeps bringing it…this is an outfit she wore a couple of weeks ago, that I guess she looked hot in, or maybe it was her impersonation of Monica Lewinsky that she’s putting out there as she is trying to play her in the upcoming Hilary Clinton biopic, because she’s got about the same level of sex appeal as Lewinsky, in a “well she’s young and around, I’ll fuck her with this cigar”…

She’s also pretty happy with how her big re-shaped tits – have managed to offset her gut that is not spilling over her pants like it should, because of a simple thing called photoshop or maybe it’s the asian food enema from eating tainted feces grown lettuce….because this is from her China trip…since China’s the future or some shit, and I’d be surprised if this one was, but she’s done pretty alright with herself as a child star to insta thot straight thotting…thot provoking…thotful…all while remaining a bit of a pig…something people seem to like because she’s on TV…

I guess what I am getting at is that Ariel winter looks like this pretty much never…but it happened once so take it in….

Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Toni Garrn and EMily DiDonato in Bikinis of the Day

I live in a world where everything is so fucking gutter. Girls, even the fancy ones, are shameless self promoting hookers. The exhibitionism…the slutty photoshoots…the playing up the whole “I am a model”…bullshit….is just shoved down our throat…even the fancy rich bitches are Kardashians and rathcet, vile, stripper like…and the strippers and sex workers I hang out with are ratchet, vile, stripper like….and even professional women are ratchet, vile and stripper like…just get some Xanax and Wine in them and next thing you know they are showing you how they twerk…it’s the worst…or the best….but I remember a time when the hot girl was the quiet girl, the turtle neck girl, the tame girl, the shy girl, the girl in her J.Crew Khakis who you’d find out once in the bedroom was a virgin, but really into ANAL…you know….because GOD doesn’t count anal as sex…it’s just masturbating with poop…that’s why the priests are into it…Yes…church girls…who aren’t broken and into fucking their mom’s crucifix…Tennis club girls who aren’t ass spread on social media…you know classic classy class…

So here’s J.Crew porn…featuring some models to tap into that…

Posted in:Emily DiDonato|SFW|Toni Garrn




Funny Girl Natasha Leggero Impersonator Nudes of the Day

These are some pics of a Natasha Leggero impersonator, roasting Natasha Leggero, by putting out nude selfies pretending to be the roaster, who is actually one of those funny girls that has a bit of sexual appeal, if you’re into girls who are funny, which I generally don’t….

She’s older, rough, but taking nude selfies as she should…according to owning a vagina…

I mean sure, I’ll humor a bitch if she’s out with me and cracking jokes, and sometimes, usually when she’s fat she’ll say something clever and get a little laugh out of me, not usually a physical laugh…but I feel it in my stomach a little and I almost smile, because for the most part…I hate comedy and think laughter is overrated…..

The reason I hate comedy is because it’s all fucking contrived, planned, scheduled, corporate…it’s all calculated and rehearsed, and most importantly…it’s not funny, it’s safe, it’s generic….and now the only place to get dirty jokes is from women, who just seem like they are sluts telling horror stories of filling the void in their souls through their vaginas and finding humor in it along the way…

It’s like Amy Schumer and her 1 star due to NETFLiX RATING TROLLS that has led Netflix to eliminate their rating system to make it TROLL proof…because SCHUMER could never come across as an overrated pig with narrow set eyes that should be taken out back and shot, not given movie after movie because she made some lazy exec and some moms on twitter laugh….

I know Legerro is not Amy Schumer, but they are all the same breed of sex joke…but at least Legerro in a world where female comedians are everywhere, bitches are fucking jokers, sleazy fucking jokers, she’s the kind of girl you’d more likely want to fuck….even if she doesn’t stop running her stupid joke mouth…

I have a friend who is really into Female comedians….he has no taste, but is married to a hot chick so we let it slide…like we do with my other friend who has a thing for 400 pound black women…who also has a hot wife…people and their fetishes…you know..

Posted in:Natasha Leggero




Rat Cow Naked on Vacation for Attention of the Day

People Magazine posted this picture of Em Rat Cow whoring out for attention in what I guess she’d assume is a classy strategic nude…that she knows she has to produce in order to stay relevant because her naked is the only reason she fucking matters…

She can play it off as her art, her dad is an art teacher so she understands the high school level of depth that goes into what she’s doing for attention…because anyone with a fucking brain knows she’s doing it for attention..it gets her paid,, it gets her noticed, it’s her purpose…and art is bullshit across the board, so it’s only natural that RAT COW would be bullshit too..

I am just amazed that this is a story, that actual Tabloid magazines starving for clicks would post about, like it matters…

She’s a girl who goes to a few events because she has a big following, that’s it…she’s in a few movies cuz she fucked David Fincher and Ben Affleck…she’s about as low level as you get and sure she can monetize as brands use her tits to promote nonsense to her audience…and she can deny being a sex worker…and claim her body, her empowerment, her business…don’t follow if you don’t like…or because she blocked me…in an Of course I’ll follow, if you didn’t block me…you post NUDEs and I am a basic human who loves nudes..


Posted in:Rat Cow|SFW




McKayla Maroney Bikini of the Day

McKayla Maroney is the Olympic Fucking dream…so if you jerk off to her now that she’s 18 and has got your attention through her slutty self promoting tactics…that work…it is your right…because she belongs to you…the American People…to jerk off to her…

I call it – giving consent through the content you produce and just because it’s not straight up porn, or the intention seems innocent…it’s a bikini and dudes can jerk off to bikinis…whether they belong to America to America or not…

I like to assume all girls know what they are doing when they put out slutty pics, even if they preface it with it “not being slutty”…or claims like “don’t sexualize me”…because if I can spin a story to be sexy as fuck and jerk-off-able…that’s my right to do…and if you don’t put your slutty content for attention out there…then we won’t have an issue…but the world would be a much sadder place..

Sure this isn’t sexual, then what’s with the tits, the make-up and the porn music…I’m onto your marketing campaign…


Posted in:McKayla Maroney|SFW




Alleged Fergie Butt Shot of the Day

This is an alleged Ferige Buttshot…that we can safely assume is not Fergie, but we can pretend for a minute that it is, probably during her meth years, when her lovely lady lumps were more covered in scabs, but still making money through sex work, and sticking bananas in her ass while staying at 1 star hotels…

I mean this is so fucking bootleg….if this is her, I’d be fucking surprised, but since I like nudes of all varieties….from people of all walks of life…thanks to being a voyeur in this exhibitionist world…I’ll take it…but you’d think we live in an era where nudes like this don’t exist…I mean what kind of gutter, badly posed, red eye shit is this…it doens’t give Fergie a woman I once held hands with while wasted, or whoever this is any fucking credit…and I guess the only exciting thing about it is that it’s a butt shot…and totally SFW according to TV standards and practices..

Posted in:Fergie