I'll Make You Famous…




Rat Cow Gets a Vogue Spain Cover of the Day


Low level titty model turned instagram model turned Ben Affleck and David Fincher fucker booking shitty roles in their movies making her an “actor”…despite just being a low level titty model who happens to have a lot of instagram followers….Emily the Rat Cow….has booked a Vogue Spain cover…

A Vogue Spain cover is clearly not a prestigious place for your images appear, because they allow prostitutes or as close a thing to prostitutes from social media…like she might as well is Tila Tequila..put on a dress and do it…

The whole thing…hilarious to me…just throw anything at anything because it has followers….instead of actually thinking it through….image not content…surface not content….no wonder all these young girls are whoring…it whores…it works…

Posted in:Rat Cow|SFW




Gigi and Bella Hadid Go to the Gym Together of the Day

Gigi Hadid and Bella Hadid – the chosen ones…

Who weren’t actually chosen by anyone, but with proper marketing and positioning due to parents who want their daughters living their dreams, who have budget to hire the right people to help their daughter’s live their dreams, even when the dreams are vapid, useless and to be “models”….because their egos and narcissism need it….

Girls who now are “models”…getting paid as models…for jobs they would do for free…because they don’t need the money and just want the stamp of approval…

And the only happiness I have in the whole thing is that The Weeknd was fucking other girls when he was dating Bella Hadid…and Zayn from One Direction has fucked other girls while dating Gigi…which they probably know or knew about..as it is all just part of mutual using to get ahead…but that still makes me happy because I know their vaginas are cesspools of sloppy second shit…

Overrated, bought their fame, fame I’m amazed they have…but that they have…and now they go to the gym together…because “Photo Op”…

What a waste of time…space..opportunity…garbage..just garbage..

Posted in:Bella Hadid|Gigi Hadid|SFW




Olivia Munn’s Dress of the Day


Olivia Munn wants to remind you that she’s more than just some low level TV host from a low level TV show because it was the only job she could book…

She’s also the ethnically ambigious girl who manipulated the hollywood scene while she was a low level TV show host on a show that targeted the easiest market to see tits to…video game nerds….

Nerd Gamers are like the country music crowd…you don’t need to be authentic, you just need to talk their language and their in…

With that audience…she was allowed to sit at the right table at the right trendy spots….and concerts…pull parties…coupled with not needing talent to act…while just needing tits….she’s become a hollywood starlet who books jobs…

And here she is out with her tits…tits that helped make her…tits that are living her dream and are all rich as fuck…tits that are bigger than I thought…tits that still don’t play videogames but tits that want all you gamers to still think she does…her fans help close deals…and tits using you is something you know too well because it’s the only way tits talk to you….or in Olivia Munn’s case…don’t talk to you…but get in movies because of you…

I have a funny Olivia Munn story, but I don’t feel like writing it out….


Posted in:Olivia Munn|SFW




Kate Hudson Leaving Brad Cooper’s House of the Day

Kate Hudson 64288

I would say that these pics of Kate Hudson leaving Brad Cooper’s house in her post-sex clothes is a red flag and that she’s probably already pregnant…

But then I remember that Kate Hudson is old…menopausal…possibly infertile due to the abortions or STDs over the years…because se owns one of the most well travelled vaginas in Hollywood…Hollywood kids and their vaginas…always so irresponsible..

I guess Brad Cooper can fuck whoever he wants as he owns the russian hooker Irina and her pregnancy, but Russian women, even the hookers are intense…so it’s possible he’s not allowed to fuck girls like Kate Hudson, and really why would you…when you’ve got Irina…even while pregnant…her dripping, hormonal vagina is a better option…

Who knows…maybe they are just friends…because celebrity womanizers are always just friends with celebrity women…

Either way…scandal.

Either way…old or not…good booty…

Either way….who cares this is Kate Hudson…

Maybe she’s just borrowing some milk from Irina…because her milk’s all dried up…

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kendall Jenner’s Nipples of the Day


Kendall Jenner has nipples that she shows off in her dress – because it’s a red carpet event and the red carpet events mean there are countless photographers ready to take her picture and without her nipples exposed…does it even count as her being there…does she even matter….will she get the kind of attention her family wants her to get at the event…

The movie is Oceans 8, it’s the tampon version of Ocean 12, where a bunch of women including Rihanna, Sandra Bullock, Anne Hathaway, Cate Blanchett try to steal a bunch of tampons or whatever it is girl heist movies are about….maybe it’s stealing a baby because one of them is infertile…or it could just be stealing hearts…but whatever the story is…it’s a terrible fucking idea…and there was no need for the girl’s version of an Oceans movie…when there are all the ideas in the world…so why brand it something people already know…because people are morons and need to be fed things they already know…

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Grace Hartzel Bush for the Bushes of the Day


George H.W. Bush – aka Bush Senior and his wife Barbara Bush…aka the BUSH that Shat Out George W …..are in the hospital…

As a tribute to their lives…here iss Grace Hartzel Bush…

She is a model….and in being a model…up on the “alt” feminist scene…the real edgy trendsetting kind of models…she’s got pubic hair…because pubic hair is fashionable an cool…trickling back into the mainstream and thank god for that…

I’ve been an ambassador of bush for as long as I can remember, I’ve made girls I fuck grow out their bush for as long as I can remember, the bald pussy trend was so homo to me, real men don’t like pubic hair…what a joke….real men just like pussy…and sometimes so much that a soaking wet bush surrounding that pussy makes that pussy more magical…

I never understood the insecurity hairy bitches had…or their unwillinginess to accept the comforting blanket that feels like home…that is the pillow in her panties…I never understood why this consumer generation would allow the world to tell them to waste their day and money getting waxed…it was a false thing to be insecure about…instead of just owning it like a 70s porn I jerked off to….because natural is beautiful…and sholdn’t be contested…like a Kardashian…who naturally are trolls.

That said…love bush…and pretentious hipsters who think having bush is a big deal…who clearly have never changed diapers at the old folks homes…

Posted in:Grace Hartzel




JoJo Levesque Still Trying to Do it of the Day

JoJo London Snapchat 2

Jojo Levesque is the mystery Jailbait from an era of long ago who is no longer jailbait…because she’s old…

I don’t even remember why she was famous, or any of her songs, or why she disappeared when she was her peak…that wasn’t really a peak…so she’s some meat perverts jerked off to before she turned 18….even though she was never really hot….because Americans fucking love under 18 year old girls…they are illegal…like Mexicans…who America doesn’t love…where’s the logic in that…

She’s obviously back on the scene trying to get some attention, because this is what she wears in concert….good hustle…see through outfits for everyone…why not…get noticed…make it happen…live the dream…I’ll watch.

Posted in:Jojo Levesque|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio’s Erotica of the Day


Naughty naughty naughty..

Skinny – mid 30s – fake tits Brazilian mom who is a Victoria’s Secret Model – Alessandra Ambrosio is posting slutty selfies because this is what models do, this is what she does, this is what happens when you’ve been half naked for ever, when it’s your only skill, it’s how you value yourself and you feel yourself getting older and falling the fuck a part…

Put it out there even when they aren’t getting paid to put it out there….because when you have money…the pay you crave is likes and follows and comments she’s saying is hot…

So even when she’s not getting paid she’s bringing the goods…..

Old tired boring still naked enough.

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Anja Rubik Topless for Vogue of the Day


Anja Rubik is a big model from Poland, but all models are big…in size…all tall and creepy as fuck….but they look good on camera…just not when you’re next to them.

She’s been in the game forever…or what feels like forever and she’s shown her tits the entire time pretty much all the fucking time…because that’s how sex workers who aren’t sex workers but should be sex workers thanks to being Eastern European…

She’s done all kinds of model work from High Fashion shit to hipster fashion shit to the Victoria’s Secret Fashion show…and now her tits make another appearance in Vogue….magical…

Posted in:Anja Rubik




Jessica Biel Ass of the Day

Here is Jessica Biel…the girl who was on Seventh Heaven, did a slutty shoot and found the man who I assume she was groupie-ing – because he’s Justin Timberlake….to lock the fuck down….

You know the kind of young starlet who got into acting because she learned how to masturbate watching Mickey Mouse club, making him a part of her life…deeply engrained…

You know sliding her hands in her panties until tickled while reading one of those teen beat mags…listeing to these 90s idiots singing and dancing before they went pop…or in Ryan Goslings case…went LaLa Land…a role you’d think he never sang or danced before having…

All leading her to LA to hunt the motherfucker down, trapping him, letting him do whatever the fuck he wanted while touring, while she was at the gym, working out hard, showing him she’d always be there for him, even when he fucked up along the way, forcing him to marry her, leaving him with no option to knock her up…..all because she’s been so cool along the way and no other chick would put up with that, or have what they have, leaving her to no need to work her shitty movies, so she can focus on her pit bulls, her fitness, and spending motherfucker’s money in her old lady pajama style dress I am trying to look up…

Here is her ass in jeans…because she’s now back at work..in the movies while making babies..because that’s what you do when you’re fit in your 30s…and trying to stay relevant….even if you’re not.

Posted in:Jessica Biel|SFW