I'll Make You Famous…




Hailey Clauson’s in her Underwear of the Day


Hailey Clauson is my favorite hipster model who isn’t really a hipster model but was when she was 16 and got cast to be in Urban Outfitters….only to sue them for posing her slutty, willingly posing slutty, while her dad watched and counted the money they ended up getting – and that’s amazing – FUCK THE MAN…without actually fucking the man with all the other models are fucking to get to where this one got – and she still gets work…and still looks good and still gets in her fucking underwear – all Calvin Klein mainstream and basic – because she’s a Sports Illustrated girl…. but there’s pussy definition in panty…all big and lovely…

Posted in:Hailey Clauson|SFW




Jessica Chastain Cleavage of the Day


I wonder if Jessica Chastain’s cleavage on set posing next to an under armour bag – like some weird spokesperson for the brand – is something people are into looking at….because I know there was an era where cleavage was really exciting on big tits – but that era is over thanks to most girls with big tits posting pics of their big tits all fucking day….and I know there are Jessica Chastain fans who think her and her big tits are just wonderful – but in on set paparazzi pics….is just weird, but I guess better to jerk off to from home than in a van on the street corner waiting for cleavage all day – because this is your fetish…

I think it’s pretty shit when we factor in all the sluts we have access to…but I’ll still post it like it matters because I support weird fetishes like this…I find them funny.


Posted in:Jessica Chastain|SFW




Ariel Winter Covering Her Belly of the Day

I don’t know why, but this Ariel Winter fat chick in a tight dress, holding her belly so that it doesn’t look like she ate the entire Thanksgiving dinner, despite having eaten the whole thanksgiving dinner, brings me great joy – and I don’t really know why…I guess it’s just knowing that Ariel Winter is better from afar, but more importantly, that in 10 years she will be 500 pounds – that make me appreciate her walking that fine line of just fat enough and too fat but I’ll still do it at 3 am cuz her loneliness and self hatred will make her eat my cock like it was an ice cream cone and she was at home watching romantic comedies about love lost then found again – as fat chicks do….


Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFWSFW




Bregje Heinen in a Lazy Bathing Suit Photoshoot of the Day


I once wrote (probably last week)..that Bregje is probably best known for being in Victoria’s Secret and Sports Illustrated, but I like to think her real accomplishment is having the most disgusting sounding name, a name that sounds like a lung cancer stricken hooker smoking a cigarette through her tracheostomy hole while sucking a dick with her mouth…before puking up all over you…something you’d think she couldn’t do with no gag reflex that was removed by cancer..but that being half dead while eating trash out of the garbage to survive probably contributed… “bregje”.

And that’s all I got to say about that…..

These are pictures for one of the worst bikini photoshoots, a lazy one really, because she lives in NYC where all the models live, and they didn’t even hop on a plane to get a shoot in luxury…instead they lazily walked around the city – because I guess it’s low budget….and more importantly…it annoys me…because she’s not naked and sticking things in her asshole…but that annoys me with all girls…

Posted in:Bregje Heinen|SFW




Sophie Simmons Ass in a Bikini of the Day


KISS fans will buy into any garbage that Gene Simmons puts out there and brands KISS, they are fanatics, collectors, the KISS Merchandise and memorabilia scene is just a massive fucking thing, that’s totally creepy and weird, but that’s made Gene Simmons rich as fuck…all off garbage….and those fans, I can assure you, have scene every episode of the Simmons family reality show, and they watched the tits Gene’s cum created on a chubby thing, who instead of using some of the trust fund for good, has instead used it to become a social media model…but as it turns out…she’s not so bad when she invites other mooch instagram sluts to hang out in bed with her for pictures like this…in fact she looks her best….

here’s her cleavage –


Posted in:SFW|Sophie Simmons




Important Sluts Attend the IFP Gotham Independent Film Awards of the Day

So the IFP Gotham Independent Film Awards – is some event that celebrates independent film, which is never really independent, it is all funded and distributed by the big players, but that they call independent because some evil studio rejected the idea and the filmmaker had to finance it himself – before winning an award – and having the evil Hollywood trolls move in on them to give them a deal to try to get their slimy hands in on the earnings…and the indy filmmakers always go for it – because ultimately – they want to glory too – and everyone remains a corporate drone living a shitty slave life – but in their case they are rich and sometimes get to be creative and do their thing thanks to that proven track record…

My theory is real independent movies, will eventually happen, and none of these hollywood idiots will be part of it, because they charge too much and are the Walmart of motion pictures….just garbage mainstream shit….and thanks to the internet we don’t need them and really they aren’t even that hot…in fact…they are incredibly fucking dull…and here are some pics of them because I feel like I’m a celebrity hollywood blog sometimes…even if I hate everything it represents…

Kate Beckinsale – So Slutty – Despite being Old – Dudes Love Jerking Off to Her – Because She Dresses like this:


Margot Robbie – So Slutty – Her Nipple is Hard…


Pregnant Natalie Portman – So Slutty – She’s Got a Fetus Inside her From Cum


Krysten Ritter – Slutty Goth – Because All Goth’s are Dark, Damaged, Annoying but fuck…


Malin Akerman – Slutty Cuz That’s the Only Reason She Exists…


Posted in:Events|SFW




Naomi Campbell Is in W Magazine of the Day


Naomi Campbell lives…

I am not really posting these pictures because they are something I can jerk off to – and that’s not because I am racist – because when it comes to black women – I think they are one of the most appealing species of human – I wouldn’t say I am a black fetishists, but I feel like a failure for never having enough swag to appeal to one – even the big ones….because my penis is just too small and they are the ones racist against me….so in a lot of ways, like a slave owner’s daughter, in exile from the black sauce, only instead of my overbearing slave owning dad keeping me away from the chocolatey goodness..it’s all on them….with their looks of disgust…like “there’s no way I’ll sit on your face and smother the fuck out of you like you want”….

That said, Naomi Campbell has been a lot of fun over the years, just a cunty high maintenance British model who has been given a taste of luxury – being labeled a supermodel – and has carried that rich princess attitude through life – causing scenes…..

So she’s still alive, old as fuck, but black don’t crack, just her legs get a little chunkier and they’d be pretty good to wrap around your neck like a scarf, but she only likes Russian billionaires…

Posted in:Naomi Campbell|SFW




Kate Hudson Ass Flash of the Day

I saw these Kate Hudson ass pics yesterday and slept on them to come up with something brilliant to write about it – because the wind magically blowing up a dress is erotic…less so when it’s actually a fan she set up with her paid paparazzi to make you all care about her – because of her ass…

But as it turns out, I am uninspired and I am not a fan of Kate Hudson, especially not now that she’s 40, but she had a good ass, a suicide inspiring ass if you’re Owen Wilson…..because he tried to kill himself while he was dating her, because he’s a tormented artist with a great life…or maybe she’s just a fucking devil woman with that ass…because if you know entitled rich kids, especially the hollywood type, who have gone onto have a career, raised by narcissism, to groom her own narcissism, in a world of vapid, vain, disgusting, sex everywhere, that she’s had….but far more glamourous than a porn chick…they have multi million dollar houses in all kinds of lovely places…while actual sex workers can’t even afford their crack dens…so if you’re gonna fill your pussy all the time, do it when you have hollywood parents, it works out better in the end…

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Nina Dobrev Does Instagram Bikini Pics of the Day


Nina Dobrev is a Bulgarian who moved to Canada at two to become a Canadian icon who left Canada for Hollywood after being introduced to the world of acting and I guess the world by booking Degrassi like she was Drake, but blacker.

She’s ended up getting on some show The Vampire Diaries, when Vampires were what Zombies are now that instagram took over the world and everyone just stares at themselves in the mirror with empty / dead eyes / craving likes…something this Vampire actor isn’t immune to, because these pics of her little body in a bikini is from her recent American Thanksgiving weekend in Mexico…where she got to spend some of that actor money…her family escaped communism for her to have…

The only Nina Dobrev story I’ve heard was from a passionate ex girlfriend of a guy who ended up banging Nina Dobrev….and her claim was that she has herpes….which in Hollywood is code for “she has a vagina”…

Fascinating. I wonder if the salt water burns her ‘GINA

A video posted by Nina Dobrev (@ninadobrev) on

Posted in:Nina Dobrev|SFW




Signe Rasmussen in a Nude Jewelry Ad of the Day


Signe Rasmussen is some German model – who is posing nude in what I assume is a Jewelry company, you know don’t get the clothing get in the way of the goods…it’s a good tactic I try every time I have a girl come over…I’m like “don’t let your clothes ruin getting AIDS from my soiled couch I found in a dumpster”….only much more luxury and expensive…

I don’t know if I’ve done a post on Signe Rasmussen, but this is not about me, it’s Signe Rasmussen as a German woman, who’s family legacy is Nazism, not that any German’s I know accept or mention Nazism, despite it being less than 100 years ago….but who as a people have evolved from Killing the Jews….to JUST HATING THE JEWS IN HITLER’S Berliner ….and who as a model Signe Rasmussen gets naked if she gets paid…because you can never tell by pictures if the girl naked in the pics is a nazi…or if she’s an instagram famewhore – or if she’s just an actual model…because all this DIY whoring for cameras makes them all virtually the same – despite how they justify themselves to themselves to feel better about the decisions they made…

Posted in:Signe Rasmussen