I'll Make You Famous…




Lindsay Lohan’s 30th Birthday of the Day

Lohan may have turned 30 this past weekend, but her tits are only about 13 or 14 and her mangled jacked up face is only about 5 and her level of relevancy being 0 is about 4-5 also…I guess the fading into obscurity being unhirable and all that happened around the same time she started jacking up her face…

But she’s still Lohan, she’s still the redheaded object of desire, the queen of my universe when I remember she exists and she’s still lookin good enough for me, like a crazy rich wife on AMBIEN to deal with her miserable life shes got everything in…and I believe with her boyfriend’s billions, she will be able to finance a movie of her own and win that Oscar to just prove what both her and I already know…and that is that she’s fucking magic…being broken thanks to fucked up parents just gets in the way of that.

I am a forever fan, but no really that committed fan, because I don’t care about this nonsense or people I don’t know, but I like her tits and that is important…oh and I hugged her once and felt her broken soul against my chest, making me want to take her under my wing as I do with most crackwhores and give them a bowl of soup, but at the time, she was still rich and didn’t need billionaire boyfriends to sugar baby…she was her own independent puppet to her family, the media and the industry..


Here are some of the best pics of her ever….in her CUSTOM LILO bikini….to bring back the good days….

At Least She’s Happy

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|LOLZ|SFW




Kate Moss is Great MOSS of the Day

Kate Moss is so old her leg skin is growing moss …or maybe that’s just cellulite from a woman on a cocaine and cigarette diet for 25 years of modeling …who has fucked so many people – some of which were needle sharing rockstars…and she just fucking owns it…sitting on her pile of money, being an iconic name, not giving a fuck because why would see…as her skin melts off her legs…it’s hard to be self conscious as a 50 year old always celebrated for being a babe – when you are the kind of babe who knows that is the dumbest thing to be celebrated for – while taking all the money thrown her way…unlike the American models who made careers off their looks still trying – you know the trashy fame whore kinds…who would never spread their cellulite ridden legs for the paparazzi…but Kate Moss just owns it – and I’d love to bury my face in her crotch to smell the worldly smells it has accumulated…

She’s magic…I like that she’s reading Vogue – you know staying on top of the industry – but I prefer the spread eagle slop…


Posted in:Kate Moss|SFW




Taylor Swift’s Boyfriend is Bitch Made of the Day

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You can’t see it – but the guy Tom Hiddleston or whatever his name is – who Taylor Swift cheated on Calvin Harris with – is wearing an I HEART T.S. shirt in their staged paparazzi bikini pics – because I guess he’s trying to be cute or funny or do anything in his power to not fuck this up because she’s got all the money and fame he wants – and this is a good way to leverage it….so make her feel confident in him, like a pussy whipped bitch, and make his narcisstic dreams come true – his ego wants that for him…

If you’ve met male actors you’ll know they are all gay, like Disney stars, too pretty and self conscious to be hetero…sure they bang women, they bang alot of women, but after banging out all the women, the key is to find one to mooch off of since most don’t really make that much money…

This is just bad and I Heart TS shirt…what a little faggot…

Maybe you’re more into her and GIGI HADID sharing or wearing matching bathing suits – i prefer thinking of their rank – used – slutty pussies rubbing up against the same fabric…but that’s just me..

Or maybe you like Hailey Baldwin who wasn’t invited to the Swift party in a one piece…

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Posted in:SFW|Taylor Swift




Selena Gomez Butt Shot of the DAy

Selena Gomez is really into sexualizing herself. She has been since she put together a movie called Springbreakers that was sent to her and her mom when her mom was her manager – where she waned to play the more racy character – but instead opted for the virgin – in order to maintain her image – you see because all these girls are whores – they just don’t want to be overly public whores – that’s the first lesson taught at the Disney school of child star…

But as the art scene, the music scene, the movie scene get more and more like the porn scene as a generation of people who were exposed to porn realize what I’ve always been saying and that is that sex is great, porn is not, but sex is great and looking at vagina, ass and tits is fun…

The funny thing about doing this site for 15 years is that I’ve seen the whole world do a total fucking shift into accepting penetrative sex as part of who we are and what we do – in a society that used to prefer letting kids see people shot and killed to seeing a set of tits…which is so fucking twisted…

So I guess with all the social media whore pressure, comes a pressure to stay relevant, aand what better way than to sexualize yourself as you cash the fuck in, some male attention is a nice year end bonus or some shit…

It’s not that good…

Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Charlotte McKinney Big Tits of the Day

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Charlotte McKinney acting all modest, trying to cover up like some kind of mormon or religious weirdo on a pilgrimage when the only real pilgrimage she’s on is trying to use them sloppy tits to get as famous as possible is kind of funny…

I mean maybe she’s having an off day – where she just doesn’t want to show off all the 5 layer dip and wings her white trash from Florida fucking love – the same food that made her the sloppy tits that made her… or maybe this is part of a very basic calculated strategy to be relevant…either way…we get to see some of her huge, absurd, sloppy tit and that’s always worth the 3 seconds or less we care to spend on this freak…

CM (23)


Posted in:Charlotte McKinney|SFW




Mel B PDA on a Boat of the Day


Mel B of spice girls fame was always my favorite spice girl – because I have always been into black girls – but more importantly she had the hottest body, she was fit, busty had shape where as Baby Spice was chubby, that’s why they called her baby, it was a way to package the fat, sporty spice was a dyke, Posh spice was hot but uninspiring, and Ginger Spice was some washed up stripper who shoulda remained a stripper – being shameless and trashy…while this one…had hard nipples..

Well apparently Black don’t crack that bad, because her body IS still better than Beyonce which isn’t saying much…but it is saying that she’s got a lot of good going on and this bitch has at least 2 kids with different dudes – and that was before finding this K-Fed to show the world how in love he is with her booty and money..living the life of luxury…




Posted in:Mel B|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio Beach Body of the Day


Alessandra Ambrosio best work in recent years has been her breast implants after her kids….

I still think she’s old, played out, boring…but at least she’s not that tranny Gisele…She’s instead, like Lima, one of the Brazilians who looks like she was born with a vagina, and I guess that’s a good thing….if you’re not into tranny even though it seems eveyrone is into tranny..

I figure Brazil needs all the support it can get in these hard times of dangerous gangs and ZIKA virus for the Olympics…but I don’t think Ambrosio, a Brazilian defector who made her money in AMerica is the answer…if anything I think she’s had far too much press over the years, and this is just the tail end where younger and hotter versions of her doing the same work as her – which isn’t even inspiring or good work – it’s just catalog underwear work – meaning she ultimately doesn’t matter – but she won’t accept that and just fall out and age gracefully, VS is still under contract with her so cash the fuck in as long as you can – even if it is the last hurrah…

I guess what I am saying is that I am a firm believer that models die at 27….




Look She’s on the cover of Cosmo UK which is only 1 British Pound – or 10 cents AMERICAN duE to their BREXIT because she matters…and the magazine is JUST THAT GOOD…

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Nicki Minaj is a Backpages Girl of the Day


Nicki Minaj is trying to be so hood that her brand identity at least according to her instagram has gone from fat acting nerd, to weird black lady gaga manufactured in an office by creative directors, to hip hop Lil Kim, to butt implanted bad attitude stripper looking girl you wouldn’t want a lap dance from because she’d either lash out or leave a shit stain on your jeans…and now she’s gone back pages – full on escort and she’s not even blurring out her face like most escorts – BOLD…owning her sex work or some shit…

I don’t find this hot – but it happened…and at least she’s not CHRISTINA MILIAN IN A BATHING SUIT FAME WHORING

Posted in:Nicki Minaj|SFW




Anne Sofie List in a Bridal Shoot of the Day

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Anne Sofie List

I would argue that the only husband that wants to see his wife’s tits is an old as fuck rich guy marrrying a bitch who looks like Anne Sofie List and is only into him for his money…

The regular dudes getting excited about their wives is more a level of comfort and security that comes with finding someone who either puts up with you or takes care of you like your mom – and you’re really only marrying them because you feel the pressure to – at least that’s what I assume –

I’ve never heard a dude say “can’t wait to marry my girlfriend”…ever….I have heard girls say they need to be married by 30 and if you date them at 27 – you need to get in with that and agree to that – and eventually they turn 30 and dude is like “fuck, I like her, I like our life, it’s easy, I guess I gotta marry her”…or they’ve just been hounded so much – they do it…

I’ve never heard a husband be excited about his wife’s tits, or seeing her in a sheer top, it’d be more of a COVER UP those are my tits…and a “let’s go to the stripper together to see new tits”,…because the wife tits are like an old blanket, old car, old whatever – that feel like home…a pillow like home…

But sure, let Anne Sofie List, a Danish model doing some bridal lingerie campaign convince us that the tits that will soon feed our kids, or that have already fed some other dudes kids before they fed us, in a sheer top is something a husband would be into….when we know he’d only be into it if it was on some other man’s wife….

Here is a video of her butt – and dolphins…

Posted in:Anne Sofie List




Kelly Rohrbach for British GQ of the Day


Kelly Rohrbach was some low level bikini model from Sports Illustrated swim, which I guess makes her not that low level, because SI Swim is the top of the bikini model charts, you seen it’s that stamp of approval that makes all your instagram whoring worth your time and effort…you know because without a publication to publish you – you’re just doing it for yourself and that’s lame…

I think she did one or two issues because she’s still young in the scene and in being young in the scene, that means she has already been one of the models Leonardo DiCaprio co-signed with his penis or at least by promoting to the world as his girlfriend, because he may be gay…

Before turning her over to his film producer friends, who cast her as Pam Anderson in the Baywatch remake no one needs to see because it’s going to suck and you can see all these bitches in bikinis without the storyline on the internet. It’s kinda what they do…

Now Leo has moved onto old timer Nina Agdal – who has been around for a while, because I guess he likes his whores more seasoned and mature….you know where she’s trying to get pregnant to make it all worth it and to make sure

While Kelly’s just getting her career started, all being promoted in GQ UK…in a bathing suit..


Posted in:Kelly Rohrbach|SFW