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Morning Motivation…..and Other Youtube Shorties of the Day

Surf Babe in Bali

Bitches Love Boats

Slutty Body Reveal

Climbing Bitch

Dumb Dancer

Posted in:Videos




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

A post for inclusivity, to shut all the fatties up like an all you can eat buffet dessert cart, in an “I am inclusive, I post a fat chick round-up of fat chicks who think they are hot all the time, every week”…..BECAUSE getting cancelled when you’re already cancelled is DOUBLE the cancelled which doesn’t cancel the cancel out, it just makes you MORE invisible and BROKE….

SO yeah, a post for inclusivity can also be an educational post as to why you should not believe big is wonderful, body positivity is actually pretty negative and all the TRUTHS we already know!



Posted in:Fatty




Irina Shayk Brings her Tits and Ass to Instagram of the Day

I’ve endorsed the double agent that is Irina Shayk, who people are hating because the media is telling them to hate Russians, who Tom Brady is hating because she’s a desperate looking model trying to find her next high profile dick to climb on, not realizing she’s 38 years old, a mom , and in the process of a rotting harder than she probably ever thought she would, but probably thought she would because she had kids with Brad Cooper for the insurance policy / financial benefits of using that pussy to wallet fuck for 18 years of child support, assuming she’s not a born man and all this has been an elaborate troll because one of these pics looks like she’s got a dick, a dick you’d like to suck since it comes with the rest of her, even if it comes down your throat…..

The point of the story is the rot is happening, the desperation increasing at an equal pace to the rot in efforts to offset the rot and there’s titties on INSTAGRAM so that’s really what it’s all about isn’t it…

Posted in:Irina Shayk




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

I think it’s ridiculous that I have to defend myself when posting hot bodied girls with TINY TITS, because the A-Cup is as important as the DD-Cup, even if it’s less robust, harder to suffocate on, harder to grab, harder to see through clothing….it still holds it’s weight, which isn’t much weight…it still packs a big punch despite it’s size…

I think it’s more ridiculous that not a single small titty girl has emailed me to thank me for my continued support for their small titty cause, because the insecurity girls feel with their small tits, which are like BIG tits, just smaller, often just as HOT, thanks to the tighter bod they’re attached to….and far easier to run around the park in a sports bra and do yoga with, even if less fun to watch do those thigns…

I feel so under appreciated with my ACTIVISM…


Posted in:TINY TITS




Kim Kardashian’s Pink Bikini of the Day

I didn’t know you could smell dog shit through the computer, has the AI technology really got that good, I was convince my dog too a shit, but alas, it was KIM KARDASHIAN in a pink bikini to trick you into thinking she’s a girl and not some troll they pulled out of middle earth….

You may think it’s a tribute to the color her pussy once was, you know “WE ARE ALL PINK ON THE INSIDE”…but I don’t think NECROSIS PUSSY is ever pink…

I think Kim K is the symbol of a failed society, it was profitable for her, since MONEY is everything to these scumbags, but it’s pretty depressing to see who we reward and celebrate, especially when they look like farm animals…

Demonic, definitely….but her mutant body in a bikini is worth pointing and laughing at like the freakshow circus it is…

Or you can always jerk off to it, because you think she’s hot….along with the rest of the world….in what I think must prove we live in a dystopian hell simulation!

Posted in:Kim KArdahians




Katie Cassidy in a Swimsuit of the Day

In old sluts you don’t give a fuck about, how about some Katie Cassidy in a one-piece with her tits out….

Rockin’ some prison tats on malnourished legs, like a medicated crackhead who sucks dick for extra money cuz her social security doesn’t cover it!

She is the daughter of dead Patridge Family David Cassidy doing a father’s day tribute to him by looking like a corpse.

Posted in:Katie Cassidy




Leni Klum’s Robe Selfie of the Day

I feel like I’ve already posted this Leni Klum selfie in a silky looking robe you’d expect to find in the boudoir, whatever the fuck a boudoir is….I’m thinking Whore House in the 1800s, but what the fuck do I know…

I assume this is how Heidi used to dress Leni up when important decision makers were visiting the house, pantyless, so they’d get a glimpse of the HEAT she’s packing, in efforts to keep Heidi working…

Like the hot moms who are actually embarrassing trying to stay young and hip moms you see at the Walmart, not realizing they are 50 fucking years old, mooching off their daughter’s hotness, walking around with pride with every creeper who creeps on them, you know that Heidi’s the same fucking way.

The more relevant and jerk-off-able the daughter, the hotter the seemingly rotting mom, because it’s one of those “MILF” situations, but you have to wait until the daughter is 18 to really make the fantasy work, unless they’re creeper lawbreakers…which most of you probably are…

Either way, FANCY ROBE PORN.


Posted in:Leni Klum




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

The weirdest thing happened to me today on my TIGHT PANT adventure, where I basically Steve Irwin Crocodile hunt the bitches in tight pants, because they are fruitful and abundant….bitches of all ages just walking around with pants up in their cunts and assholes…from granny to 18 year old boys who think they are girls…it’s crazy…

But today, along with the standard flow of TIGHT pants I experienced, came one set of tight pants on a chick that were UNDER A PAIR of shorts….

Now I remember Tight Pants of the 90s being used as tights under shorts and I thought that shit was dumb then, but in this era of TIGHT pants on all sizes, fat fucks and anorexics, FAKE asses and NO asses…the whole thing was too much to handle and I don’t know what to do with myself….

HOW can a woman in a whore era of whores have oversized shorts over leggings, CANNOT PROCESS THIS INFORMATION!


Posted in:Tight Pants




Rachel Sennott Bra and Panties of the Day

Rachel Sennott is an Irish / Italian chick who is probably considered a white girl in this era, but there was a time when neither were allowed in the country club, those catholics…

She’s some NYU grad, overhyped, Lady Gaga faced looking troll who for whatever reason, maybe a lack of beauty standards, or lack of comedic standards, or just all around “the democratic internet makes shitty celebs”….because despite not knowing who she is, she’s a celeb…and went viral during the PANDEMIC playing what I can only imagine being white girl millennial comedy….all awkward and relateable…

Worked out nice for her, she’s currently getting AIDS from a gay character in THE IDOL, but also known for some “critically acclaimed” awkward lesbian movie called SHIVA BABY where she appropriated being a Jewish girl….and another one called BODIES BODIES BODIES which was some dumb Pete Davidson bullshit….

Well in being popular, the media and everyone else around it need to latch on and get their claws up inside her, and that’s why she’s in a magazine, stripped down and pretty dumpy and horrible looking, but that’s millennial relateable comedy people, “I don’t work out” LOL LOL LOL….TELL US ANOTHER ONE….”My cat is my kid” LOL LOL LOL…MORE MORE MORE….DON’T STOP….”SO I was on a hookup app and banged 4 dudes in 1 day, thinking they were the same black dude, I know racist right”…..OMG I JUST SHAT MYSELF…no wait, that’s just pics of Rachel Sennott…


Posted in:Rachel Sennott




Things to Wear to the Beach Tuesday of the Day

Here’s a gallery of women in their swimsuits to remind you that you don’t have to go to the beach to see bitches in bathing suits, you don’t need to creep out on girls at the public pool to see bitches in bathing suits, you don’t need to break into condo complexes or private residences or health clubs with pools to see bitches in bathing suits….you can just kick back from the comfort of wherever the fuck you are on your screen and experience it through the screen…

One could argue that that access to bitches in swimsuits is detrimental to society, that it’s the foundation of all that is wrong in society, that bitches in bathing suits upload their bathing suits to get as much reach as they can with their bathing suit….all for lazy pigs at home who they probably don’t really want to seeing them in bathing suits if they knew how fucking weird we actually were….

I’d be one of those people, as I post a gallery of bathing suits, saying all these bathing suits are an ATTACK on our freedom by trying to keep us locked up at home, locked into a screen from our pod, getting a version of bitches in bathing suits, just not a real experience of bitches in bathing suits….IT IS ALL FAKE…PIXELS ON A SCREEN…>GET OUTSIDE AND GET YOUR HUMAN FREAK ON BEFORE HUMANS ARE REPLACED….


Posted in:swimsuit