I'll Make You Famous…




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I don’t know if this belongs in a MILKY TIT MONDAY post or in the MILF MONDAY post I am working on, but maybe I’ll just cut and paste the same thing in both since no one fucking reads my bullshit anyway.

The highlight of my weekend was leaving the house and realizing that either there’s another baby boom happening, people busy getting their fuck on, or that I go places pregnant chicks go, because I saw dozens of pregnant chicks, and not hanging out together like they are part of some being knocked up club that we call MOTHERHOOD, or so to be motherhood, and I wasn’t hanging in the maternity clothing store’s underwear section like I should be, but pregnant chicks sporadically appeared everywhere I looked….

To make them more interesting than just some hormonally swollen used up pussy, they were all walking around with their bellies on display, parading that shit around like they were special or like they had a trophy inside them from being CUMMED in, and all I could think of was just how much they were cummed in…

I saw old ladies approach these bellies, all excited at fertility and the blessing of life, and I’m like, pregnancy is a billboard you carry around for 9 months saying “I GET CUMMED IN”…

In fact the whole being a mom thing is pretty slutty, it’s sex to absolute completion and you don’t need chicks sexualizing lactating tits like they are a porn fetish to drive the point home, the BELLY in a tight summer dress is ENOUGH…

But here are those MILKY tits being sexualized by the slutty moms who own them….


Posted in:Lactating




Rita Ora Bikini Body of the Day

Here’s Rita Ora floating in the pool because she’s rich as shit, plus her husband is rich as shit, so they are collectively rich as shit and can afford to lounge in the pool…

She’s rocking a bikini on her floatation device, which for those of you who don’t know, are an actual fetish to some dudes, even without the Rita Ora with her scaled down built in floatation devices thanks to her recent fitness addiction…yes, dudes fuck floaties…it’s fuckin weird…but I guess we’ve all been there once or twice in our lives after a day in the pool with nothing else to fuck….unwilling to try the pool filter or jet….but to jerk off to that memory is sad…

I’m more into Rita Ora looking like the person taking the pic is about to shoot his load on her face from afar, you know BUKKAKE in the pool pose, so artsy and perverted….

The tits flattened out as she lays on on her back is not the best use of the tits, since a flat chested Rita Ora is a Rita Ora who barely matters, but it’s some good end of week get into summer inspo….I guess….I mean pools and bikinis, that’s all anyone really needs….


Posted in:Rita Ora




Lea Michele Tuck Game Strong of the Day

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again….

I am convinced that Lea Michele was born a man based on her face alone…

Even with her feminization surgery I still think she was born a man….

I don’t know if she got the CHOP and dick inverted to cunt to live out her act as a woamn…..

But I do know that her “mom” bod bikini posing is in poses that would make tucking her dick quite easy to do….

So she’s not doing any favors of putting those rumors to rest, especially in this ALL BITCHES ROCK CAMELTOE era we are in….UNLESS of course they have dicks….

I will say the looking long and thin and shot from half a mile away almost tricks me into thinking “I”d fuck Lea Michele, unless she’s still got the dick”….but that’s ALL just optical illusions and I will not let that SUCK ME IN….but maybe suck me off…I mean…it’d be gay no to take a dick suck from a dude who looks this much like a chick…right? That’s what they want you to think THESE DEMONS!


Posted in:Lea Michele




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

Here’s the week on ON/OFF, clothed/nude side by side selfies to remind you that seeing a clothed bitch get naked is really the point of life….and that’s something worth celebrating every friday before going into the weekend….

It’s like sure, clothed chicks can be hot, especially in their really revealing outfits they wear these days, but SHIT….seeing the nude version shot the same time the clothed version was shot is inspiring….

It makes staring at bitches and imagining them nude far less effort and for a lazy mind, in a slutty time, that’s what dreams are made of.


Posted in:OnOff




Dua Lipa’s Panty Strap of the Day

Dua Lipa’s family is Muslim, so showing off her panty strap is far worse than showing ankles or hands, so you know that she may be victim to an honor killing.

However, I guess that doesn’t always apply to the girls who escape their families or their countries, because some of the biggest tits I see busting out of crop tops and sports bras in ther summer are girls from Jordan or some other country living their best slutty life before going back home when they graduate college to live behind the veil….

This pop star, one the biggest around right now, who may or may not be AI, since nothing is real, especially when viral on TikTok does far worse in the level of HARAM than showing panty pulled up to her shoulder in her outfit….this is actually tame for someone who has clearly lost her path or traded it in for STARDOM….sold her soul for money and fame…which I guess is what everyone wants in these heathen times….

Point of the story, I dig visible panty lines.

Posted in:Dua Lipa




Hailey Bieber Gets Slutty with Chem Trails of the Day

Hailey Bieber, the creepy Justin Bieber fan who I assume executed a targeted attack on him in order to convince him to marry her. I’ve heard rumors he took her virginity, better than I signed poster I guess and over the years kept in touch, but who fucking cares about the Stephen Baldwin offspring’s rich bratty seduction tactics to entrap her favorite pop star…

Well, like most billionaire wives and I guess INFLUENCERS she does a whole direct to consumer line of bullshit products that I am sure sell like crazy and basically print money because the general population are retards….

RETARDS potentially made more RETARDED because of the targeted attack that you can SEE in these slutty pics of Bieber pushing her bullshit direct to consumer brand, in the form of CHEM TRAILS…

They’ll tell you that the SPRAY PLANES don’t EXIST and that they AREN’T Spraying you like bugs, but if you LOOK up you may just see a blocked sun and a bunch of ANGRY zombies walking around aimlessly….

Maybe it’s all a conspiracy, but as far as I’m concerned Bieber posted this to LET you all know what’s happening, or at least to MOCK you about what is happening, since none of these things actually IMPACT the rich….but rather the low levels like us…

Here’s the rest of her using sex appeal to sell shit, even if she’s got a masculine looking face, she’s still hot….and it doesn’t make you gay for thinking it.

Posted in:Hailey Bieber




Feminist Friday of the Day

These braless chicks may just be in it for the trend, the style, the fashion, the comfort…I am sure there are many reasons that a bitch wouldn’t wear a bra and most don’t have anything to do with dismantling the patriarchy….since men would likely all be on board with girls having their tits visible through their shirts…rather than harnessed up in some strappy contraption, unless of course that man owns a bra company….

So I just make it about feminism as an excuse to say the feminism is bad, not only does it turn women to witchcraft, but it destroys the family structure, leads to miserable lives or working whores with no purose who are miserable people and since they are never satisfied, they’ll just continue to complain and annoy about how unfair everything is, because it will never be good enough for them and it’s all the white man’s fault…

It’s like you give a woman the right to vote and it all goes to shit…not that we take women seriously, but we still have to listen to the whining…

However, when tuned out bralessness is great….because hating feminists doesn’t mean hating women OR their tits, even FEMINIST tits….


Posted in:Feminist




Nina Dobrev Showing Off Her Body of the Day

Nina Dobrev may not be the most interesting mid 30s Hollywood starlet who is hardly a starlet, but from her modest start as a rich enough to buy citizenship in Canada at a young age, only to fuck off to America to headline a bullshit CW show that probably made her even richer.

BUT she does fuck GINGERS and for the gingers out there who hate themselves for being GINGER, since GINGER-ISM is scary to the NON-GINGERS, with your super GINGER retard strength because your kind had to survive the elements after being left in the woods to die or fend for themselves in the early years of humanity because the parents assumed your species were demons that HAD to get the fuck out of the house….meaning those who did survive were some kind of special…

So yeah, as long as the ginger is a billionaire snowboarding icon and champ, she’ll fuck it…and that should give all you gingers hope that if you become a billionaire OR famous, you’ll get a BULGARIAN mail-order of your own, one that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BUY….

In conclusion, I think Dobrev’s got a hot middle-aged body, long thin legs, fat enough tits, no BOTOX or FILLER to make her look like a clown and I dig it enough to look at her on vacation getting MONKEY POX like a fag.

Posted in:Nina Dobrev




Kendall Jenner Upskirt of the Day

I don’t post paparazzi pics, because THEY killed Princess Diana and supporting that industry means other high profile people may be inconvenienced and die, and we can’t have that….we have to let these high profile people be high profile in peace so that they can collect their money off our backs, while enjoying the freedom of being ANONYMOUS…

I actually don’t post paparazzi pics because they are litigious and threaten me with lawsuits which can be fucking annoying, even if I have nothing for them to take from me, like THERE ARE NO ADS ON THE SITE BRO, why you gotta bother me, I’m just doing god’s work here by calling these demons out for being demoms…

So yeah, I don’t post paparazzi pics, BUT WHEN I DO, they are of getting out of car intentional because they are all fame whores panty flashes….

This along with the paparazzi bikini pic, the sheer top and nip slip is the FOUNDATION of these lame ass site’s I’ve been parodying for 2 decades that no one realizes I am parodying…

I’m just that good at the parody bro.

Her name is Kendall Jenner and I’m surprised she doesn’t have balls in this pic…


Posted in:Kendall Jenner




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties are the relationship panty, which in a world where people are dating or in extreme friendships with AI chat bots, because there’s no real difference to the relationships they have with medicated half retard humans, since they just communicate with them on an empty and superficial level through their phone screen, basically talking to themselves…..the relationship panty becomes the coveted panty…

Everything comes full circle when it comes to things to come to….since full back panties were a panty women feared being CAUGHT DEAD in to decades of them being the dirty little secret of panties for girls on their periods, to the current HOTTEST panty people can’t get enough of because for the longest time they were so bad.

We’re a weird species of perverts…


Posted in:Fullback Panty