I'll Make You Famous…




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

The call them pussy lips for a reason people, it’s because they do the fucking eating….

It’s the vagina dentata without the teeth, just gumming away at the tight pants being pulled up into them, so that random strangers can see the pussy print, it’s the cleavage of the era, because women are feeling threatened on a hive mind level by the trannies moving in and replacing them, and the only thing they have to win the closet case men with too much testosterone from the estrogen in their water is the pussy…

It’s the pussy chronicles, the vagina monologues, the each pussy has a story to tell, and the fact that their is womb should LURE men into want to breed with them, not just creampie them, but actually breed with them like their tight pants are trying to do, because that’s the POINT of humanity, to SPREAD the SEED, to KEEP the LINE GOING….idiots…


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Rowan Blanchard See Through of the Day

There is a conspiracy that I like to perpetuate that Hollywood is some demonic, satanic, corrupt cult of baby eating pervert degenerates who are actively trying to destroy your family, your children, by instilling horrible values by the icons they create for people to look up to….

There’s the whole child star, abused by the industry, used as a brainwashed and controllable puppet to push any agenda they want to push….and those child stars end up mentally fucked up, basically rape victims from being exploited at a young age, so they have a period of slutty content, before transitioning into adult roles..

Anyway, I like to think the reality is that they are just money grubbing pieces of shit, chasing the dollars, knowing they have to compete with porn, being paid by advertisers to push vaccines, because ultimately the worst people end up in Hollywood…

so Rowan Blanchard, Disney Kid, may not just be on the owned and abused by the industry program, maybe she’s into the visible thong, underwear, racy photoshoots, because she likes to be seen, likes to be on camera and this is how she wants the world to perceive her because that’s where the money is…or maybe she has a team of string pulling puppet masters deciding this for her, who cares, I’ll stare at the young famous whorin’…


Posted in:Rowan Blanchard




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I am not convinced that smoking weed is all that bad for you. I don’t really believe that it turns you into a schizo, society as a whole does a good job of that, but I figure if you’re a bitch who needs to be numbed, it’s a healthier alternative than pharma, and if you’re a guy like me, you need a bitch numbed to be willing to even contemplate flashing you her box….

You know, when they aren’t numb, stoned, distracted, just wanting to be left alone to eat their snacks and watch their streaming, getting a pussy flash to get me to leave the the fuck alone takes skills I don’t have….

So whether weed’s legalizing is suspicious or not, they don’t want you to be your full super power that you are meant to be, so they throw obstacles to weaken you and whether weed smoking girls look like they’ve smoked too much weed and eaten too many munchies or not, I’ll look at any excuse or prop to help bitches post nudes…


Posted in:Weed




Woood Baby and her Lumber of the Day

Unfortunately for me, this internet life as an internet legend doesn’t really pay the fucking bills, so I’m looking into side-line work off the computer, in a re-integrating myself back into society and getting a job, to be a grown up….instead of some pervert who reposts content of internet sluts for 4 people who may or may not buy whatever I was selling back when I had advertisers….

I’ve always been into home renovations, construction and carpentry that may be replaced by the AI, just not as quickly as a website that aggregates random slut content and says “I love sluts, yum”….

So I’ve looked into carpentry school, that is government subsidized, because we live in communism, and as it turns out, I’m more into watching thick thonged ass doing carpentry….which is why I am endorsing WOOODBABY as inspo while I plan my future offline, in real life, fuck the internet and the AI, using my hands to build not to write random brilliant blurbs only I find brilliant….

She does carpentry right, cuz you can jack off to it…

You can follow her on INSTAGRAM

Posted in:woood baby




Nelly Furtado Alive and Slutty of the Day

Nelly Furtado is pretty famous on the international level, she’s sold 40 million records or more worldwide, but I don’t really know how famous she ever got in the USA, since I am Canadian based, and the communist rulers in Canada have some Canadian content laws that force all media companies to push a certain amount of Canadian content on us, so when they find their star, like a Nelly Furtado, it’s incessant….THE GIRL GONNA BE HOT HOT HOT…TURN OUT THE LIGHT…TURN OUT THE LIGHT…..FOLLOW ME FOLLOW ME YAYAYAY TURN OUT THE LIGHT…

I have never listened to Nelly Furtado, this is strictly based on her programming me with her lyrics through the government pushing her music on me, so it a lot of ways Nelly Furtado has psychologically RAPED me…


SHE is my RAPIST….

I guess she is making a comeback, because she’s showing her 44 year old bra tits through her dress for a photoshoot….which is probably a little better to RAPE us with than her stupid fucking songs…but a little old and rich for this, isn’t she.


Posted in:Nelly Furtado




Charlize Theron Aint Got No Pants On of the Day

Charlize Theron made insane headlines last week when supporting Drag Queens performing for children, she said something like “I’ll fuck you up” if you don’t accept perverted men dressed like women being sexual in front of kids who don’t really understand what the fuck they are seeing, while their blue haired libtard moms cheer on the Queens like the are Fabulous and not adult entertainment.

I am a firm believer that Drag Queens wanting to perform in front of kids are real fucking freaks and the moms or celebrities like Charlize who support that shit are demonic.

The truth is, she likely could FUCK YOU UP, because she apparently killed her “abusive dad”….who I guess was likely the diddler kind of abusive, because that would be the only reason she’d be into showing kids sexualized content, as it was something she grew up with….

The sexually abused, abusing….or maybe that’s just how demonic Hollywood works, either way, she’s old as shit, still a whore and I don’t think she’s been hot since her Playboy shoot in the 90s before she got famous, but other people do…so HERE you go…a fucking Monster who won an Academy Award for Monster…


Posted in:Charlize Theron




Hot Pussy on Youtube and Other Youtube Shorties of the Day

Chiropractor Porn

Deep Stretches

Ice Bath Girl

Outfit Check

Trench Coat Flasher

Human Pretzel Shit

Getting Dressed on Youtube

Posted in:Videos|Youtube Shorties!




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day


I think normalizing fatness is the least responsible thing a society can do…

It will collapse the healthcare industry harder than it collapses most foldable chairs….fatness that is..

But some of your creeps like it….and that’s fucked up…..

But I’ll post this for inclusivity while proving my point that Fat is Bad…even when it’s being bad…in hopes of luring in some all you can eat buffet money….


Posted in:Fatty




Irina Shayk’s Sheer Outfit for Cannes of the Day

I realize that Irina Shayk’s older, she’s not the Irina Shayk working as a beard for Ronaldo before being released in America like some sort of Russian spy designed to infiltrate the fashion and entertainment industry…..so she’s not necessarily as hot as she was for you old fat perverts who are only into hot young models…

She’s the kind of Russian spy I’d want parked outside my house, randomly walking her dog and striking up conversation, maybe even working the local coffee shop to get close to me, assuming I was important enough for Russia to send the goods my way and to lure me into compromising positions with the goods, because you’d have to be gay if you turned her down for even some gay sexual requests because her being there makes it the opposite of gay….

Anyway, she’s looking pretty good to me, sloppy mom tit and all, walking around in her underwear because it is designer, they probably pay her and she can….sheer dress like a stripper getting ready for a slow song….only in real life amongst luxury….it’s like her body hasn’t been ravaged by childbirth, like she’s made a pretty good comeback and I support her walking the blade….like this….

Posted in:Irina Shayk




Salma Hayek’s Luxury Hotel Bath Robe Porn of the Day

Salma Hayek’s in Cannes because she’s a French billionaire’s wife, no longer a Mexican border jumping Celebrity who stole jobs from the stateside Mexican Americans because of her monster sized tits and the fact that she was already a bratty rich kid in Mexico. She started out winning.

She’s old as shit, but not too old to understand how face filters or photoshop works, ERASE THAT FACE GRANNY or more importantly, how the whole internet social media content works, all you need to do is show a little skin and tease the phone camera, far easier than having to go on set somewhere, you bring the set with you.

Old as shit, weathered old ladies holding onto a dream are better when their tits are out….unfortunately for us, this fetish is bath robe oriented, not tit oriented and that seems like a fucking waste, like not collecting tampon applicators you see in the recycling bins on recycling day to taste test knowing they’ve been in a cunt!

Posted in:Salma Hayek