I'll Make You Famous…




Kendall Jenner’s Weird Naked Pic of the Day

Kendall Jenner is naked…at least naked enough on instagram…which is a perfect way to use instagram….especially if you’re underage…turn publicly traded companies into criminal activity…

It also reminds us all that there’s another Kim amongst us, trying to make magic with her body, because that’s what her momma taught her…and at 17 and not fat and disgusting, she’s ready to fucking bring it…the way she knows to bring it…

I am into what this is going to become…

Posted in:Kendall Jenner




Eliza Doolittle Has a Stupid Name and a Stupider Dress…of the Day

Eliza Doolittle may have a stupid name…but she’s wearing a stupider dress, but not in stupid like she shouldn’t be wearing something like this, but stupid in the 80s hip hop way that means shit is pretty awesome because it shows off her little perky tits and little perky tits make for a good fucking time when you’ve got nothing better to do…


Posted in:Eliza Doolittle




Jenna Dewan-Tatum’s Mom Body Does Self of the Day

Jenna Dewan-Tatum photshopped hard for Self magazine to show off her new mom body…because mom bodies generally don’t look like this…it just doesn’t make any fucking sense…but in defense of my theory on mom bodies, theories that are totally accurate, she’s wearing pants so the real damage is hidden…kept under wraps…strapped into panties…with duct…

Posted in:Jenna Dewan-Tatum




Motorboating for Breast Cancer of the Day

This Motorboating for breast cancer is a funny concept, especially when starring harmless nerds, but a fail on my end..because I should be the one doing this shit in a mask….cuz masking perversion with Charity is pretty much how the entire world works…and something I should take part in…

Because from Corporate world to pretty much anything, the big money offices are filled with fucking perverts, who know how to play their pervert shit so much smarter than me…and make real stupid money with it…Make it work for you motherfuckers…smart hustle…

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Amy Hood Naked for Purple by Stacey Mark of the Day

Amy Hood is some up and coming actress or model who you have probably never heard of and she’s rocking’ out in Purple magazine totally naked with a beautiful and luxurious bush, something I am a huge fan of, because bush is the accessory all vagina needs….but that is slowly going extinct thanks to laser hair removal thanks to the fucking pharma industry making hair bitches feel insecure about their hairy assholes…hairy assholes I’d like to eat…

Posted in:Amy Hood|NSFW




Kat Torres in Some Sears Catalog Underwear Pics of the Day

Her name is Kat Torres…She was rumoured to being the new Leonardo DiCaprio model girlfriend…because she went to the media and told them that she was Leonardo DiCaprio’s new model girlfriend…I guess he hasn’t finished singing the contract with Victoria’s Secret yet, or maybe because Victoria’s Secret hasn’t recruited her yet…he can’t actual admit it….

She’s 24, Brazilian, not all that hot, but not all that bad either, a bit on the stripper kick more than the model kick, which works for me, because strippers are all I know…and here she is in some other lingerie shoots that have the artistic merit of a 70s Sears catalog, with less nipples and bush, because lingerie catalog pics are notoriously boring as fuck….practicing for her big break….

Posted in:Kat Torres




Today in Videos of the Day

Dancing Gas Man….

Chinese Mom Beating Her Daughter in Public….

Girl Gets Robbed…

Posted in:Videos




Emily Ratajkowski for GQ by Terry Richardson of the Day

Emily Ratajkowski, wherever you are….I know you can hear me because there is no way that our souls aren’t connected…

You are the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before going to bed…my everything..

When we aren’t together, I feel an emptiness in the core of my everything, that consumes me and leaves me feeling as though I am lost on this empty meaningless earth…which is not convenient since we’ve never met and I feel like that all the time…

But then I see a picture of you, and I see hope as I am reminded of what it is all about…Emily Ratjakowski….

Allowing me to continue this search, looking for you and knowing that one day the stars will align and we will end up together like we are destined to…I’m talking some Final Destination shit…because that’s how destiny works…and every time someone writes poetry for a girl they’ve never met, or love songs, or even blog posts…they always come true…because the girl they are about never finds them creepy and it never leads to restraining orders…

Until that day, the only happiness I find…and the only hope I find…is in pictures…pictures or Emily Ratajkowski that I pull out, even though I’d never pull out of her…

This life of mine belongs to Emily Ratajkowski, no one else matters and she’s looking amazing in GQ…but then again, I may just be blinded by this endless love…love I will continue you to write poetry about or maybe…she’s just looking amazing in GQ…but that’s just because she’s perfect…

Posted in:Emily Ratajkowski




Madonna in a Thong for Terry Richardson of the Day

I am not a Terry Richardson fan site, but I am enough of a fan of Terry Richardson to appreciate that even though he’s scaled down his crackhead hipster porn shit that made him who he is, and that I’m sure we’ve all masturbated to at least once, to make himself more marketable, so that he can make more money and have more access…as the world’s top fashion photographer…but more importantly to know that getting Madonna in a thong is a play on his shock value, getting random homeless girls to insert weirdness in their vaginas, for the snapshot…it’s a more refined, subtle and vile version of his hardcore…cuz Madonna in a thong, is probably one of life’s greatest tragedies…even though we all know we’d totally stick our faces in it after pulling it out of the trash outside the photo studio this was shot at…knowing she’s lost control of her bowels thanks to being 100 fucking years old….

Terry Richardson may get a lot of slack for banging his models, even if he doesn’t actually bang the models, but rather models throw themselves at him because he’s Terry Richardson, and girls are whores….I can safely say Madonna, despite being hungry for any form of penis, and despite some of the more disgusting girls he’s had sex with, probably didn’t make the cut, even though she’s Madonna, because she’s just that vile…even though I’d crawl into her womb and snuggle up to her HPV ridden cervix if given the opportunity, but I have no standards and let’s face it, she’s still Madonna…


Posted in:Madonna




Paris Hilton in Lingerie for Terry Richardson of the Day

Paris Hilton stripped down…at least a little for Terry Richardson, because when you’re an ex pornstar socialite who loves herself more than anyone could ever love her…but more importantly who loves getting naked and having fun, especially when in a room with one of the world’s most prolific and racy fashion photographers…bitch had better bring it….

I have a feeling that this shoot happened randomly, like they just bumped into each other, but Paris was conveniently wearing this outfit under her dress, just in case she needed to get half naked for a photo op…and there is nothing wrong with that…all girls should live their lives as though they are about to be shot by Terry Richardson…it would make for far less soiled, period stained, panties on homeless chicks you bring home…if they happened to know what Terry Richardson was, instead of being too busy looking for food…but you get what I’m saying…girls need to be a bit more like Paris…


Posted in:Paris Hilton