I'll Make You Famous…




Jojo Levesque’s Fat Girl Bikini of the Day

Jojo is on some JESSICA SIMPSON FAILED AT WEIGHT WATCHERS kick….cuz she posted a picture of her all wet in a fucking t-shirt by the pool…like she was the obese girl at the waterpark who didn’t want to get a sun burn cuz her skin is sensitive since there is so much of it….more importantly…cuz she didn’t want to broadcast her body since it is horrible to look at….but like all fat chicks…at least she’s got some tit…..

What it comes down to is who is Jojo anyway? I don’t mean on a philosophical lvel, of who is she at her core and what does she represent, I mean….I don’t know any of her songs, but I do know she was famous 10 years ago for being 15, perverts love that shit….

And now she’s on a comeback or something….a comeback that should involve more 2 piece bathing suits, it is a better look…unless she isn’t the one in the t-shirt…in which case this post is a real waste….kinda like all my posts.

Posted in:JoJo




Jordin Sparks is in her Less Fat Chick Bikini of the Day

Bikini-Clad Jordin Sparks Celebrates One Year… by splashnews

Jordin Sparks is 50 pounds lighter than she was when she first hit the scene as some spoiled rich kid with a pro-athlete father and a dream of spreading her message through song…in a voice she felt was a talent that couldn’t go unheard…. but still fat in her bikini…..because even when you dedicate a year to eating well, and exercse, your fat ass always fucking wins, but in a way that doesn’t disgust me, cuz progress has been made, and health was chosen over diabetes, something all you fat bitches should use to inspire yourselves….fuck being ripped and a bikini model….that shit is almost unrealistic and unattainable especially when you start out at 250 lbs…..just stop eating the fucking donuts you fucking pig…you’ll live longer and guys will like fucking you more….and that’s pretty much what being a girl is all about…..


Posted in:Jordin Sparks




Chris Brown’s New Tattoo of the Day

I am not a Fine Art critic, but luckily Chris Brown’s neck tattoo is not fine art, if anything it is ghetto as shit, and it is obvious that it is a battered woman, because I guess he is trying to come to terms and accept and embrace that dark time of his life, or some other bullshit line, when really it is just a way to get people to talk about him, because this Rihanna beating has been he best thing for his and her career….making you wonder how authentic the whole thing was to begin with even though beating a girl up seems like the most insane publicity stunt of all time….but then you see her KISSING HIM ON THE LIPS AT THE VMAS …. and you figure something’s up with this….Keep it gully.

Posted in:Chris Brown




Blake Lively is Pantsless for Allure October of the Day

Hey remember when Blake Lively got married to Ryan Reynolds in a secret wedding in North Carolina the other day…..it was awesome….everyone is talking about it….so it must be important….even though neither Blake Lively or Ryan Reynolds give a fuck about us…they don’t even know us by name…let alone get involved in who we are fucking….but for some reason we care about them…like they fucking matter….even though they really fucking don’t….I assume there is a PR company behind this story somewhere…covering up something….putting her out there pantsless for Allure for a reason….a reason I can only assume is to give me something to look at…..

Here are the pics…of her posing with a lamb and children….I wonder if she is Jesus…and whether this is a religious experience…

Posted in:Blake Lively




Erin Heatherton’s in a Bikini of the Day

Hey remember when I did that Bar Refaeli post 4 minutes ago about how she used her tits to fuck famous people, like Leonardo DiCaprio, before leveraging that fame into a line of underwear she’s pushing aggressively, cuz might as well make all the money you can when you can….it’s simple business lessons many Israelis will teach you if you let them……

While, here’s the new vagina Leonardo DiCaprio is fucking, because he can, and might as well, stick his dick in all these half naked models who get paid to be half naked, cuz why bother lookin for pussy on your own, when you have model scouts out there and big brands like Victoria’s Secret out there doing the work for you…not tha someone like Leonardo DiCaprio would exclusively fuck one model…when he has the option to fuck all models…but this is his public number one…and she’s in a bikini showing you why she’s a star fucking model….it’s all in her body.


Posted in:Erin Heatherton




Bar Refaeli Big Tits for Twitter of the Day

Friday night, Bar Refaeli was on Jimmy Fallon and I didn’t watch it because I find Jimmy Fallon an annoying twerp of a person who would have been someone I bullied in high school…due to his weak character….weak jokes….and weak existence…..while Bar Refaeli is thick, an opportunist, hustling underwear like she’s working in a Moroccan market, a peddler who just happened to fuck some of the right famous people and who achieved personal gain because of it….but at least she’s got some big old titties that I can use to distract me from all the hate that is going on in this shit….If you’re wondering why I’m posting this days after it happened….I have no answers for you, but I am impressed you are reading this as I am sure no one ever does…..

Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Candice Swanepoel’s Posing with Vintage Cars in Miami of the Day

You know this picture isn’t all that hot…and I don’t even know if the model in the picture is Candice Swanepoel cuz I have facial recognition blindness…I just know she put it up on her instagram a few hours ago…and that I wouldn’t mind being the owner of the car she in next to so that I can pop open the trunk and throw her in it…driving her far away to a place no one will bother us….where we can plan our wedding and life of love together before the police helicopters find us and shoot me for kidnapping her…..you know a real romantic love story…cuz she’s my fucking favorite.

Posted in:Candice Swanepoel




Dree Hemingway is Bendy for Terry Richardson of the Day

Dree Hemingway is Ernest Hemingway’s grand daughter or great grand daughter or some connection that I assume would make you step back and say “shit, that bitch is worth noticing, she’s Ernest Hemingways relation, and Ernest Hemingway was an American Literary Genius, someone they teach in schools, and she’s in a blood line, we should look at her and even hire her…..”….I mean that’s probably why she’s in pictures bending….or why she’s a model… Other Than the Fact that She Gets Naked for Fashion …..cuz people like associating with things they deem important….even if they really are a direct product of Hemingway’s ejaculate 60 years later…..

That said I’m sure she’s a lovely person and a caring/giving soul….who does’t ride her family name at all and is responsible for her success solely on her hard work.

Posted in:Dree Hemingway




Jessica Simpson is Hilarious and Fat for Weight Watchers of the Day

This is amazing, only because Jessica Simpson is semi-retarded and watching her talk bullshit about weight loss tha she is contractually paid to talk about, while not showing her body because there has been no weightloss, but instead just showing her fat face, telling us this program works…..even though she still looks like she’s fucking pregnant….even though her kid is pushing two….cuz some girls hormonally can’t say no to cake….fast food….donuts….fried chicken and whatever else she stuffs down her fat face….that if you remember was fat pre-gettting pregnant and that her pregnancy was just a cover to justify her impending diabetes….

As far as I’m concerned, she’s no spokesperson for health, fitness, or good eating….I am sure Weight Watchers has their fingers crossed that she steps up her game…otherwise she’ll be paying them back…not that she really cares…she has all the money in the world….failing at this won’t really do much damage to much more than her heart….

Point is, people eat badly, people don’t move enough, fat girls have big tits, I like big tits……


Posted in:Jessica Simpson




KIm Kardashian Lingerie Pics for Twitter of the Day

I don’t know why Kim Kardashian has decided she is hot, worth watching fuck, worth paying to get into a bikini or lingerie….but with celebrity comes a lot of followers….and with getting in lingerie for twitter or instagram comes a lot of perverts….so she’s just doing the basic, lowest form of getting people to notice her, because I guess as long as she’s getting paid huge money to do it she might as well do it….I just hope for the sake of humanity her demand in the media fizzles out like it was a pound of butter her fat ass was paying her private chef to melt down into cake…..cuz I’d hate to see her doing this well into her 40s….she’s already 30, has only been in one movie that was a porn, and people go nuts over her….it makes no fucking sense……but here is some pics of her in her lingerie anyway…..

There’s also some photoshopped to pics of her for NUTS in this mix…..

Posted in:Kim Kardashian