I'll Make You Famous…




Courtney Stodden’s Lingerie Baking Staged Pics of the Day

This is some trashiness that I do appreciate when it takes place in the trailer park home of a stripper and her teen daughter when both are wearing lingerie and the teen daughter is actually a teen…..

But when it is some attention seeking 30 year old stripper, with hired paparazzi, trying to milk her husbands low level of fame into a bottom feeding career of her own, making a joke of herself, that her mom is all about, cuz maybe she thinks it is all in good fun, or maybe cuz she thinks it is better than those years she spent stripping for and dating black drug dealers, you know going along with the act cuz it is funny and could make her hopeless daughter money…it becomes pathetic, boring, contrived, obvious…

I like my sluts and their moms to be authentic, poor and desperate and not doing it for tabloids. Courtney Stodden sucks.


Posted in:Courtney Stodden




Some Bitch Named Rita Ora in a Fucking Tight Dress of the Day

I didn’t post the worst of her pics in this very tight latex looking dress, you can HEAD TO THE FORUM FOR THAT …..but I did think this 21 year old Yugoslavian turned British pop singer I’ve never heard of was worth looking at with her hard nipples and massive belly button in a dress squeezing her from all angles, into a little tight package who I now know what looks like completely naked. I am all about fashion when it looks straight from the sex shop, is worn without underwear cuz it is so fucking tight, and there are hard nipples invovled. I should be on Fashion Stars….


Posted in:Rita Ora




stepNEWS of the Day

I am amazed that I have not been on the local news yet. I have done countless stupid things, like some of these retards, but I guess I’ve never been caught….It kinda makes me happy, but at the same time, having the world mock and laugh at you collectively for your stupidity, is something that I’d like to experience…we are all allowed to have dreams….

NY Hot Dog Vendor Charged With Prostitution
Catherine Scalia, who operates a hot dog business by day and strips at night, was arrested by an undercover cop for offering her body in prostitution and pleaded guilty to the charges.

Peeping Tom Arrested At Maryland College
A Peeping Tom was arrested for hiding the women’s restroom at Baltimore County Community College.

Drunk Driver Busted For Doing Laps Around Horse Racing Track
A drunk driver in New Mexico led police on a chase around a horse racing track in his pickup truck.

Caught on Tape: Teens Slammed By Sedan
A surveillance camera caught a sedan speeding into a group of teenagers in Buffalo, New York, sending bodies flying.

Sex Offender Caught Watching Porn at Georgia McDonald’s
A registered sex offender, Brent Kellogg, was reported to police when a customer saw him watching porn on a computer at a Georgia McDonald’s.

Fake Skype account costs teacher his job
A teacher who was wrongly accused of having an improper relationship with a student is still going to lose his job, even though the charges were dropped.

Six-Year-Old Suspended For Singing LMFAO Song
A Colorado six-year-old was suspended from school for singing the LMFAO song “I’m Sexy And I Know It.”

Woman Mauled By Cheetahs, Husband Just Photographs it
A tourist was attacked by cheetahs at a South African game preserve and it was all photographed by the woman’s husband, who decided to document the attack rather than help.

Posted in:stepNEWS




Carmen Electra Old Lady with Implants Bikini Shoot of the Day

Nothing says hot like a bitch who was toned, hot and naked in the 90s, than seeing her turned into a mom, with a mom body, trading her size 0 waist for some kind of boxy weirdness she can than menopause and being in 40s for….it’s some kind of cry for attention that luckily involved her hiding her ass…cuz that shit would clearly make all of our memories of this bitch and her hotness come crashing down like the rest of her thanks to “gravity” and weakened elasticity in her skin….

I guess she’ll do anything for attention, just a few months ago she was hosting a club night at a local club and no one cared…I guess getting in a bikini was meant to generate some buzz…buzz that would be better spent starving herself and doing sit-ups……

I’m not an asshole, I just hate these bitches who don’t let go. They don’t embrace that they won the lottery and are millionaires thanks to their hot young bodies and fake tits, far more successful than local strippers with similar morals and values, you know naked in playboy for a quick buck that lasted a decade….longer than it should have….They are just greedy and want the money train to continue…even though they are talentless and their body that got them here didn’t stay up to par for the task….cuz beauty is fleeting motherfucker…and here is the proof….

Let go Carmen Electra…go back to your real name, Tara Leigh Patrick and be an adult, adopt a baby and be a mom, and save the bikinis for your vacations like other moms with fake tits….you’re done.


Posted in:Carmen Electra




Gisele is Hiding from the Paparazzi of the Day

Either there was a SARS outbreak….someone farted….or Gisele is a self conscious cunt who doesn’t want the paparazzi snapping off pics of her face….maybe cuz she has a pimple….or didn’t put her make-up on proper….or more likely she’s got a herpes scab from all the dick she’s sucked to get to the top….but maybe she got some work done….a little botox or lip injections to stay pretty for her career….but I’m think based on all evidence we have of her…from being from Brazil, marrying a jock who loves the locker room, her implants…she’s probably a lady boy packin a dick…and she didn’t get a chance to shave her beard…..

That’s all I have to say about that….


Posted in:Gisele




Alessandra Ambrosio’s Had Her Baby of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio has expelled the parasite from her vagina that was polluting her womb and ruining her image as a bitch we want to fuck….and named it Noah Phoenix…..so it is a celebration….not cuz I like moms….but cuz now she can get back to getting her million dollar body back….sure her pussy will never be the same but I have hope that her milk filled titties will be great in a few months when she gets her toned stomach back…I mean it really is all she’s gotta do in life…it is her single responsibility to make her fortunes….so I predict that unlike your lazy pig wife…it will happen…

Here are some of her nipple in some old photoshoot

Here are some pics of how and why she got pregnant the first time back in 2009


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio




Teen Mom Jenelle’s Shitty Tits of the Day

I saw this press release over the weekend, even though I always try to ignore Radar Online’s press releases or exclusives because they are always brainless, stupidity that I can’t believe make advertising money, before realizing I give the public too much fucking credit,

Unfortunately, the horribly shot, unappealing, before and after titty implants pics were emailed to me…..

I’m all for looking at implants and celebrating them for saving shitty tits, but not on of some ugly as fuck Teen Mom with kids and a shitty face that make you grasp why she got knocked up when she did cuz there’s no hope for her past 25 when normal bitches get knocked up…..She had ugly tits, and thanks to her ugly nipples, her implants are ugly too, which I guess work for her because they match her ugly face….

I think the only fascinating thing in all this is that she got a YOLO tat….which is internet for “You Only Live Once”….that people post on twitter….like an annoying MEME….not intended to be profound words of wisdom you brand on yourself…but I guess retard high school drop out to have a baby trash is about as deep as that…Unfortunatley I hate stupid peole as much as I hate shitty tits on ugly faces….

But here are her shit tits anyway.

Posted in:Janelle Evans




Rihanna For Terry Richardson of the Day

Terry Richardson has a good thing going that we call access.

He gets paid insane amounts of money by brands and the media to shoot famous bitches, models and singers, actors and fucking everyone….and in doing that he gets to poach the talent and pull the “do you mind taking a few pics for my next book” or “do you mind taking a few pics for my tumblr”….or “do you mind taking some test shots”….

Obviously these bitches jump on board…they love being in front of the camera…especially for a guy marketed as a legend in the making in photography….who some big mag has booked to shoot them….even though he’s uninspired and not revolutionary despite how many people copy his shit…

I mean what do these bitches know…they are half retarded and live in their bubble and go with what they know….allowing him to profit, get exposure, and thus make more money with their image….It’s a great place to be…..

Unfortunately, I appreciate what he’s doing, cuz at least he’s putting effort in, and these pics of Rihanna are hotter than most pics she’s in, I just would prefer if she was more naked while spreading that black gaping asshole…you know she’s down for that….might as well milk it….

Posted in:Rihanna




Olivia Munn’s Vagina Hugged for Ocean Drive of the Day

I saw these pictures and probably even linked to them last week…but intentionally ignored doing a post on them because I think Olivia Munn is worthless, bottom feeding, garbage of a human who exploits virgin losers by cock teasing them into thinking she’s into their shit….all for fame….and that kind of shit sucks…..

Since the reader of this site is a virgin loser, into sci/fi, comics, and all other things that help maintain virginity, I think it’s my job as someone who hates that shit, and is too cool for that shit, cuz I’m into fucking, to be like a big brother and look out for you, calling her out for the cunt that she is…..

But when her cunt is being jacked so hard by a leotard, even after being photoshopped, I have no choice but to post it, it’s just what I do here and I justify it as being a good opportunity to mock her a little and call her out for her bullshit…to help inspire you to hate her too….we are an extended family after all….

Posted in:Olivia Munn




Ridiculous Power Tripping Cop Who Almost Killed Someone By Not Doing his Job of the Day

I saw this yesterday and it made me mad…and it will probably make you mad too.

The story is simple, some power tripping cop who was manning the 911 phones decided to not do his fucking job, but instead take on the role of school teacher because a girl said “fuck” during a crisis….forcing her to run to the police station to get an ambulance as her dad was in seizure on the kitchen floor, because asshole refused to serve her like a disgruntled cashier at a retail store, instead of like an emergency respondent….

I fucking hate people like this, who don’t realize their place in the world, who preach at inappropriate times, when bitch was just using the system in place to save her dying father….

To make things even more insane, he arrested her under fake charges.

I think we sould all email the Police Chief Thomas Karnes and tell him that his employee shouldn’t just be suspended or fired but in fact arrested for putting lives at risk….Assshole…

His email is tkarnes@citylp.com

DrunkenStepfather.com – always saving the world….

Posted in:stepNEWS