I'll Make You Famous…




Katrina Bowden Bikini Top for a Shitty Spring Break Party of the Day

It is spring break and I missed it because I was in bed dying of AIDS or a cold, but more importantly, cuz I hate Florida and Cancun, as trashy as I am, I have no interest wasting my time to go Van Wilder, you know giving out herpes to passed out slutty coeds like it was my job, which I like to think it is my job, since I don’t actually have a job….in either of those places…since both those places represent hell to me…throw in dumpy Jersey Shore loving 21 year olds, and it makes it fucking worse…cuz either I’m old, or I just don’t have patience for retarded bitches, there’s just too much hate in my soul, boiling up in my blood, to just go with it…even if sex is the end result….I get angry too easily….especially at shitty girls….you know the real idiot kind….

But this bitch Katrina Bowden who I’ve Posted Her in a Bikini Before doesn’t seem to mind it, probably cuz she’s getting paid to be there, and she’s wearing a bikini top, and it’s so fucking exciting, I think I just shit myself….

Posted in:Katrina Bowden




Karolina Kurkova and Crystal Renn in a Hot Photoshoot of the Day

One of my pet peaves is when people tell me they are crazy, when I know real crazy people don’t know they are crazy, like me for example, I think I’m normal as fuck, but if you ask anyone, they will just tell you I’m crazy…..

Crazy is over used, over prescribed, over medicated and just an excuse for sane people to justifyu why they “fucked” up or feel fucked up, you know a lapse in judgement, that also works for the courts to get them less jail time….for a breed of people that just suck….

Real crazy, I’m talking actual instutionalized crazy….is hot….primal fucking instincts….just masturbation all day.. that leads to some of the best sex you can get….scary at times..you know since the people who don’t know what the fuck is going on, or who the fuck they are, or who the fuck you are….especially when you work the institution and are in charge of the straps…on night shift….

That’s why this Karolina Kurkova and Crystal Renn shoot is so hot….how all Victoria’s Secret shoots should be done….

Posted in:Crystal Renn|Karolina Kurkova




Terry Richardson’s Mila Kunis Fail of the Day

It is pretty amazing how fucking deeply involved Terry Richardson is in the celeb world, that motherfucker sold out really well…He shoots every celebrity shoot for magazines and does every single major fashion campaign…and just the other day it came out that he banged Lohan….Living the fucking life….

But Today, on his rise, or stay at the top, he fucked up. He had Mila Kunis in Studio, someone I am sure he’s known from years back in NYC during her Culkin hipster years, you know since Culkin was in his book Terry’s World at least 7 or 8 years ago, back when Mila first got her pussy HIV tained by the child star….

Anyway, instead of Terry Richardson doing pics you can all jerk off to, like he did with the amazing LINDSAY LOHAN HALF NAKED ….

He got her in a plaid shirt, like a fucking bull dyke, ready to go chop wood at the country cottage, before making an organic vegan meal.


Lost opportunity.

The story of my life.

To See Her in a Beater and Sweatpants Leaving the Gym
Follow This Link

Posted in:Mila Kunis|Terry Richardson




Chloe Cummings in Lingerie for April 2012’s Loaded Magazine of the Day

Sometimes all the world needs is some nobody from the UK you’ve never heard of posing in a magazine in her lingerie to make it a better place…

Apparently, she’s some bitch named Abigail Clancy’s cousin, which is the level of fame you’d expect to see the girl sucking off bouncers to get in the club after name dropping her cousin, or on webcam making her pussy talk, and not just rockin’ lingerie in some UK mag, but her body is tight and like I said, sometimes that’s all the world need.

See, I do my part to change the world….

Posted in:Chloe Cummings




Miley’s Braless in What Could Be Her Best Picture of the Day

These are some screenshots from a paparazzi video of MIley in no bra, with her wonky inbred hick face cropped out, cuz she looks better that way….especially when she’s showing off her inbred hick tit in a t-shirt…that same tit that made her a fortune when it was just a budding breast on her young girl frame in a Disney Exec’s office…but more importantly…in a Disney Exec’s mouth…..cuz nothing comes easy…sometimes you gotta whore….

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Jennifer Love Hewitt All Sexed Up Continues of the Day

Jennfer Love Hewitt is on this kick to not be seen as the fat chick who can’t land a man or keep a fiance around cuz she’s clearly annoying as fuck…cuz with her level of fame, you’d think there are hundreds of weird, awkward fan boys, and perverts, who would do more than just marry her, marriage is easy, that shit involves consent….real love is when a motherfucker will kidnap her and lock her in the basement, starving her, making her too weak to scream during “playtime”….

I like that she’s by tapping into the only thing that really mattered in her youth….before her metabolism slowed down…her big tits on her small frame became overall fatness….

I like that she didn’t just kill herself, but found a second life…..

But most importantly…I like that she’s slutting up and showing some tit….

Posted in:Jennifer Love Hewitt




Ali Lohan Gets Pizza of the Day

The paprazzi are hilarious…who the fuck cares that Ali Lohan is out picking up a fucking pizza….who cares if anyone is out picking up a fucking pizza….except maybe Kate Upton, since she’s all the rage now, and it’s always fun to watch empty calories she doesn’t think are going to ruin her, slowing start to ruin her….but Ali’s skinny, that bitch needs all the pizza she can get….but more importantly, the paparazzi need to step up their paparazzi game…cuz I want bikini pics…not pizza party bullshit…..especially not of my future sister in law….you see cuz I’m gonna get the other Lohan to marry me…you know since she’s the only thing that matters in hollywood…..

HSK is some faggot shit.

To See the Some Pics of Her Grocery Shopping With Her Hot Sister In Some Tight Pants…..

Posted in:Ali Lohan




Vanessa Hudgen’s Crotch Shot Holding a Gun of the Day

I like guns. I like shooting them. I don’t care that they kill people or that they are accessible cuz matches are accessible and burning down your neigbor’s house is just as deadly as going in and shooting up your neighbor’s house, as long as you lock the doors properly…..

I never fell into that whole girls with guns fetish, it just doesn’t turn me on, even though shooting guns turns them on….cuz I guess it makes them feel lethal and dangerous and bitches love excitement…

I have fell into that whole staring at crotches in short shorts, panties and bikinis like I was a fucking gynecologist though….so that’s why this picture of Vanessa Hudgens, our favorite little hair monkey holding a gun, speaks to me….shit she could be holding a bunch of bananas, a diet coke or anything, cuz as long as the crotch is focal point, nothing else matters….Tip Via Celebribabes

I was looking for more pics of these bitches Vanessa Hudgens and Selena Gomez on twitter cuz this gun shit is from a shit movie they are making, you know in efforts to make this post even better and more robust….but unfortunately the only one posting any pics is some fatty named Ashley Benson…who is also in the movie and doing all she can to get noticed by associating with the more important sex offender and child pornographer…


Posted in:Vanessa Hudgens




stepNEWS of the Day

Best post of the day as far as I’m concerned is this…real life rejects, losers, and failures…

Accused Manhattan Madam Speaks Out From Jail
The suburban mother of four accused of running a brothel with high-class clients told the NY Post that she’s part of a bigger operation by prosecutors to nab at least 10 high- powered New Yorkers.

Massachusetts teacher resigns after computer seizure
A 31-year-old teacher at Wakefield High School resigned after police seized a computer from his classroom that had official school ID photos of female students downloaded onto it.

Pat Robertson Supports Decriminalizing Pot
Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson says marijuana should be treated like alcohol because the government’s war on drugs has failed.

Arizona State University Undie Run In Danger Of Being Shut Down
The ‘Undie Run’ at Arizona State University has become a popular tradition, but now it’s in danger of being shut down.

Texas Teen Almost Takes Out Neighbor
An out of control SUV barely missed a man doing yard work in Corpus Christi, Texas.

Posted in:stepNEWS




Valerija Kelava & Chloe Memisevic Horse Themed Fetish Pics for Fashion of the Day

I don’t really get the whole Horse Fetish, Equuis Erotica or whatever the fuck the fetish is called, because horses just aren’t part of our daily lives, sure in a time before cars, when all the rich folk had to ride their horses to town, developing lasting relationships with them, all while being around their massive, majestic genitals, I can see this kind of weirdness forming….but in this generation…there’s no real reason for it…

Sure. I am all for horse hair tail butt plugs and I have been for a long time….and I don’t mind some leather, harnesses or even a saddle…but it still only really makes sense to me when it is starring two models showing their tit for a fashion shoot….

Titties for Fashion!!!!

Posted in:Chloe Memisevic|Valerija Kelava