I'll Make You Famous…




Katie Holmes Looking Hot at an Event of the Day

I am going to pretend I don’t know what event these pictures were taken at, because I think Jack and Jill is such a horrible fucking concept of a movie, like a mockery to the movie industry and the careers of anyone involved, that I think it is better to just pretend it doesn’t exist and never happened…and Katie Holmes hotness is making that easy….

Sure, she may be a prisoner to the alien gods we all know exist, but don’t want to admit, I mean the concept of DNA code, like we’re fucking computers, is proof enough if you ask me, but she’s still pretty fucking lovely to me…I mean she’s the kind of person I’m okay with being our representative to the higher gods, you know using her vagina for experiments do keep them satisfied and at bay….cuz I’m not ready for a world takeover and massive death and destruction, even if I know we are doomed and know that it is coming….I just haven’t mastered my hand to hand combat yet…

Not that it matters….She’s hot in pink and I like looking at her tit, like this was before she found Alien gods, and got naked in movies to redefine herself from the Dawson’s creek bullshit….before redefining herself as a weirdo wife and mother committed to an even bigger weirdo…here are the pics…of some alien hotness….

Posted in:Katie Holmes




Amber Lancaster is Trash I’d Like to Pick Up of the Day

Amber Lancaster has an amazing career of being Miss Washington Teen USA, which lead to being in a Bo Bice music video, even though I have no idea who Bo Bice is, but I’m thinking he failed American Idol or something….She was also a show model on the Price is Right and in 2009 she peaked as a Trophy Holder at the Primetime Emmy Awards…where she got more airtime, although unnoticed airtime on TV of her fucking career….rubbing elbows with famous TV people, hoping to rub genitals, making her the next Sofia Vergara or some shit….and now she’s posing with trash after drinking her sorrows away for not making it like her Miss Washington Teen USA win made her think was oging to happpen for her before reality set in that life isn’t as easy as daddy made it out to be with all those praises he gave her growing up….who cares. Clearly not many people.

Posted in:Amber Lancaster




Katherine Heigl Man Handled Hooker at the Animal Shelter of the Day

These are some funny pictures of sloppy bodied, usually dumpy and unshowered with a cunt who thinks she is hot and can’t be bothered face, all unattractive amd Katherine Heigl who I hate for no reason other than that she’s been marketed, or presented as a sex symbol of some sort, and that label has got to her head, and she believes the shit, when I just think she’s a poster girl for why you should have an eating disorder….or at least why you need to suck dick to get ahead, cuz so many girls much hotter than her, aren’t living her life, cuz they don’t have that rigt attitude…not that it matters…because today, she oddly, out of character, got into whore clothes instead of her regular period, can’t be bothered clothes ….to hit up the animal shelter…and that makes no fuckin sense. White gogo boots and all…what the fuck.

Posted in:Katherine Heigl




Emmy Rossum Thick Hips of the Day of the Day

Emmy Rossum is no friend to me. I go out of my way and help her publicity attempts by posting her nude scenes from Shameleess, the only acting role I think she’s ever had, or more importantly, the only acting role worth mentioning. You know presenting her like she’s hot, or appealing, or anything better than what she actually is….a thick hipped, flat chest, average faced cunt.

You see, after all that work I put in for her, posting her NUDE SCENES FROM SHAMELESS ….she fucking blocked me on twitter….and I hate bitches who block me on twitter…it’s the modern snub, or rejection, and that’s the kind of shit that warrents getting revenge….you hear that Emmy Rossum? I’m gonna ruin you, if you don’t ruin yourself first, cuz based on these pics, looks like you’re going down that road…Cunt

Posted in:Emmy Rossum




Scarlett Johansson Getting Some Dick of the Day

In case you were wondering….this isn’t Lady Gaga dragging a dude out of the river to steal his penis to staple to her leg…it is Scarlett Johansson…recently divorced, aware that her husband has moved onto the town whore, Blake Lively, figures she should dress like an 80s whore, and drag wet suit wearing scuba men out of the waters searching for missing poeple, and filling her vagina that’s been missing people…if you know what I mean..How else could you explain this?

Posted in:Scarlett Johansson




Coco’s Disgusting Thickness in a Bikini of the Day

This dumpy shit is not hot. Anyone who says it is….is fucking weird….or just buying into the hype…or gay and unsure of what a hot bitch is supposed to be….Sure, shit entertains…It’s better to see a dumpy bitch half naked puttign on a show, than working the Walmart cash….and what it comes down to is that the irony in her fatness is that if she would lift her ass more often – like an exercise…maybe she’d break a sweat and lose some fatness but then she probably wouldn’t be a circus act anymore…

Here are the pics…

She was proudly posting her bikini pics on twitter….in some shameless self promotion that clearly works for her….

The weirdest shit I saw on her twitter album was that people tattoo her on them….fucking weird.

We’re all doomed…

Posted in:Coco




Josie Goldberg Plus Sized Bikini Model of the Day

Nothing says hot like a belly roll tan line…You know when you can see where the bitch’s obesity folds over itself so that the sun doesn’t get access to the shit, you know better than SPF40, but far more vile, especially for a fat chick hater like me…

Her name is Josie Goldberg…I’ve posted HER FAT BODY IN A BIKINI BEFORE …..I don’t really bother finding out much more about her, but I do know she did Playboy once…probably many pieces of cake ago..

Here’s a close up of may be a fat outskirts of a pussy lip….

Posted in:Josie Goldberg




stepNEWS of the Day

Here’s the news cuz I love the news – it brings me joy beyond anything you’d ever feel because I like to see other people far more idiotic than me only getting the press I wish I had but I’m too lazy to bother thus proving I’m less idiotic than them…if you know what I mean…

McDonald’s Halloween Fight Caught on Tape
A brawl between two ladies erupted when one woman complained that the other was taking too long while ordering at a McDonald’s in Pennsylvania.

Homeless Man Attacks Woman Outside Store
A homeless man wearing trash bags attacked a woman outside a Massachusetts Dunkin Donuts and it was all caught on video.

Video: Football Coach Delivers Bone Snapping Hit
A middle school football player is suffering from a broken collarbone after an incident on the practice field by a coach and it was caught on tape.

Philadelphia Strip Club Raided For Prostitution
A Northeast Philadelphia strip club was the target of a law enforcement raid late Friday, which resulted in the arrest of seven women and one man on prostitution-related charges.

Martial Arts Experts Stop Armed Robbery
Two martial arts experts in town for a tournament stopped a suspected robbery attempt at a Los Angeles hotel in which they were staying, according to police.

Baggage Fees Strand Woman At Airport
A woman trying to fly out of San Francisco was stranded there for eight days because of $200 in baggage fees.

Hair Dye Makes Girls Face Balloon
A British girl dyed her hair black and ended up with a swollen face

Officials accused of ignoring sex ring
New details are surfacing about state officials who allegedly ignored sexual activities in three local spas in Massachusetts.

Naked Driver’s Lawyer Swats Camera
The attorney for that Ohio woman busted in a naked DUI case made her own news when she confronted a local TV reporter.

Graham “Cracker” Signs Offensive?
A Texas Christian University student government candidate recently was asked to make some changes to his campaign signs after someone pointed out that his nickname had some negative racial connotations.

Posted in:stepNEWS




Top Bikini Wax Fetish Videos on Youtube of the Day

Little known, yet pretty obvious fact about me is that when bikini waxes first hit the mainstream market, I felt like it was a good career for me, you know since I love pussy. So I tried getting into esthetician schools, but got kicked out at least 4 times. I tried getting work, even just sweeping the pussy hair off the floor and bringing it home to fill my bathtub up and bath in it, but that never worked…..and for years I tried finding good bikini wax videos, and to date there aren’t many….someone needs to turn this into a real pornsite….

So I do have a bikini wax fetish, even though I love bush….and here is the best I could find on Youtube….

Reaction Video in a bikini top…..

Bikini Wax Video of the Day

Girl Gets Waxed

Bikini Wax Rape

The Excess Hair Removal

Demo Video- Scroll to the end – Amazing…

It’s Not a Wax – It’s a Vajazzle

Posted in:stepLIST




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I’ve been sick in bed all weekend…but I didn’t die….and that didn’t stop me from getting drunk and hustling bitches who didn’t answer me because I am creepy and wear a mask over the computer…if anything it inspired some future hobbies…like quitting the internet cuz it gives me little to no joy and because having a website like this doesn’t get me laid…even though it’s awesome….bitches.

When Soccer Moms Go Wild – VIDEO

Free Cam Show Sexiness

Caitlin Oè¾°onnor Has Been Keeping Busy

The Hottest Heartbreakers in Sports

Gigi Star Has One Hot Body

And That’s Why You Can’t Trust a Ninja – VIDEO

Kim Kardashian Is Seriously Going To Pretend To Fix Her Marriage Now

Live Web Cam Hotness, Start The Week Off with a Little Awesome

Busty Slut is Forced to be an Asslicker – VIDEO

Matthew McConaughey’s 10 Hottest Hookups

WTF Photo of the Day

Posted in:MHD