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Caroline Vreeland is the Oakville Shop Teacher of the Day

I was QUICK to POST a story that has made international news reflecting the insanity of the woke , equality, liberalism, because a SHOP teacher decided to identify as a chick, and his version of transitioning involved getting himself some ANIME or HENTAI level titties to his waistline, and it’s been funny watching the media trying to navigate it without being offensive, because when dealing with trannies, you have to tread lightly as to not be called a HATE CRIME.

That’s the BRILLIANCE in the story, which is that the dude is TROLLING his school board, who penalized him for being “toxic masculine” last school season, so he took it upon himself to say “fine, I’m trans now, what you going to do about it” and thus became the most NEXT LEVEL, parody of a trans person, that the SCHOOL BOARD now has to defend on the international LEVEL, because that’s the fucking law!

It’s a masterful troll if true, my kind of troll, man I’ve dropped the “I am transgender” line to get my PAYPAL back at least once, YOU NEED TO, they can’t ever tell you that you are not!

That’s why the OVERLY liberal comedy, is some of the best out there, mocking these idiots for their idiotic virtue signaling bullshit!

Anyway, I just saw this pic of Caroline Vreeland and said – Oh Shit, she’s that Oakville Ontario Shop teacher in REAL life form and that is a meme!

How about some TOPLESS WOKENESS to off-set the VREELAND TITS!

Posted in:Caroline Vreeland




Taylor Momsen Edgy Hollywood Child Star of the Day

Taylor Momsen, who you may remember as Where are You Christmas Cindy Lou Who in the live action GRINCH, who you probably just assumed was some cute kid with industry parents getting an early start on exploiting her and destroying her childhood and life so that when she turns 30, she can join a rock band and become as edgy as a coddled rich kind can! Not edgy at all, but she can pretend, she’s an actor after all!

So just like all the other entitled rich LA kids who have rock bands and actually pretend to be rockstars, but are really just coddled rich kids throwing tantrums, since there’s a fine line between rock star and coddled rich kids on a behavioral level, like both trash hotel rooms, they just do it for different reasons!

They are all as disappointing as you’d expect when you meet them, in a “You mean you’re not cool or interesting, but rather just a sell out opportunist playing a part for money, fame and pussy”, makes sense since anyone who actively chooses to live in LA is a fucking pussy!

But when they are skinny blonde girls in their panties playing the coddled broken rich girl in a band part, it’s more tolerable, since she’s not Adam Levine! Even though she looks a bit like a corpse, all part of the fantasy I guess! Pretty fucking cheesy though!

Posted in:Taylor Momsen




Evangeline Lilly on the Creeper Cam of the Day

Evangeline Lilly was a TRUTH SEEKING FREEDOM FIGHTER during one of the most mental times in the history of our existence, not letting people see their families, trying to segregate against an entire segment of the population who didn’t want a vaccine that wasn’t a proven vaccine and that has proven to be a failed vaccine, meaning they were right, as they were coercing other idiots to get the vaccines to keep their job, totally willing to let them fucking starve for not going along with it, while censoring the doctors who spoke out, and seizing the assets of the people who got in their trucks and said ENOUGH you tyrant fucks!

Anyway, that makes her fucking hot to me, all the FREEDOM FIGHTING, TRUTH SEEKING women out there are fucking HOT to me, and seeing them try to cancel her just made her BETTER, you know some of these celebs aren’t bought and paid, and have morals and values and a fucking brain, or intuition, or some level of instinct, and WE need more people like them!

So that’s why Evangeline Lilly, who I otherwise never gave a shit about, probably even said rudde things about on here, because I am a self hating Canadian, is HOT AS FUCK at 41 in this creeper cam sit, YOU should jerk off to her for FREEEDOM!

Posted in:Evangeline Lilly




Denise Richards Brings the ASSHOLE BEHIND THONG of the Day

I think my new favorite thing to do is watching the trainwreck that is Denise Richards and her nude content for her subscription site, because this shit is ridiculous, humiliating and confusing to me!

Is she really that strapped for cash that this is her only option, or is this some kind of mental break that happens when your pervert ex-husband has fucked every porn chick until getting HIV, to make her feel like that’s the only life she needs!

Does she even have fans that SUPPORT her on this level, if they do is it to jerk off or just for charity, like how sad it is to see an ex celebrity crush end up like this, almost like seeing your high school crush working the street corner 20 years later, forcing you to feel the need to throw 20 dollars her way, for the blowjob obviously, you’re fucking DEAD on the inside, but you know, you did it to SUPPORT HER, and feel better about yourself knowing how she rejected you so hard it negatively impacted your dating life forever, bitch!

This Real Housewife of Beverly Hills, is being a little too real, the fakest muppet face around, but would she be better if she wasn’t showing us her asshole, fuck no, this is GENIUS, amazing, all I could have ever wanted out of her back in the WILD THINGS days, just “I hope she gets naked in her 60s”. THE WORLD IS NUTS!

Posted in:Denise Richards




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

Do you really need me to intro tiny tit tuesday – again – you know I like tits and statistically tiny tits are a hotter package than the big tits!

Then there’s the whole aspect of the girls with the tiny tits being all insecure about their tiny tits because their big tit counterparts get everything they want in life because we are titty obessesed perverts, making the tiny tit accessible and available seeking validation and I’m on board for that!


Posted in:TINY TITS




Brad Pitt’s Pussy in a Bikini of the Day

When I think instagram, I think Em Rata, because she’s been a masterful scam on the platform, and becasue of the platform, she’s been made VERY high profile, when she arguably is not!

There’s a rumor that the legendary instagram titty model who miraculously was able to go so viral and high end that she wasn’t compartmentalized as an instagram titty model, forced to sell her nudes for outrageous amounts of money, but instead working with big corporate fashion brands who felt her tits were fashionable or artsy instead of stripper level shameless, which doesn’t make any fucking sense in the grand scheme of fairness, but the tits in question probably feel PRETTY fucking good about, knowing so many other tits out there are labeled whores, while her tits are labeled something higher profile!

I don’t get it, but who cares what I get, I like the tits and think all tits should be treated top level because the tits are all that matter!

But yeah, the rumor is Brad Pitt is apparently fucking her, hence her divorce, because when Brad Pitt comes a knockin, that’s some A-List level Angelina Jolie HIV you want deep inside your asshole, when trying to maintain that high profile, so that she never slips to being some whore on isntagram showing her tits!

Point of the story, she’s in a bikini, still rocking tits, that are good enough for Brad Pitt’s viagra, cuz that dude’s old, but still Brad Pitt right, which I guess you could argue, makes her a whore, but that’s because you’re a toxic masculine misogynist who doesn’t respect that girls can be boss bitches who think they are EQUALS to Brad Pitt thanks to being in at least one movie once, and HE may be the one who shot these pics like a good IG boyfriend going into his retirement needing something good to do like take bikini pics of 35 year old titties!

Posted in:Em Rata




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

Unfortunately, the only Tight Pants I saw today were on some 80 year old five time vaccinated freak knocking on idling car windows yelling at them to turn off their cars because they are single-handedly destroying the climate, who didn’t appreciate when I told her to leave people the fuck alone and mind her own business, because climate change isn’t real, it’s a scam that makes assholes who live in mansions with private jets richer and her insanity doesn’t need to ruin our fucking days, maybe she should take it up with industrial polluters, not some hot mom waiting for her kid to get a loaf of bread, but yeah, leggings on the geriatric pussy, far less hot than leggings on the under 75, so here are some tight pants to remind me of what TIGHT pants can be!


Posted in:Tight Pants




Bella Thorne’s Smoking Panties of the Day

Here’s a little Bella Thorne, the Disney Star packaged for the Generation Z that doesn’t watch TV, because they are too caught up in the fantasy or lie that is the Internet, so they follow the drama, believe the bullshit and forget that every single celebrity on instagram is still a fucking fake as fuck actor who is manipulating a storyline for attention, likes and views!

THE INTERNET IS NOT REAL, but it is real enough to make Bella Thorne a relevant, trending, A-Lister, who may not be able to act, but is Disney Trained, so what the fuck do I know!

In efforts to be engaging with the pervert kids who grew up on porn and who are likely NOT any better for it, if anything TOTALLY fucking damaged by it, the agenda pushing puppet launched an OnlyFans to inspire strong and empowered girls to view their bodies and sex appeal as a money making commodity, if a generation of women reduce themselves to whores for designer purses, they may never realize what substance, meaning and purpose they are missing out on thanks to being so disconnected from what is ACTUALLY important!

In trying to keep the lie going, she’s a barely nude nude model as part of her hook, and this is her in panties having a smoke, because she’s edgy!

My opinion of her smoking panties would be more that you’d want to burn em if you found em, because I am convinced that pussy be gross, or that the panties would just be smoking from each HIGH PH pussy juice discharge drip, you know THAT IS ACIDIC!

This is a different kind of PANTY SMOKING!

Posted in:Bella Thorne




Halsey’s Self Awareness of the Day

Here’s some Halsey looking like fucking shit, rocking a “Corporate rock whore” t-shirt, because she knows that she sold her fucking soul to whoever these people sell their soul to, in order to be the flavor of the month with shitty viral pop songs for TikTok, or whatever their peak of success is measured when manipulating the minds of the weak generation that don’t know better!

I never really subscribed to Halsey’s bullshit origin story, I am convinced she was a party slut with access to the VIP room at the club in her hometown, allowing her to meet the right lame ass DJ who gets overpaid for his music, who to anyone who has ever been to one of these DJ parties knows, is just an overpaid nerd who is totally fucking accessible, if anything, that’s the whole point of becoming a DJ, because the DJ whores were fucking REAL in the 90s, they were more real in the 2000s, and by 2012, these fucking guys were SELLING out stadiums, making the DJ whores even MORE fucking insane about sucking their dicks! It’s a lifestyle

But yeah, drops some vocals on a hit DJ produced song, now exists and all her dreams come true whre she can DJ whore at the highest level while making everyone a ton of fucking money, because she’s a corporate rock whore, not a SELL out, it’s not like they pulled some ARTIST out of the subway station to package as a star, but instead found a bitch to play the fucking part!

Well, the young mom looks like it’s working out nicely for her as she walks around with her booze in hand, looking like she’s having a psychotic break, because she’s like a fucking lunatic!

I don’t find her hot, but I do find her demise hot, so let’s hope this ends in an overdose or something fun like that, you know PROVE to me you’re a homeless addict bitch, none of this candy coated bullshit!

Posted in:Halsey




Megan Fox’s Sex Doll Formation Complete of the Day

I figure her pussy is likely about as dead and leathery as your old, dry rotted Fleshlight, so it makes sense that she’s taken the rest of her to the injection clinic to fill her 40 year old, mom of 3 or 4, with chemicals that make her look like she’s made out of foam latex, or silicone, or whatver it is the real doll is made of, and I guess people find it exciting because they live behind a screen, don’t know real life humans, and thanks to the Kardashian’s propaganda, have totally distorted ideas of beauty!

They know Megan Fox is known as a hot chick – 20 fucking years ago, therefore she must still be a hot chick, despite doing the same tactics LITERAL DUDES do when they transition to become chicks, thanks to being jealous of all the attention and how easy it is for chicks to make it on the internet, there’s actually a rumor that Megan Fox isn’t even a chick, has always been trans, part of some bait and switch troll from Hollywood on the people, and this new look doesn’t do her any favors, which is ok, since dudes are into Tranny!

Does a porno looking Megan Fox with what looks like new tits excite you because you’ve been brainwashed into being her fan, 20 fucking years ago?

I find her whole comeback tour akward, unnecessary, demonic and weird, but hey, when menopause hits, the hormones make the bitch fucking crazy, so let her and her whore outfit continue to get jerked off to like you jerked off to that Dahmer series on NETFLIX, you homo!

To See the PAPARAZZI PICS to SEE What this MESS Looks Like in HUMAN form CLICK HERE

Posted in:Megan Fox