I'll Make You Famous…




Salma Hayek Old Lady Street Walker of the Day

Here are some pictures of Salma Hayek looking like a streetwalker, cuz I like streetwalkers enough to pretend every girl on the street near a car is a streetwalker and treating them accordingly, it’s kinda my thing…

I guess what it comes down to is that as a Mexican celebrity straight from Mexico, she really was only a few bad blowjobs away from ending up working the street, and if she did end up down that road, like so many Mexicans before her, she’d likely be far skinnier, more haggard, and giving off a strong odor of shit not chanel.

But this is just one of those “things just worked out for her” for reasons I call “great tits” that were perfect to play the mexican part in some Hollywood shit to keep it authentic….

I still think she woulda made a better hooker and I think these pics prove it.

Posted in:Salma Hayek




Lara Stone Big Titties for Fashion of the Day

Her name is Lara Stone. She tried to sue me a few months ago cuz I posted her wedding or honeymoon photos cuz she was in a bikini and I tend to post as many bikini pics as I can…..Now she’s showing her nice full tit in Self Service Magazine ….and I’m posting it cuz I tend to post as many tits for fashion pictures as I can….but that doesn’t mean that I forgive her or her legal team for trying to bully me…that doesn’t mean I think she is relevant or matters…it just means that I like any bitch who gets paid to get naked, half naked and tries to leverage that to get ahead cuz it proves my theory that all women are sluts, even the ones with expensive cars, houses, and lives…slut…not wait whore…that would make her a whore by definition…even better.

Posted in:Lara Stone




Hilary Duff is a Mom Jeans Cameltoe Killer of the Day

The whole reason mom jeans are hot is because they ride pussy like bitch was a 70s slut on her way to the disco to rail an 8 ball of coke, before getting gangbanged in the back room by the entire staff…

Covering that cameltoe that is inevitible when you put these pants on is some kind of mean shit that takes away all the job in watching a broad bitch rock the shit…

That’s why Hilary Duff is the Mom Jeans Cameltoe Killer. Call PETA. She’s fucked up everything.

Posted in:Hilary Duff




Ashley Greene Sweating Again of the DAy

If you’re not a 13 year old girl with a twilight poster on your wall next to your Jonas Brother poster on your wall, then you have no business knowing who this bitch is, or even lusting after her….you have no business seeing her sweaty ass and thinking about all the motion that went into making her that sweaty…you shouldn’t be thinking about licking the salty taste off her like you were some kind of pony at he barn and more importantly, the smells you expect her to have radiating from her cunt should not be something you get turned on thinking about….because she’s done nothing for the average man, she never sluts off, she’s solidified her position in the market, all by neglecting us by not getting stripped down and sexy for us, cuz she just doesn’t care about us…we aren’t the market that will make her millions, we’re just the perverts that feed an ego that’s already been fed….and I hate this level of security and cockiness….

And all this to say…she’s got Popeye forearms for calves…ripped and covered in sweat…what a slut…

Posted in:Ashley Greene




Christian Leboutin’s Got Black Titties in his Catalog of the Day

High Fashion luxury brands like Christian Leboutin are apparently smut peddlers, all making black chicks get topless for campaigns cuz they feel the black chick best represents the bitch who should be stripped, in some kind of racist porn the KKK would jerk off to, “exploit the negro”….if the KKK knew where to find High Fashion Luxury Brand catalogs….if you know what I mean….and if not, it’s that Tits for fashion is a good thing for the future of this site, cuz the second I convince the world that I’m a fashion site written by an ignorant homeless looking mother fucker, is the second I go 5-star luxury….so luxury that I’ll dress all my meth addicted ass licking, use my ass as a feeding tube whores in leboutins….or some shit…

Either way, here’s the racist, topless, fashion smut.

Posted in:Christian Leboutin




Gisele Bundchen in Black Workout Gear Again of the Day

She always does a great job tucking in her dick. I think that’s why she always wears these black tight pants that make Kim Kardashian look stumpy, dumpy and huge, cuz it doesn’t allow for any shadows to be cast, and it further makes all arguments against her having a cock worthless….I mean I guess a multi-million dollar lingerie career would have dispelled those rumors too….and I’ll just have to accept the pregnancy, vagina, Tom Brady’s heterosexuality, as if they aren’t some kind of marketing hype…

Either way, here she is leaving the gym. Exciting stuff.

Posted in:Gisele Bundchen




Amber Rose Bottom Feeding on the Beach of the Day

Here is Amber Rose big on the beach, showing off her fat ass and big titties, letting the world watch her draw attention to herself to further solidify her celebrity as being the rappers’ pussy….

I wouldn’t expect anything more from a bottom feeding pig….the poor man’s Kim Kardashian….is still less irritating than Kim Kardashian…if you know what I mean…and if you don’t its that I have no problem with this bitch, I get her hustle and it’s probably better for the soul than stripping.

To See The Rest of the Pics
Follow this Link

Posted in:Amber Rose




Halle Berry Grocery Shopping Milf Porn of the Day

At first I thought she was buying watermelon, and I was like what a fucking racist, in her hustle to make people think she’s black, she’s pullign out the stereotype, you know like next stop the fried chicken joint, before spending a night on the stoop rapping in the projects, before balling out at the club poppin bottles for white chicks, kinda thing. But then I realized she was shopping at Whole Foods and there’s nothing whiter than that….At least she’s keeping it real in tight denim shorts….

A little known fact about me is that I love the grocery store for scoping out pussy…sure I like scoping out pussy everywhere, but just seeing the foods a bitch buys tells you so much about how lonely she is, and how desperately she needs to get fucked….and even what her shit will smell like when you fuck her up the ass…It’s a great place for erotica….it’s the simple things in life…best things in life are free….kinda thing…

Here’s Halle Berry trying to live up to my expectations…

Posted in:Halle Berry




Kim Kardashian Fat in Tight Pants of the Day

So I was standing outside of the gym the other day and a stream of fat chicks in tight pants walked in, and I was like this is a fucking gym, shouldn’t the bitches going in be tight bodied, and things I want to fuck when I’m both sober and drunk and not just drunk and aroused with no witnesses, then I realized shit is asperational, these pigs are going in, cuz they want to look like the skinny bitches I want them to be…

It’s no secret that Kim Kardashian is a fat lazy pig, feeding off society, and tricking dudes into thinking she’s hot thanks to marketing…

THe only think she’s got that’s skinny is her fucking ankles and even they quickly go dumpy, sloppy, thick and disguting….I never get why people get mad at me when I call her fat, don’t they have fucking eyes? Or maybe they are fatter than her and in a way think they are defending themselves…cuz if she’s considered fat, then they are considered real fat….

When the cold hard truth is that this bitch is fucking huge. Work out clothes or not, I’m not buying it….and you shouldn’t either. THIS IS A FAT CHICK BODY….Realize it fatty.

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Rosie Huntington-Whitely for Elle UK of the Day

I know anyone who visits this site is likely a virgin, into comics and other nerd shit, because no cool kid would waste their time reading my bullshit opinion, mainly cuz cool kids don’t read, and if they do, it’s sites that help them retain that coolness…No one wants to sit down at a cool kid party and say “OMG did you see Ashlee Simpson kissing that guy from Boardwalk Empire”, or whatever other smut I’ve spewed, they want to say, “did you hear so and so is releasing a limited edition t-shirt, that’s so last year, don’t they know people are into Japan now, not t-shirts, my god”…

You get what I’m saying, and if not, it’s cuz you’re just not cool enough, you’re too socially awkward to even grasp the joke that you guys are fucking hard and have already jerked off at least a dozen times, the last 3 days alone, for transformers and the Victoria’s Secret Model they’ve recruited to play Megan Fox….

So I figured I’ll post some of her Non-Nude work for Elle UK, even though I far prefer it when there’s NAKED TITS

So Here’s some Rosie Huntington-Whitely promoting herself….cuz this is her chance to get out in every fucking magazine possible……I’ve heard that Eminem 8 Mile Song, I know how to hustle…I just don’t bother…it’s too much work.

Posted in:Rosie Huntington-Whitely