I'll Make You Famous…




The Saturdays at the Beach in Shitty Staged Pics of the Day

I guess this UK girl band of sluts who make shitty music is trying to make it in America, because America is the promised land of stupid money making for anyone in entertainment, and everyone knows the key to making it in America doesn’t happen with talent, or quality product, it comes with controverys, scandal and staged paparazzi pics….

First they start with the beach shots, the eating ice cream erotically, the cleavage and the bikinis, then they move onto panty flashes, and nipple slips, in some kind of weird science formula used to get famous…. eventually getting more and more desperate when they realize that a lot of other low level pussy is pulling the same stunts, resulting in the holy grail, the mystical sex tape that will launch them to instant fame, unless they are too old and boring like Shauna Sand and Kendra Wilkinson….

It’s an obvious system of survival of whoever wants it bad enough….but I’m only intrigued by this cuz I actually want to fuck these girls even though they are from the UK….and I guess I am posting this as a preview of what’s to come….cuz trust me….it’s coming…it always does….Hollywood is fucking predictible and boring!

Posted in:The Saturdays




Amy Winehouse Stop Seducing Me of the Day

Amy Winehouse was porn to me back when her skin was flaking off her cuz her immune system shut down….She turned me on when she didn’t sleep or shower for days…back when she was constantly on drugs and was losing her teeth while scaring off the children and more importantly everyone who happened to be near her…so you can imagine what this cleaned up Winehouse with fat tits is doing to me…and that’s pissing me off…because I like my bitches down on their luck, near death, at the rock bottom, cuz it makes me think they are attainable when jerking off to them, this polished, put together Winehouse is looking at me like she know’s she’s too good for me….Instead of with that look of desparation for her next fix….and the whole thing depresses me.

Winehouse, bring the nasty rashes and drugged out scenes back…I need it for my sex life…

Posted in:Amy Winehouse




Jessica Alba at Machete Premiere of the Day

I can’t imagine you care about Jessica Alba’s comeback tour now that she’s landed her first gig since being a mom in the movie Machete, you know since she’s let us all down and is dead to us. But I figured I’d put up the pictures anyway, to remind you all to not buy into her second attempt at a career, and encourage you to punish her for her actions by making her fade the fuck away….especially when wearing such stupid fucking dresses that don’t really give boners…something she’s been keen on since she’s become a mom…

She fucking sucks…no wait, she rips holes in condoms of guys she never wants to have leave her so that they stick to her uterus and make her babies….but that’s a form of sucking…just with less mouth.

Posted in:Jessica Alba




Miss Universe Jimena Navarrete See Thru Shirt of the Day

I had no idea who this was when I saw the pics of her in a see thru, but realized she’s Miss Mexico trying to get extra attention after winning Miss Universe, since no one gives a fuck about Miss Universe and to make her Mexicon corrupt cop and drug dealing boyfriend who tries to extort tourists proud of the pussy he’s fucking when he’s not too busy fucking other pussy….Let’s face it, she’s not all that hot…but then again she did win a Miss Universe concert and she didn’t sign a modeling contract, she didn’t sign record deal, she didn’t get signed onto a new hot show or even porn contract….which is what all the actual hot girls are fighting over….but here is her see thru anyway….let’s hope this is the gateway to better things from her…

Posted in:Jimena Navarete




Beyonce’s Thickness in Some Crazy Tight Shorts of the Day

Anyone who defends Beyonce by saying she’s got a perfect body or that she’s not fat has to be a chick who is either fatter than Beyonce, or just a feminist who hates how men objectify women. Cuz I can tell that even when this pig is in her shorts that aren’t meant to be this tight, but that ended up this tight, like a pair of spanx, even with spanx underneath that hides her pussy definition cuz she has to squeeze her thighs into anything that fits her upper body, in some kind of ego to scared to size-up at the big and tall store cuz that would mean she’s actually fat, instead of squeezing into these XXLs that look like an unattended peice of muslim luggage ready to explode…

There is just no way dudes can look at this, take it seriously, and claim to like it….unless of course they are trying to impress a chick they are trying to fuck, in a “OMG, I know Beyonce is such a natural talent and totally beautiful” during date conversation, hoping for a night that ends in anal sex….of gay and hoping the night ends in anal sex…but never cuz they actually believe it.

I just know the real loser in all this is Jay Z. He has to deal with all the bullshit that comes with this fat cunt or at least pretend to when he’s not fucking Rihanna.

Posted in:Beyonce




Sophie Monk in her Bikini Is Alright of the Day

I am not sure what’s going on with Sophie Monk’s tits, but they look deflated and sad. Maybe that’s what happens when a bitch can’t afford to eat cuz she doesn’t get work, or maybe it’s just the stress of being a bottom feeding hollywood whore who can’t even land bottom feeding work is making her try harder to look good….I just know that there’s something about her muppet looking face, and pretty hot, eager body that makes me want to fuck her with my tongue, I just don’t know what that something is, but I can tell you one thing, it’s definitely not her Paris Hilton herpes pussy that she got from her lesbian relationship with the Good Charlotte sister who cheated on her with Paris Hilton cuz his twin ran off with Nicole Richie and wouldn’t fuck him anymore…leaving him lost and confused….

Here she is in a bikini, doing what bottom feeders trying to get noticed do.

To See The Rest of the Pics – Follow This Link

Posted in:Sophie Monk




Britney Spears Lookin Like a Primate in a Bikini of the Day

I don’t know about this Britney Bikini shit…it’s one of those I prefer the useless, damaged mom pussy in clothes, because her body looks fat, sloppy, maybe even angry, and it is not something I feel like crawling up and dying inside of…

Sure, crazy pussy is generally fun. It does crazy things and fucks in crazy ways and the fear it brings keeps things fresh and exciting, but not when it is medicated and controlled by it’s dad because this crazy pussy, unlike the bitch who throws feces all over the laundry room in my building, is so managed that her glassed over eyes I can tell are screaming for help can react to the voices in it’s crazy head….

Either way, put some clothes on, or pull some stunts…cuz this corporate Britney sucks.

To See The Rest of the Pics – Follow This Link

Posted in:Britney Spears




Hot Blonde Chick Waiting for her “DrunkenStepfather” Gets Excited for Me of the Day

Don’t be jealous. You can’t get hot blonde chicks writing your name across their topless stomachs too. All you need to do is launch a website 6 years ago, update it everyday, beg everyone you can for traffic, and promise low level fame in exchange for it….

I am not sure if it is my ego talking, cuz I have pretty low self esteem, thus resulting in no ego, but seeing some hot pussy with my site written on them being is pretty pornographic on some dominance level reminiscent of cumming on a bitch you just met’s face after fucking her without a condom to make sure she remembers you, even though she’s asleep.

Or maybe I just like half naked chicks who write on themselves cuz I never had markers as a child, or it could just be that cock teasing whores always fuck with my emotions when they hide their tits and pussy and tell me I can look, but can’t touch cuz I am not worthy….because rejection is all I know…

Either way, this was a nice find in my email today, I suggest more of you start sending in shit like this, cuz it is a shortcut to my heart….and penis…


Posted in:Socal




Christina Hendricks Behind the Scenes for London Fog Video of the Day

Here is the Christina Hendricks behind the scene for London Fog video because everyone loves her big tits….even when her big tits aren’t being shown off at all….which makes me think this whole campaign was a fucking waste of time…but I guess some of you are so into her that tits or no tits you’re still happy to see her…even though some of us, including me, have no fucking idea who the fuck she is…other than knowing she’s a redhead with big tits….in a time when I guess redheads finally being accepted as humans, instead of the pale skin monsters with the bright colored vaginas we thought they were in the past….

Posted in:Christina Hendricks




stepNEWS of the Day

I actually got hate mail from someone for doing this stepNEWS segment. He didn’t send me hate mail for making semi racist comments. He didn’t send me hate mail for calling a skinny chick fat, or saying that women are only good for their whore pussies. He didn’t send me hate mail for any other annoying or offensive shit I’ve ever done. He didn’t even send me hate mail for trying to get his sister, mom or girlfriend naked on Facebook. He sent me hate mail for puttin up videos of idiots doing idiot things that got them on the news instead of posting celebrity vagina pictures….I guess the real issue isn’t the hate mail, it’s that the dude comes to this site for the pussy….something he’d find easier on a lot of other sites…and my response to him is posting today’s stepNEWS nice and early….

Flasher Exposes Himself in Michigan Store

A pervert in public is caught with is pants on the ground, and there’s surveillance video to prove it.

PA Mom Threatens to ‘Cut Daughter Like a Fish’

Police say that a mother violently threatened her six year-old daughter

PA Softball Coach Accused of Assaulting Girl

Mom Stabs Disabled Teen Son, Blames Other Kid

A Connecticut mother lied to police about the stabbing of her son and wanted to stop caring for her disabled son.

Memphis Fraternity Posts Sign Welcoming Daughters to College, Upsets Parents

A college prank, in Memphis, has some calling a fraternity disgusting. Hear from Deborah Clubb from the Memphis Area Women’s Council and how she feels about a Rhodes fraternity’s practical joke.

Dogs with laser beams!

Dog Goes Crazy with Laser Pointer Strapped to Head

Posted in:stepNEWS