I'll Make You Famous…




Little Miss Sunshine Tit of the Day

I don’t really keep up to speed with the bullshit that Abigail Breslin is up to, she’s a fat chick and we don’t like them around these parts….sure she had a breakout at a young age with Little Miss Sunshine, but that doesn’t make her special…or make her hot…

I don’t keep track of what Little Miss Sunshine has been up to since Little Miss Sunshine, because no fat chicks allowed, but I do know she’s in some Matt Damon movie about Amanda Knox, or their version of Amanda Knox, because he’s another puppet highly paid by the evil industry…so they’re in it together or some shit…

But as it turns out, back in JULY, Breslin, like all girls, posted some scandalous smut on her social media, celebrating her tits, like all fat girls, becuase it’s really their only marketable asset to people who are grossed out by fat girls….so a month late to the Abigail Beslin bikini, because that’s how important she is to me, and how on the ball this site is, I mean I am only one person…I can’t cover everything….so in being old, out of touch and not on social media, not that I’d follow Breslin if I was…I’m like Russian in the 90s watching movies from the 80s like they’re new releases….only tit tit pic for attention version.

Posted in:Abigail Breslin




Bella Thorne’s Art Class of the Day

As people in the know probably know, art is the biggest scam around and for as long as I can remember I have hated any self involved loser who has the arrogance to call themselves an artist…whether it’s actors, painters, or other losers….to call yourself an artist is some pretentious bullshit….let other’s decide if you’re an artist or not you shameless self promoter…

So I don’t believe in art, I believe in a bunch of idiots being silly, putting silly shit out there and acting like it’s good, revolutionary, important, inspiring, you know all the things you’d expect an artist to push….

Then there’s the whole money laundering aspect of art….where these evil billionaires head to Miami where they buy millions of dollars of art that is really worthless, because they can write it off against their taxes, and by doing that automatically make that artist’s art worth millions…..so they have the chosen artists on board, they get rich and everyone remains an entitled cunt who can sit around talking about art….

Now the funny thing is that Bella Thorne, who may call herself an artist, she does music, acting, content production, other bullshit that doesn’t matter but that gets her paid, so her art would be a natural progression of ripping people off…because she’s important on social media…where the idiots with credit card congregate and battle to fit in or be the coolest they can be…in being not cool by that fact alone…

So whether this Bella Thorne art is her new scamming hustle, or an opportunity for low concept photoshoots, but her big fake tit seems to be hanging out of her overalls, which makes it better….even if it’s hardly naked enough….

The disney puppet’s done good, I mean assuming you don’t see all this shit as the fall of society, which I do…

Posted in:Bella Thorne




Workout Wednesday of the Day

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, I have pretty much reached capacity when it comes to original thought….but girls who workout are far hotter than girls who don’t work out and not in a body building kind of way because I was traumatized at a young age when a baseball coach told me about how women who body build have clits the size of a man’s thumb, which was weird becuase I was 7 and had no idea what a clit was, but far less weird than when he taught me what anal sex was…

Point being, I’m a victim of abuse and you should feel sorry for me, support me in my failures, because sometimes it’s so strong and powerful to lose….

That said, girls who don’t body build, but who workout in a reasonable way, to get their hot fit bodies, or hotter and fitter than if they didn’t work out, are always better whan naked or half naked….it’s a fact…

There are plenty of reason to join a gym, you know from health and wellness perspective since fat fucks die of COVID more than non-fat fucks, but there is no reason better than staring at women’s asses when they work out…sweat soggy bottom workouts….hence why some women want ladies only gyms….SEXIST DISCRIMINATION….but most want to be jerked off to….hence why they work out to begin with…

So support fitness with fit girls doing fitness shit in a slutty way.


Posted in:Workout




Gwyneth Paltrow Sweating of the Day

Gwyneth Paltrow Sauna

I didn’t find Gwyneth Paltrow hot when she was an actress being used as the “hot” chick in movies, where people actually took her seriously as an actor, because people don’t realize that acting is a fucking joke, it’s actually embarrassing and anyone who is into it, is a fucking deluded fucking clown with way too big of an ego, loving the attention and believing their own hype…

So I don’t find a 50 year old Gwyneth Paltrow hot, especially when she’s in her sauna looking like a fucking corpse….

She may be alive, she may pretend to be the health and wellness ambaassador of women, doing her own version of Oprah as she sells products direct to consumer, the lamest of consumer because they listen to what old dinosaur Gwyneth Paltrow tells them, even more embarrassing than being an actor is listening to them like they are experts because they are rich scammers…good strategy you fools..

Anyway, in being a zombie in a bikini, who we’ll assume eats STEM CELLS from aborted babies, as the rich do…it’s a SPA treatment but they have to go to MEXICO to do it, because gotta stay as hot as possible, I mean for all we know, maybe Paltrow is 300 fucking years old, I’m sure her pussy is weathered enough to make you think it is, but she’s got it in her bikini bottoms as she does a tight thigh squeeze for the shot…not the jab…the picture…you know what I mean…



Posted in:Gwenyth Paltrow




Hailie Jade Bikini of the Day

Hailie Jade is Eminem’s daughter who you may or may not have grown up to him singing about….you know when being violent about her mom Kim, which I am sure they all laughed about when the broke ass rapper made his hundreds of millions of dollars as the COLONIALIST rapper, using his WHITE PRIVILEGE and SYSTEMMIC RACISM….to EXPLOIT the black people by stealing record sales from them…..despite making black people who found him…richer than they already were in the process….because all this systemic racism shit is idiotic…Eminem came from a trailer park, he got famous because he was good, end of fucking story….

Anyway, Hailie posted a bikini pic, she looks amazing, just check out those tits, they’re huge…

I don’t know if the bikini pic put her mom over the edge, because after this was posted, KIM was hospitalized for trying to kill herself….but we’ll assume that as her mother, she’s into her daughter’s tits, it makes jerking off to them more fun….

So a bikini pic of a really fucking rich kid clickbaiting on a boat forces me to ask a very important question….WHERE IS THE FUCKING BUTT SHOT….how you gonna visualize eating an ass if all you have to look at is the titties….

Most importantly, do you think Eminem jerks off to his daughter’s internet porn, maybe he shot the pic, prepping for her only fans and porn career, since that’s what all girls do for a living now, I don’t have a daughter, does it turn off the boner when accidentally walking in on her everytime you know she’s masturbating or taking a slutty selfie…I’m going with probably not, since I’ve heard Emimen is gay….but his daughter’s bikini pic could change that….the tits look good…


Posted in:Eminem




Iskra Lawrence Ass of the Day

My dream documentary concept that I never got funding for because no one gives a fuck about my movie making dreams was to take a skinny model who was getting nowhere as a model, getting her fat as shit, to throw her back into modeling, and prove that fat fucks get celebrated….but unfortunately Iskra Lawrence beat me to it.

She was a model who didn’t eat carbs to maintain her figure, no one hired her, so she said fuck it, do a body positivity viral video in the subway or as the UK call it the “CHUBE”….where she’d walk around in her underwear with some spoken word poetry about how much body pride she has, so you can’t shame her, because body shamers are bad and body positivity is good, since everyone’s a fat fuck killing themselves due to laziness, and they’ll respond to a bitch who looks like them….basic logic…

As a body shamer, who thinks fat is disgusting and kills, I realized what Iskra was up to, and appreciated it…of course she doesn’t give a fuck about being ashamed about being a fat fuck who can’t lose weight….she ATE her way there like an actor…so she’ll walk around proud to be a fat bitch because she knows she is there by choice and I am sure she’ll be skinny eventually…because you can’t stay fat forever if you don’t want to die prematurely…

Anyway, she’s naked in the weirdest way and it’s not very hot, but it’s also not ver fat looking.


Posted in:Iskra lawrence




Weed Wednesday of the Day

Get your smoke on motherfuckers, maybe it’ll tap into your brain, help you find your soul that’s been destroyed for the last 25 years or longer, just pumping you with nonsense noise as they get ricer and fucking richer…..maybe that will allow you to find your gut instinct…maybe that’s why the people in charge decided to make weed illegal in the first place….

Like Big Pharma has proven time and time again that they don’t give a fuck about your best interest, they just care about profit….I mean if they had their way, they’d force you to take an experimental, unapproved medicine, INJECT THAT SHIT IN YOUR BODY, without thinking twice….maybe they’d get the Government on board, get them to KILL off their voters or some shit, because NO ONE KNOWS what that medicine may do to them….BUT WEED….make that shit ILLEGAL….

The funny thing is that I had a sober friend, who had a prescription to big pharma’s version of THC….and I was like smoke the fucking weed you fucking fool…but humans make no sense…

The good news is that, girls who smoke weed, use weed as a prop to get that weed audience, I mean being an infleucner and nude model is competitive as shit….gotta find your niche….

Some of these girls look like they smoke too much weed, you know munchies, but whatever…


Posted in:Weed




Isabella Fonte Pussy Print of the Day

Dancing may be fucking dumb. TikTok may be an attack on the fucking system from China, tracking, making a file on each American for when they make the takeover official, or whatever….but people fucking love it, and people love getting paid to be part of it…because money cures all sadness, it’s the American dream…if you make enough of it, you can buy all kinds of expensive things to show off to the world about the scam you pulled off pretending it’s because you’re special..

But Isabella Fonte is fucking hot….So whether she’s a TikTok dancer, or a professionally trained ballet dancer she’s also a fucking fetish….and it may not an intentional fetish model, since she’s not selling butt plug pics on OnlyFans…. but a fetish model nonetheless….

Her body, muscle memory, skillset, means she’s got a whole lot of flexibility, which is pretty fucking hot to watch…I mean impressive at the very least…

So .whether I think dance is fucking idiotic, embarrassing and half retarded….not just based on the people who watch dance videos or the popularity of them….but that’s got a lot to do with it…


Posted in:Isabella Fonte




Kira Kosarin Bikini Tits of the Day

Kira Kosarin is some singer / actress that I am sure is fucking unimpressive as shit, but that has millions of follower on social media, which to these idiots is the center of the fucking world, probably because it makes them a lot of money, which is what the big tech billionaires want, because the more ambassadors they have making millions off their shit, the more billions they make…simple fucking math…right…

So you have all these people who think the only thing that matters is social media, now the hollywood industry is reducing their own talent to play desperate influencer for some of that money, because America is about chasing money, which is funny, considering how China is the one making the majority of it…because the American dream is over…just not for Kira Kosarin…who has been sold to Disney long ago and already part of that weirdo system…

Now she’s in her bikini for attention, you know content curation that follows what people like, which is probably why a lot of the indy influencers sell pis of them with butt plugs in for money, because they are reduced to “If it makes money, it must be good”….terrible, but great…all at the same time.


Posted in:Kira Korsarin




Wetspot Wednesday of the Day

I always lag on Wet Spot Wednesday, I don’t know if it is because it’s like Christmas morning, where I can’t sleep all night on the Eve of Wet Spot Wednesday, because I am just so excited to dig through the pictures of girls who post pics of their wet spots in what I assume is a sexual way….I mean I don’t think this is a random game of truth or dare where there’s a level of shock value to their selfies for the LOL…I think it’s for sexual purposes, you know, to be jacked off to….

I like being peed on by hot chicks as much as the next guy. I like dirty panties stolen from the Laundromat near the college campus like the next guy. I can handle vaginal stains or even holes from the PH balance of the pussy that burns through the cotton…but I just don’t like wet spot photos.

I think in video, the build up to the wet spot would be far hotter…this capturing a moment in our lives removes the build up…and it’s just a “what’s going on here”….but we don’t do wet spot videos…we do wet spot pictures and it’s a terrible fucking joke that I am the real victim of because I am the one putting this shit together….you all can just scroll past…or as my google analytics stats would confrim….NOT SCROLL AT ALL since you’re not even there.


Posted in:WetSpot