I see your vaccine passport and a raise you an on/off passport….
These vaccine passports are happening here next week and I laugh, because people are allowing it, because they really buy into the narrative they are being fed and basically are conditioned to do what they are told…but that’s now why I laugh about this….I laugh because people think it’s based on the unvaccinated being heathens, when really they knew about the vaccine passports probably well before they knew of people who would be anti the vaccine…
I know how long it takes companies to build anything. I think the Disney+ app took 5 years and billions of dollars, even though you could probably do it for under 20,000 with the right nerd…but still…these are big, sluggish entities…and just miraculously have a QR code scanning and monitoring system pulled together randomly….in the last 3 weeks that they’ve seen a fourth wave spike….
They want us using these stupid things, not because we have a vax or not, but for whatever other weird ass reason….cuz logically the vax and the unvax should be able to go to the same places…I mean some vax and unvax even live in the same houses with each other…it’s one of those “if you have a vax, a mask and you’re social distancing…what difference would an unvax do”…..
I am all for getting the vax if you believe in the vax…I am not here saying don’t get it…just saying do your damn research be informed…
Anyway, we were warned about the vaccine passports in May or something, when they KNEW the plan…give us the summer then go back to the predictive programming….and people were like “that won’t happen”…now it is happening….because that’s how these things work…
Now the issue is, obviously there are a lot of issues, but the main issue I see, other than breach of human freedoms and shit, is that the vaccine passport isn’t the on/off passport…you need to use the internet for that….
Cuz I want to see all the girls dressed….undressed….I just went to the grocery store where I saw at least 12 women who were dressed but would have been better off undressed…
SO maybe that could be a feature they add to that vaccine passport app, maybe around the time they implant us with chips so that we get to scan without being so obvious, where we have to ask “CAN I SCAN YOUR QR CODE TO SEE YOUR On/OFF?”…. you know cuz we wouldn’t want them knowing we’re creepers or anything….right…
Posted in:OnOff