I'll Make You Famous…




Julianne Hough Titty Grab of the Day

I wonder what it must feel like for a Mormon raised girl to grab her tits on her social media like some young harlot….

I would imagine pretty conflicted if she hasn’t fully denounced the church and remembers some of the lessons she learned in the church….but I also imagine that Julianne Hough sold her soul to the devil to get on Dancing with the Stars in the first place, and everything since then has been some heathen shit….including but not limited to having cocaine fuelled anal sex with Ryan Seacrest….

I guess this is more than just her grabbing her own tit, she’s got a homie milking her like a cow….you know white girls in their 40s with bad hair dye jobs being wild for attention with their celebrity friends…you know the kind of basic bitch with her “WINE TIME” t-shirt or wall art she bought of Etsy….

I don’t know who this army of weirdos are, I just know that they need some guidance on how to produce better lesbian titty videos, cuz this shit looks angry and mean spirited…something a creepy pervert who works at the dairy farm could probably relate to….

I will say, this is the kind of thing that brings me embarrassment in my chest….it happens when people sing and dance badly and people think they are being funny or cute but just being painfully lame that us empaths absorb and channel into our own self hatred because we can’t believe how bad the world must be for this nonsense to be produced and shared by a bunch of dinner party middled aged trash who think they are awesome, important and having a great night…in Houghs Mormon shadow…

What would Jedediah Morgan Grant say about this….maybe he’d hop in and sister wives the ho….cuz you may not be able to make a wife out of a ho, but you can make sister wives out of them…FACT.


Posted in:Julianne Hough




Charli XCX Got Them Titties On of the Day

Charli XCX was a relatively unimpressive popstar from the UK who I thought worked at county fairs across America…you know before the big pig ribbon ceremony…that was just the caliber of star I thought she was.

She was also someone who I thought I saw performing at some night club for a room full of people who didn’t even look at at her while she was performing…it was actually pretty depressing…

As it turns out, she’s actually far more impressive than I thought, despite probably playing the county fairs across America and club shows no one noticed her at despite her being on stage in a leotard….because I guess these record deals are lucrative, multi million dollar deals, and when I saw she bought a 5 million dollar LA house, I realized that I was wrong about her…and that she likely got into this shit at the perfect time, right before social media dictated EVERYTHING…because I don’t think she has the star power, even with the tits, to be anything substantial on her own…but if you get that traditional record deal…you get paid as such and can buy 5 million dollar homes even if you seemingly don’t seem to be someone who gets paid more than a few hundred dollars for a sugar daddy for a fuck.


Posted in:Charli XCX




Beatrice Bouchard Bikini of the Day

Beatrice Bouchard Bikini

Beatrice Bouchard is a hometown hottie. She’s the twin sister of tennis star Eugenie Bouchard….where Eugenie got the professional tennis playing, multi million dollar earning skills and Beatrice got the body.

I am always drawn to the sisters of the famous and seemingly more accomplished, because everyone’s got a hard on for the “powerhouse” in the family. They focus on the one who has to work hard, train, grind, attend events and all that other bullshit, when the real winner is the sister who gets the lifestyle without the work, all for being the sister…

So as Eugenie gets out there to win and lose, this one is in the VIP section drinking with important people, holding it down on a social level. It’s important and it’s more fucking fun.

I assume she works as an influencer since this is some influencer content and look at that fucking body, that shit would probably influence you to do all kinds of dumb shit just to get noticed or even worse if she asked you to….it’s one of those bodies that would emasculate you if she chose to use her influencer body for evil and not for good.

I don’t see how anyone wouldn’t be a fan of this pool side bikini pic, I think it’d be impossible or maybe they are gay….but gays are still impressed with important people with important family members…they like nice things and status is a nice thing…they also like unprotected sex in bath houses and taking AIDS medication to prevent getting AIDS like it’s a vitamin, strictly to get their fuck on….and apparently they are also integrating themselves into the NFL as more and more people become gay from watching all that porno dick and thinking they’re into it for the dick and not the gutter bitch degrading herself for a dollar.


Posted in:Beatrice Bouchard




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

I guess you shouldn’t believe everything you see on the internet, because these bitches fucking lie, and in their quest to be degenerates, they photoshop the fuck out of themselves to catfish the losers who buy into it into thinking they are hotter than they actually are…it’s just the internet and nothing is real….

I guess you shouldn’t believe all science either, since the last year has taught us that credible scientists get cancelled if they go against the narrative the powers that be are pushing….and all the data presented to you is not actually real…only propaganda and lies that by the time the truth surfaces the general population ignore because they are too busy taking selfies to try to get famous on the internet…you know the things that really matter in society…self involved cunts…

So the studies are typically skewed to favor those paying for the studies…and you can partially see through it if you look hard enough…but I choose to believe that girls with waist to hip ratios that involve a smaller waist to a wider hip have more sex appeal to a man on a primal level than a square dude-like shemale bitch….because I like the Ratio….guys like the ratio and girls are photoshopping themselves and getting ribs removed and fat transferred to have the ratio….there’s a reason for that….BELIEVE the ratio…


Posted in:The Ratio




Sydney Sweeney Working Out of the Day

I was going to post Sydney Sweeney’s titty workout in leggings last week but for whatever reason, I think being traumatized by Kim Kardashian’s mutant fucking bikini that she’s trying to push as being her “authentic self” which was a critical part of the scam that is destroying America.

This isn’t about Kim K or her gross fucking mutant body…this is about Idaho’s own Sydney Sweeney and her big tits on her small frame being what could be the last version of a celebrity who was not created on social media.

That’s not to say her celebrity wasn’t some calculated bullshit, it all is, but I am old school and like knowing that when I first heard of Sweeney she had 200k followers, not to say I’m so on it, I am unfortunately on it, but yeah…she wasn’t cast in Euphoria cuz of her social media…it may have been cuz of her tits, since she’s got big old tits, but it wasn’t her social media presence and that’s important…not that the powers that be are any better than the general population, you just like to think they have bigger vision even if they are as equally a money grubber as an influencer.


Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Inka Williams Bikini of the Day

Inka Williams Bikini

Inka Williams is a hot Bali based model, who unlike all the other instagram whores in Bali living the “digital nomad” life because they are tax evading “content creators”…who are living the best life they can scamming the system and the fans….

Where as Inka Williams was actually born and raised in Bali, so she’s got that island life in her fucking soul, and that makes her hot bikini pics in the tropical setting that is her home far less slutty, desperate or lame…it’s about as authentic as you can get in a bikini pic and authenticity in a work of FAKE everything is important….she’s also got an amazing fucking body.


Posted in:Inka Williams




Aly Michalka Bikini of the Day

Aly Michalka is one of the Michalka sisters who I’ve seen around for years but for some reason are only in their early 30s, which would probably be more confusing if my seeing them around wasn’t just based on being low level slutty on social media or for the paparazzi, but was more that I knew who they were when they were first sold to Disney as child stars who haven’t done too much since being child stars….weird since they have the whole sister fetish thing going… money invested in them but then decided to just let them virtually disappear…I wonder who they pissed off or turned down when approached to do EVIl things…because I assume the Christian girls had a limit of what they were willing to do and that’s frowned upon in entertainment industry…they don’t like Jesus….

She is posting some bathing suit top pics and I like bathing suit tops.


Posted in:Aly Michalka




Hailey Clauson Big Mom Tits of the Day

I don’t think Hailey Clauson’s actually pregnant or a mom with milk filled tits, but from this angle, she might as well be, those fuckers are huge!

Clauson, even when she was an underage model being sexualized by Urban Outfitters, only to have won a lawsuit after suing Urban Outfitters for sexualizing her when she was under 18, something that probably should have got some people sent to jail, which is something I never quite understood in doing this site, because of how serious anything involving under 18 year olds is, meanwhile Victoria’s Secret and I guess Urban Outfitters are stripping 16 year old girls down to sell their shit..

But yeah, in the past I may have criticized her for being sexualized by the brand that she sued, knowing she was well aware of what was going on, but in hind sight, it was the right thing to do and fucking awesome….and it didn’t even negatively impact her career, maybe cuz she’s got mom tits without being a mom, I don’t know….she went onto do a lot of mainstream shit as an adult because ultimately, she was a victim of the creepy industry that has their own set of creepy rules cuz they are rich…

Fuck the man, without FUCKING the man, all these low rent girls scamming their audiences with nudes, don’t even know the right people to fuck over, and I like to think Hailey Caulson does…but I could be blinded by the tits…they are incredible.


Posted in:Hailey Clauson




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

Tiny Tits are amazing, all tits are amazing, but Tiny Tits a pack a big punch, or can pack a big punch, even when they aren’t big, cuz they are tits…

What I mean by that is that girls may think having big tits makes the whole experience more thrilling for a man, but I’ll say that we get equally excited by being flashed any tit, the bigger the tits get doesn’t really directly correlate to the level of excitment…big tits doesn’t mean big excitement, all tits means big excitement, big tits that are nice may mean bigger but not proportionately bigger excitement…

If you’re a dude, you know what I mean…

Big tits are best used by fat girls to try to compete in a world where fat girls are seen as cross…the occasional unicorn big tit on a small frame happen…but if you were a conservative risk averse kind of motherfucker, the small tits will statistically be better…

I think it’s important for you to tell every small tit girl you see that small tits are great, they may get you arrested for sexual assault, but it’s the activism I think is important, to stop women from getting plastic injected into their tits, creating inflammation, mold and all kinds of other gross issues all for a big tit that is basically irrelevant, especially since you can just photoshop your tits like everyone else does….

This has been my weekly tribute to small tits…an ode to the itty bitty titty.


Posted in:TINY TITS




Navy Set Off Bomb Off Coast of Florida and Other Videos of the Day

Biking Down Stairs Fail

Sale’s Rep Gets Toilet Papered

Russian Fans VS Travel Bans

Youtube has a video called “Big Ass Twerking, Try Not to Cum”…..Obviously.

Posted in:Uncategorized