I'll Make You Famous…




Kristen Dunst Panty Flash of the Day

Kristen Dunst Panty Flash

I still like Kirsten Dunst…I liked her when she first got her start and had those big tits on her skinny frame…I don’t remember what movie I first saw her where I decided I was into it…but it happened….her scraggle tooth never scared me….then there was the era of her looking unshowered and disgusting, I think we used to do a Kirsten Dunst death watch because she was slowly getting more and more absorbed in the hell that is hollywood, but she took a shower, got her shit together and has since been in at least one series as a 40 year old that was about Florida Pyramid Schemes in the 80s….but that was also a casualty of COVID…

She’s currently has a baby with Meth Damon, the Matt Damon who went to Space looking actor, and here is a little panty flash in a skimpy dress…which despite being grossed out by motherhood and all that her vagina has been through all these years…is still worth staring at because I’ll assume they are clean enough, which isn’t saying much, since clean enough is a totally subjective measurement and for a pervert like me doesn’t mean very clean….or fresh out of the washer clean….but rather “clean enough”….to be a COVID mask I’d happily wear while walking alone outside like an asshole…


Posted in:Kristen Dunst




Medical Worker Monday of the Day

Here’s some healthcare heroes who I don’t think are actual heroes…and either does the healthcare industry because they aren’t paying these people anything more than they got paid before COVID, they are just doing their job, but now with social pressure to live up to a certain standard that the media has created for them, even when they are desk dwellers who happen to wear scrubs because they work the front desk at a dentist’s office….since SCRUBS are what define my slutty nurses posts but not all who wear scrubs are actual nurses…

ANYWAY…I saw some article saying that you shouldn’t call Healthcare workers heroes no matter how many events Hollywood creates for them…it’s causing them mental strain when they feel like they can’t commit to that title…or because they aren’t getting paid like heroes, some are getting pay cuts, I don’t know, I only read headlines…I don’t need the propaganda as to why it is damaging to call them heroes and through this pandemic I’ve never felt that they were heroes…if that’s the job you train for and do, that’s your fucking job and if you quit because you don’t like pandemics, then you’re a fucking pussy who was milking off the system thinking nursing would be an easy scam to get a solid pension….I’m onto you…

There are other nurses who are using the HERO title to subsidize their earnings as nurses by selling nudes to loser dudes just trying to do their part in supporting them because the parades, Super Bowl and other bullshit wasn’t enough…

So these are some preview pics of those heroes being heroes by not fearing bringing bacteria, fungus and other airborne illness home on their pussies…


Posted in:NURSES




Ariana Grande Bra of the Day

I just don’t like Arianna Grande…for no real reason….but she’s this midget in BROWN FACE who probably has no make-up on in this because she’d way less tan than she used to be…rocking her ratty ass high pony tail…..

I remember her licking donuts while shitting on America, I remember when people decided to use her event to pull off horrible terrorist attacks, which can’t really be blamed on her, but again, was HER fucking concert…so who else do you blame…then there’s the ex boyfriend dying of drug overdoses…just a lot of darkness around a Nickelodeon puppet they turned into a HIGH earner….

This is probably the best she’s ever looked because we don’t need to see her midget legs and she’s not all done up like she typically is….so if you’re into Arianna Grande this is about as “natural” as you’re going to get…but that is still probably filtered and fillered…the American way…


Posted in:Ariana Grande




Kate Beckinsale Latex Lingerie in Canada of the Day

Kate beckinsale

I don’t know if Kate Beckinsale is actually in Canada or if this is just her foreshadowing the future takeover of Canada, you know the next on the list of countries for the Queen to take over because she owns it….you know CONSPIRACY GLOBALISM SHIT….

Beckinsale is from the UK, and I’ll assume she was a RICH kid in the UK, hence the ability to make it in America….as a single mom….which normally would HINDER a bitch trying to make it in America…and Beckinsale is hugely famous in America..in part for being the tiny bodied, hot mid 40 year old mom of a 20 year old….so it is reasonable to think she works for the Queen….or at least more fun to think that than to think she’s in an RV on set in Canada for a scene where she’s in lingerie…because last I checked, she hasn’t been in a movie since Underworld 20 years ago…which happened to be enough of a movie to be in to basically last forever…

She’s probably just shooting in Canada, but since we are in lockdowns, have internment camps, can’t travel inter-province, have curfews, bars and restaurants closed, all for a virus that kills old sick people…the globalism agenda seems to make more sense…

Either way, she’s hot, in bed, assuming the fuck her missionary position and that’s always fun no matter how old she is.


Posted in:Kate Beckinsale




Lourdes Leon Braless Titty Top of the Day

Lourdes Leon Cleavage

Madonna has a hairy Mexican or Semi-Mexican daughter that she didn’t need to human traffic to get, but may have human trafficked the baby daddy to get his sperm up in her, I don’t know the backstory, I just know she’s got great tits and she’s showing them off in ways you’d want Madonna’s daughter to, but probably wouldn’t expect her to, because she’s rich, trust funds, access to basically anything, Madonna is a big deal…so why would her kid feel compelled to do social media nonsense, I mean wouldn’t it make no sense to turn that shit off, buy land in the middle of nowhere and learn how to farm as you wait for the apocalypse…I mean maybe build out a bunker…you know be useful and proactive…but our society is like….don’t learn survival, don’t be interesting, don’t be smart…just do titty selfies and all your dreams will come true…EVEN THOUGH all her dreams can come true right now…she just needs to hit MOMMY up for some $$$$…

You see humans, some in great positions, like having Madonna as your mom, but doing such lame shit, so off the mark, that you have to wonder…”is everyone this vapid and stupid”…and apparently they are…but good news is we can mindlessly look at the titty selfies hey are producing which may not make us better people…but if you jerked off to Madonna Truth or Dare, and everyone my age did, Madonna was the hotness bringing the hotness at the time….you can now jerk off to her daughter…GENERATIONAL jerking off….and that’s always fun…think of it as the virtual mom/daughter threesome.


Posted in:Lourdes Leon




Milf Monday of the Day

I did a post earlier today, I know, so hard to keep up because I am so prolific as a writer who doesn’t know how to write and will never admit to anyone that I write anything on a website because I am not a writer…it’s not my vibe, not my dream, not what I like…it’s more an accident than anything.

BUT I did write a post earlier today with our MILKY tits post about how thanks to the state of the world, from chemicals in our soil, to plastics in our drinking water, to experimental gene therapy that everyone is lining up for…I saw some girl in the local news scheduling her gene therapy because she believes the hype and doesn’t trust her own immune system despite being 25 years old…and she was 16,000th in line…literally waiting on the line to access her vaccine schedule to book her appointment because the TV told her to….and is waiting for 16,000 people before her to schedule theirs…it is lunacy…makes zero fucking sense..is corrupt, political and you can’t even sue the manufacturers if you do grow a third vagina from it…

ANYWAY…the theme is end of breeding, end of motherhood, kids will be created in a lab after they depopulate the overpopulated world for CLIMATE CHANGE or whatever…you know UTOPIA….

So these MOMs may be the last generation of moms, so what was previously gross, a mom, YUCK…damaged goods…just look at her broken cunt….is now the COVETED living tribute to what the HUMAN body could do before HUMANS got involved…..so take it in…MILFS..

This will inspire my first screenplay, despite not being a writer, called “LAST OF THE MILFS” starring Kevin Costner….


Posted in:Milf




Daphne Blunt Got Them Titties On of the Day

Daphne Blunt is rocking that instagram look that everyone seems to want even though they look like inflatable dolls and not in a good way…

Unless this is Daphne Blunt’s natural look, where her mouth is half open and swollen like she is on opiates or whatever the on trend sedatives of choice are amongst the youth who are dealing with all this trauma and stress as they make any excuse possible to whine about everything….

She does have some big tits, which is always welcomed in instagram pics of a girl in a massive bra….it’s just too bad she’s not diving fully in and pulling the tits out because with tits that big…she probably should…angle it as activism, feminist, anything, just show the damn tits…

The selfies are pretty dull, you know she could easily apply this same outfit to doing things, even walking down the street, but the lazy generation of retards are fine with meaningless photoshoots of themselves just posing like idiots for the sake of posing like idiots…you know no self awareness while being all about themselves…it’s all a lot of bullshit..

I am not singling out Daphne Blunt, 90 percent of instagram is this shit, even with WORKING actors, like Daphne Blunt, because this is the content people want…BORING fucking content…even with pants unbuttoned and panties being pulled up to her neck….with her dead eyes literally looking like a puppet all while probably being a puppet to some industry exec…weird…


Posted in:Daphne Blunt




Kiernan Shipka Fitness Erotica of the Day

I have no real opinion of Kiernan Shipka as a celebrity. I didn’t watch Mad Men where she was a child star….and I sure as fuck don’t watch Sabrina the Teenage Witch the dark and mysterious redo that the people of Riverdale did when licensing the Archie Comic characters to create Riverdale….I didn’t even like the Melissa Joan Hart, Caroline Rhea Sabrina even though I was living in the wilderness with access to only one or two channels in the 90s….and TGIF happened to be my Friday Nights…because there was nothing else to do…but I will say I preferred that Sitcom version with its horrible canned laughter….to whatever the fuck this one is involved in..

Anyway, we’ll assume this is a paid ad by an Instagram brand where the actress is showing off her fitness tits in her sports bra, as well as her fit body, and I figure since everyone is a fat fuck and dying of COVID because of it…ruining the fun for everyone else…this should inspire you to get your sweat on or at least to normalize fit girls and stop paying attention to the unhealthy fat chicks trying to pretend they are hot….skinny is better and this one is skinny…even if she’s not all that exciting…


Posted in:Kiernan Shipka




Sophie Mudd On Her Knees in a Bikini of the Day

I don’t know if SOPHIE MUDD is rocking her real face or her interent face, but I’ll assume it’s her internet face, which makes me wonder whether we need real women anymore, if we can just get off to over-edited AI versions of women thanks to the FILTERS AND FILLERS…but that’s a whole conversation to have with your priest or whoever you talk jerking off to….not my problem….even if I don’t like that we’ve all been dragged into being the weirdos who jerk off to HENTAI without even knowing it because now every girl on the internet is a shell of her true self and they all do it so they all get away with it…some of these bitches you think are so hot are fucking vile in human form…but with lockdowns and shit…their HUMAN form doesn’t even really exist…it’s all CATFISHING all the time….but at least they aren’t using OTHER people’s pictures anymore to do it…they are just turning themselves into a picture..

Anyway, Sophie Mudd, who’s face is a little too polished, has huge tits on a small enough frame, she used those huge tits to get following, pretended she didn’t have huge tits when trying to legitimize herself, and went back to the huge tits after realizing she could probably make 100-500k a month with a members site showing off the tits…without even SHOWING off the tits…that’s how dumb the fans of only fans are..>TAKE MY MONEY but don’t get NUDE….idiots…

My theory is if you’re paying for anything sexual, it best be bouncing on your dick with the passion, excitement and effort that corresponds with how much you’re paying them….like if you pay them in opiates, expect a lazy ride…if you give them 10 dollars, expect a smelly ride, if you pay over 500, expect a good ride….this paying idiots to access their content that’s already boring as shit, even with the tits…MAKES NO SENSE.


Posted in:Sophie Mudd




Skylar Grey See Through of the Day

Her name Skylar Grey and she’s a 35 year old singer songwriter who shows her tits because she’s rich off creating mind number songs for the idiot population that keeps gettng stupider and stupider and don’t even need full songs anymore…they just need hooks that someone else they follow does a choreographed dance to..in order to get the album sales needed to keep them important…

Now….tits are fun and all, but this white hair zombie faced shit is terrifying, I wouldn’t stare at it too long, it may it your soul….and that would make sense since she’s the MIND behind the mind numbing popstars people seem to love because they are all idiots….

Tits though.


Posted in:Skylar Grey