I'll Make You Famous…




Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I don’t know if people are still hyped on all the health care workers still, I mean I don’t hear people throwing parades for them anymore, but I guess the Grammys and the Superbowl was filled with Health Care workers, so the media is still trying to play that whole thing up, at least they were a month ago….

It’s definitely something that’s worked out nicely for the health care workers who double as sex care workers because they get nude on the job, to give people a taste of naked nurses, a weird fetish now that the nurse outfits are the classic skirts but instead scrubs covered in human excrement….

I know it’s probably a thankless job, most people are sick and angry while being poked and proded by these people, but if these survive they are probably pretty nice about it…..not to mention the perks of seducing doctors to get into that lifestyle is unmatched..but I don’t feel bad about them being the “frontlines of Covid”…whether I think COVID is a big deal or just marketing hype around a barely deadly virus or not….

So why not get naked to cater to dudes who buy into the COViD thing, who feel for the struggles of these nurses, who feel their granny’s life depends on the nurses, even if the nurses for the most part, are only there for a paycheck…or a doctor’s hand in marriage for that good life…

You can play off the guilt and make tens of thousands of dollars just posting medical themed nudes….play it off as a COVID stress release when we know it’s just a cash grab…

Girls get naked online, it’s accepted finally, so not they monetize it as a sideline business, even when they are supposed to be dealing with a Pandemic…NOT very professional but also the only way I’m really interested in seeing nurses….so keep up the hustle…opportunists aren’t necessarily a bad thing when it involves being naked.


Posted in:NURSES




Paige VanZant Titties of the Day

I guess it was Paige VanZant’s birthday, because she jumped out of a cake, which I guess is a dream for women everywhere…and I don’t know why….since you can’t even eat the damn cake…it’s like a prop cake and if you can’t eat the cake there’s no point in having cake….

The Martial Artist who is actually pretty hot for someone who can kick the shit out of you, which is rare, has succumbed to either the pressure of trying to cash in on her sex appeal, because she launched a fan site with premium content….or maybe she’s just into the rush of getting naked on the internet for people who are into seeing her naked…it could go either way…..but it’s an easy and fun cash grab that everyone is a winner in…because she likes money and getting naked and we like looking at her naked…win fucking win…

I do think it’s unfortunate that she’s got pasties on, I mean if you’re going to jump out of a cake nude, jump out of the cake nude, but there’s still a lot of martial art tits, which for most UFC fans is probably the opposite of what gives them boners (man on man half naked wrestling)….

I was curious on the history of girls jumping out of pies, you know because useless information matters and this is what I found….

By the 1800s, the humans buried in pastry seemed to be limited to attractive women, as some of the most decadent parties of the era were those given by wealthy men to entertain other important males while their wives stayed at home. One of those hosts was Stanford White, a rich architect who threw a debauched dinner party in New York City in 1895 for a gathering of other distinguished men (including illustrator Charles Dana Gibson and inventor Nikola Tesla).

The feature attraction of the dinner party was an enormous pie, out of which, according to famed model Evelyn Nesbit, popped a 15 or 16 year old beauty, Susie Johnson, wearing only a piece of see-through gauze. Along with the girl, Nesbit reported that there were “a lot of birds” that when Johnson jumped out “flew all about the room.” Nesbit also later stated that, “I told Mr. White I had heard [later] he had ruined the girl that night, but he only laughed.”

Just a few years later, “The Pie Girl Dinner,” as it came to be known, was front-page news after White was murdered by the enraged husband of Evelyn Nesbit, the latter of which came to be known as “The Girl in the Red Velvet Swing.” White had reportedly raped the teenage Nesbit a few years before while she was unconscious in his home after drinking champagne with him. She then became White’s mistress for about a year before breaking the relationship off and later marrying the enormously wealthy Harry Thaw.

Thaw was supposedly none too pleased that Nesbit wasn’t a virgin which he found out while obsessively courting her. When she told Thaw this, she also explained to him that she lost her virginity to White when he raped her. Ultimately this didn’t stop Thaw’s pursuit of Nesbit and after a lengthy courtship, she gave in to Thaw’s continual attempts to get her to marry him and the two wed. However, Thaw now harbored extreme hatred towards White, culminating in Thaw murdering him after yelling something to the effect of “You’ve ruined my wife!” (There are conflicting accounts from witnesses as to whether he said “wife” or “life” before shooting White.) SOURCE

Who know underage rape was a part of this trend…making it all the darker…but I’ll still stare at VanZant tits for fear she’ll challenge me a wrestle…and not the good kind…


Posted in:Paige VanZant




Madison Pettis Being Hot and Slutty of the Day

Madison Pettis only came into my life as a lingerie model for Rihanna’s lingerie brand that has made her a billionaire, Savage X Fenty, the lingerie brand that has basically given Victoria’s Secret a lesson that trending instagram direct to consumer brands have a competitive advantage to the old school brick and mortar underwear company that’s been lazy and riding their same old hustle all these years, not realizing that society are a bunch of dick suckers into the trending instagram accounts and not so into their mother’s underwear company of choice…especially one that only uses hot chicks in their ads, which is totally unrelatable to all the uglies with face injections, trying to game us into thinking they are hot, as they try to kill off naturally hot international panty models and replace them with fatties….

That’s not to say Rihanna’s Brand is doing that with Pettis, because Pettis is pretty hot, whether you’ve seen her in high profile roles like the latest American Pie I assume you didn’t know happened, but may want to watch hoping she gets nude in it, after months of her doing the lingerie modelling, which I call foreplay, we’re over here ready for the NUDES…


Posted in:Madison Pettis




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I normally start my Monday’s with leaking breast milk filled tits….because it’s a new day, it’s a new week, it’s a new life….that you can basically be inspired to do anything you want to do but will likely just do the same shit you’ve always done even though they say if you do the same thing and expect different results you’re crazy…..and that results come from making new and different moves….but new and different moves require work…and doing the same thing over and over isn’t bad…you know what to expect from it….but if there was a TIT to inspire, and this is a Titty Blog so we need different tits for different things, it’d be a MILK FILLED tit….because it represents LIFE…sustenance….nourishment…survival…..comfort….support….because we’re all little useless twats looking for a titty to latch onto to cleanse our pathetic souls…

Now, I don’t know why MILKY tits are a fetish, I think they are funny to see women sexualize what I’d argue is the least sexual thing, even though it happened because of having sex properly…the way nature intended…but I’ll assume it’s because the tits are full, they tits are their biggest, and having had their tits sucked on all day by their babies for the last months, they are horny….and want dudes in on the tricks their tits can now perform.

It’s all so weird….and here are some MILKY TITS…


Posted in:Lactating




Kaia Gerber Topless of the Day

Kaia Gerber Topless

Kaia Gerber is Cindy Crawford’s daughter she sold to the industry despite having all the money in the fucking world, her husband sold his Tequila company for something like 1 billion dollars, so there was really no need for Kaia to do anything beyond just chill as a hot celebrity model billionaire daughter….but instead they put her to work but not in anything that would teach her work ethic, or contribute to the overall well being of society, no, they said “pose in pictures cuz you are hot and people will like you cuz of who your mom is”….it’s narcissists raising narcissists…in a evil fucking Malibu location where other narcissists raise narcissists…as they chat about how popular they are on social media….like it matters…because to them it does…..these are THE worst people continuing the WORST values through their fucked up kids who will end up medicating for the trauma with drugs…I think the Cindy Crawford son, Preston, Kaia’s brother is already in rehab or has been…because they’re all fucked up..

So when looking at Kaia in her topless shoot, doing topless modeling, making the family proud, living their dream…think about how fucked up that is on a bunch of levels, because she could be doing more meaningful shit than selling Calvin Klein products…which as you know is meaningful to a generation of losers but in the grand scheme of the world is not meaningful at all.

Kaia Gerber Topless

Kaia Gerber Topless


Posted in:Kaia Gerber




Jenny Mollen After Sex Selfie of the Day

Jenny Mollen

I am not a fan of Jenny Mollen….I feel like I remember her from before she was fucking Jason Biggs, but that could have very likely been after she was fucking Jason Biggs, despite seeing Jason Biggs in the first Three American Pie movies, I never really tracked the groupies he was fucking hard enough to end up marrying and knocking up….but she used to write for Playboy’s off-shoot site….freelance shit….and I’d be more than happy to let her write for us, but she probably doesn’t need to now that she’s got that American Pie money to buy her all the shit she needs…plus I can’t afford to pay her…

Now I am not a fan of groupies or celebrity wives in general, I just think they are all manipulative gold digging sugar baby assholes who found the first celeb they could to fulfill their good life going forward….I think they fake the connection and tolerate the celeb to no lose the good life…and that doesn’t really excite me….you know opportunist shit….but Mollen’s been with Biggs forever…maybe it’s sincere…not that it matters…who cares about their fucking…

She’s consistently strategically nude, she likes attention, maybe she likes her body and in this shoot, or selfie, she’s showing off her mom pussy and how it hangs in panties…while her husband watches…maybe it’s his fetish…mom pussy from behind…I don’t know….but it happened…


Posted in:Jenny Mollen




Charli XCX Sideboob Dance of the Day

Charli XCX should change her name it XXX…..because she woke up, put on some skimpy ass raver bathing suit and decided “ass and titties”….despite playing a Lady Gaga song, that I guess is trending on TikTok, as they brain wash the younger generation with retard dances….however, I’ve been told that TikTok is the most representative of where we are at in society, because people call out that whole cancel culture and woke on there, and make jokes about it…yes, black people on TikTok mock Black Owned Business signs at the grocery store put there by white people showing their support for black people in the most racist of ways….anyway….let’s hope she’s partaking in a Lady Gaga song trend and is not actually a fan of Lady Gaga…since Lady Gaga fucking sucks…but these popstars all aspire to be her or have her level of fame so that’s probably why they idolize her despite her shitty songs….because Charli XCX who should be Charli XXX just wants her own shitty songs to trend at that level…groupie shit…

Anyway, this angle is aggressive and the whole thing pretty porny for the UK barely a popstar who’s been around for a long time now…long enough for me to know she’ got fat tits time now…

I like it. Good work Charli…


Posted in:Charli XCX




Aly Michalka Nipple of the Day

Aly Michalka is a Disney Kid that I’ve been writing about on this site for a long fucking time, which is surprising since she’s only around 30….and even more surprising because I don’t really know who the fuck they are or what they’ve been in or why they exist…despite having been posting them for years….I just know that every time I see them in half naked sister fetish content….out there in bikinis or in this sheer bra top shit….I google them to see their story….but no matter how many times I see them pop up…and despite not being unable to get more mainstream than Disney….they still aren’t A-List top notch quality talent….which is weird…I thought the whole point of being a Disney Kid, especially when becoming a Disney Kid with your sister by your side, is to never stray from manipulating the fans and selling them shit they don’t need….like Miley, Lohan, Britney, Bella Thorne before them….yet these ones, who are arguably hotter than ALL those people…barely breakthrough…it’s weird…but I’ll still endorse their nipples.


Posted in:Alyson Aly Michalka




Milf Monday of the Day

There’s this weird fetish called MILF fetish that I don’t really understand….because I’ve always thought a baby ripping a vagina open to crawl out and mooch off the bitch for 18 years of disrespect, unappreciation that bitch gave up her body for the fucker, made a woman off limits…you know let her do that mom shit without my dick involved….

Even if you’re the reason for the mom pussy, because you decided that you wanted to throw your life and freedoms away to live like the joneses, or live like you think you’re supposed to live, that suburban nuclear family dream…where instead of laying on the couch all weekend watching movies high, you have to run the kid to Soccer, or Swimming, or even have to converse with them on some level of half retard, because they are children and thus half retards….pretending you’re interested, or that you care, or that you are proud…so proud that you threw your life away for them….I mean you’d have to play that angle, you can’t admit it was a terrible decision even hough you know it was….but yeah…even if you’re the dad in the situation…the mom becomes a mom and in being a mom she has no business being jacked off to…or fucked….I mean they make rub and tugs, and sugary babies so that husbands can fuck things that aren’t moms…

Anyway….the whole idea of young people wanting to fuck old ladies who have kids….must stem from their own mommy issues, where they found their best friend’s mom hot growing up cuz her tits by the pool were nice, while their own mom was busy neglecting them….because there’s not that much hot about a mom in theory….not even that shredded pussy and unwanted weightgain that gives them that mom body…or the deflated tits from breast feeding…it’s just not exciting even if she’s got physical proof that she’s been cummed in…

Now, all this changes when you’re 50 and new moms are 25-35 years old…because all of a sudden MILFs are young enough for you to want to fuck them, no longer the old lady down the street….and that fucks with my mind….I am not supposed to want to fuck moms….it’s wrong….but yet some of these MILFs are good….and here are some MILFS to fuck with yours…


Posted in:Milf




Crash Than Brawl and Other Videos of the Day

Bike Crash Chick

Hiking Mom of the Day

Stolen Plant Returned (last week we posted the video of him stealing it)…..

Dude…be careful when you pull over

Bike Packing…

The Girl in the Subway With the Rats in her Mouth…

Helicopter Fail

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos