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Heidi Klum’s Halloween Party and her Guests of the Day

Apparently Heidi Klum does more than just get pregnant with Seal, but she also throws these Halloween parties and so many important people, like Kim Kardashian and Coco attend. I guess that’s what happens when you retire from the scene to be a family woman. I am not sure what she is dressed as, but […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Good news…The site hasn’t been shut down. But I think my body is. I had this great idea of drinking a cheap bottle of champagne when I couldn’t sleep at 5 in the morning and shit fucking destroyed me. I’ve walked in at least one wall. Fallen down the stairs at least once. Was unable […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The funniest thing about this week of having a site that constantly crashes was not having to be on the phone with tech support everynight until 4 am, but was the friend’s I’ve made along the way….like the skinny inbred lookin’ dude who was dating the fat pig on that cam show I watched…who emailed […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am going to get drunk. I think I’m gonna update my FACEBOOK throughout the night…I’ll liveblog the night trying to get titty pics of whores….all because my asshole friend got an iPhone4 and gave me his bullshit… I wish my life was more exciting. I blame my stolen internet for making me never want […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I spent the last two days at various homeless shelters and community centers and goodwill shit scoping out single mother’s down on their luck…feeding their babies the free turkey dinner….hoping to get a blowjob…it didn’t really work out for me…since all the poor bitches who bother giving their kids a free dinner are not really […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am whoring my facebook out harder than my mom whored her pussy out when I was a kid…she had the right idea…why work when you can just do what you like doing and get paid for it…I respect her for paving her own way in life…too bad for the AIDS in the early 80s […]




stepLINKS of the Day

In the event you didn’t see it, check out this “Vile File”….of a girl playing with her period, I can’t wait for the REMIX. It’s pretty much been what I’ve spent my day staring at, I mean other than the amazing and constant updates you all appreciate so much… I was pretty happy 8 people […]




Blake Lively’s Ass in a Tight Dress for Letterman of the Day

Blake Lively’s pretty lucky because there’s really no one else in Hollywood doing the over 20 and under 25 starlet thing as well….She’s got a corner on the shit like she’s the new and only one there, as the last batch of under 25 moves on to their 30s with Lohan, who although isn’t 25, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I was hanging out with a toothless, white trash, ex hooker who still strips at bechelor parties for some extra cash, like some kind of novelty act, cuz no one in their right mind would pay her to get naked….She invited me back to her shitty one bedroom apartment we drank a 12 pack of […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am not trying to get naked pictures of the girl in this header picture, partially because I already have naked pics of her, but also cuz she scares the fuck out o me… But I am trying to get naked pictures of a girl with a clothing line and i need all your help […]