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Kevin Connolly’s Groupie Pussy in a Black Bikini of the Day

At least one person is talking out about Casey Johnson’s death…and that one person is Nicky Hilton cuz she’s all emotional and has been getting involved in reclaiming her stuff from mooch opportunist Tila Tequila cuz the crackwhore was her best friend in the whole wide world, proving that Nicky Hilton a pretty shitty best […]




Dead Heiress Running Around in Her Panties of the Day

This is too funny……Nicky Hilton and Whore Who Fucks Her Dad Bijou Phillips went after Tila Tequila to get their dead friend’s dogs back…I guess cuz they know Tila killed Casey to get some publicity or maybe because they know Tila Tequila is a leech piece of shit we can only hope ends her suffering […]




Leighton Meester Sluttin’ it Up at a Blog Party of the Day

As a guy who unfortunately has a celebrity website, not by choice by by circumstance, I don’t understand how other people who have these celebrity sites gain celebrity status. Am I the only one ashamed of having a website? Website are for fucking losers, not for cool people you even invite to your fucking part…. […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I was in line at the pharmacy and the woman behind me was buying Maxi Pads and I was thrown off. I haven’t met a girl in decades who use maxi pads. That was like some shit from the 80s when you knew a girl had her period just by the sounds she made when […]




Tila Tequila Bottom Feeding of the Day

So I go from an actress who kept to herself, who was relatively low key, especially the last few years who despite a bad choice in husbands, really didn’t bother me at all. She was in good movies, she was a good actress, she was cute and fun to see in movies, who passed away […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I didn’t win the lottery like I expected to since life’s been fucking me up the ass prison rape style before shitting on my face all these years, but I did convince a store owner to give me some expired dairy products. I guess Christmas came early this year. I win. Here are my stepLINKS…. […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I have decided to fully absorb myself into the Christmas holiday spirit by spending the entire weekend sitting under the stairs at the local mall lookin’ up as many fucking skirts and I fucking can. I figure Thursday after work will probably be a stronger upskirt day since people will be coming out of work […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t feel like writing anything today because I have a headache thanks to cheap wine that I didn’t have enough of to make my headache go away…I don’t have hooker money, but I do hava a fat wife and that’s pretty much good enough to make me want to jump out my fucking window […]




Sophie “The Muppet” Monk Shows Off Her Calves Cuz Her Pussy Probably Has Herpes of the Day

The last time I got off to calf porn, I was watching 6 baby cows were breast feeding off some lactating whore with a salt lick inserted in her meaty fucking pussy. It wasn’t some Australian piece of shit nobody in short leggings who is only famous in the USA because she fucked some band […]




Lady Gaga in Some Stupid See Thru Outfit of the Day

Lady Gaga continues to prove the power of marketing on the American People, as she walks around dressed like a street whore Reindeer for the Holiday Season, because people actually pay to see her perform. They also buy her records and follow her fashion style and even other popstars are copying her shit because they […]