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stepLINKS of the Day

I pissed in my wife’s face when she was sleeping cuz I watched a weird amateur porn clip where the couple pissed on each other in the shower before fucking and I thought to myself that was a real defining thing in a relationship, you know a fucking building block, cuz not until you piss […]




Paris and Her Sister Show Their Ass Cheeks From the Front of the Day

Paris Hilton is wearing an almost see through shirt and nobody gives a fuck. The only thing interesting in this shit is trying to figure out why I can see her and her sister’s ass from the front, but even that is as dull as their repetitive bullshit, I am going to go watch real […]




stepLINKS of the Day

In case you were wondering, when you are vagina hunting in the park, spending a few hours smoking cigarettes with a group of 14 year old girls in their school uniforms is a huge waste of time. In case you were wondering, when a gay dude asks you to recommend a horror movie for a […]




Sophie Monk’s Cry for Attention at the Santa Monica Pier of the Day

There’s something pretty magical about watching Sophie Monk riding some weird Mexican donkey themed toy you’d see kids posing with, not because I am into watching kids ride things for sexual pleasure, but because I like Mexican themed shit being riden by hot, busty, hard nippled Australians who ever since moving to America to be […]




Audrina for Carl’s Jr of the Day

We don’t have Carl’s Jr here, but I used to have a friend who worked somewhere that got press packages from Carl’s Jr and everytime they’d release a burger they’d send him a cardboard cut out of it, and byt the looks of some of their burgers, you’d think just holding the cardboard cut out […]




Bow Wow’s Stripper Amateur Music Video of the DAy

Bow Wow’s new video is some Paris Hilton Sex Tape inspired amateur style video of a stripper in her panties while he sings a song called “I Have a Pole in My Basement”. I guess that’s his pick-up line at the stripclub when trying to lure the whores back to his place, only unlike real […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s the long weekend. That means the only people who will read this are lonely losers with no family, friends or money to get the fuck aways from their computer for the weekend. Welcome to my life. The good news is that in efforts to get wasted last night, I fell asleep at 9 pm […]




Guess The Pantless Pig of the Day

I know pigs are never supposed to wear pants but guess who didn’t wear pants again ….come on…I’ll give you three guesses…if you said “tranny lookin’ broken down rich kid who craves attention because she’s ugly and does it by making a mockery of gay people and their gay lifestyles by spitting out cliches about […]




stepLINKS of the Day

You know how I bitch about my wife always wanting to have sex with me and how it makes me sick to my fucking stomach and I tell her to fuck off with her fat dirty vagina, but fuck her anyway, well 6 or 7 weeks ago, I guess she got the hint and stopped […]




Brooke Hogan’s Official Music Video of the Day

I know you’ve all be excited for the fat version of Paris Hilton to release the new video of her new single called Falling and it’s about falling for a guy, falling in love, and she rocks her flat ass and broad shoulders out in a bikini while some weird lookin’ black or white guy […]