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I am – Lohan's Personal Pics of the Day

Leave it up to a useless blogging faggot that every 14 year old girl and her fucking middle-aged whore of a single-mother loves to score some candid pictures of Lohan. Her hotel room is messier than my one bedroom apartment and I feel like that is something we should all judge her on. The fact […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

My email was down all day and I didn’t even realize it. That’s because I generally get about 4 emails a day, 3 of which are SPAM and 1 that is a link to something useless that someone useless wants promoted. I am all for useless, it’s kinda the story of my life and the […]




I am – Heidi Klum’s Poor Box of the Day

One of my loyal readers and possible mentor, if bitch had something to offer/guide me with, sent me in an article she wrote on her pussy. It’s fucking vile and I figured I would post it to Heidi Klum pics, because she represents someone who probably had one of the hottest boxes around, before becoming […]




I am – Heidi Klum's Poor Box of the Day

One of my loyal readers and possible mentor, if bitch had something to offer/guide me with, sent me in an article she wrote on her pussy. It’s fucking vile and I figured I would post it to Heidi Klum pics, because she represents someone who probably had one of the hottest boxes around, before becoming […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

The computer issue – may or may not be sorted out by tomorrow. I still posted more than I thought I was going to post today, so you should be happy. Raquel, Send me Nudes. I found a couple of links to tide you over for the night, because let’s face it, I can’t affort […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I didn’t update today. I realize that. I was at a hospital getting a cancer biopsy done on my nasopharynx. That’s where the nose meets the throat. I thought it was some routine bullshit that would be an in and out procedure. It pretty much was an in and out procedure, but I didn’t realize […]




I am – Kelly Osborne Hot Beach Pics of the Day

At first I thought that Kelly Osborne was doing some Mel Gibson Nazi salute, but then I realized that that was way too much of a pop culture reference for me. I am not supposed to know what’s going on the world, my ignorance is part of my charm, so instead of starting a Jews […]




I am – Who the Fuck is Cheyenne Kendall of the Day

The biggest joke of this site is that I really have no idea who any of the people I post about are. I am convinced that all the other celebrity sites live and breathe this shit. When they go home for Sunday Dinner, or when they go on dates with girls who are impressed by […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I didn’t leave my house last night out of fear of getting struck by lighting. My agorophobia is getting worse as the months go on and I haven’t left my apartment in at least 8 days, and when I last did leave it was only for a few minutes before running back to my couch. […]




I am – StepLINKS of the Day

This is my first stepLINKS since the old computer was molested, admit you’re excited. Click the links, they are good and if I missed anything, just send them my way, via email, because I’d rather you don’t come knockin’ at my door, I am trying to be a recluse. Now go fuck yourself. Paris Hilton […]