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Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Life…just a series of going to sleep and waking up until you don’t…. People pretending to be covid scared so they don’t have to go to work…but still going to the gym, grocery shopping, eating restaurant foods, getting their hair and botox done are pretty obvious… They want the COVID lockdowns to go on forever […]




stepLINKS of the Day

When people remain annoying as they scramble around social media about politics, covid, politicians beating covid in 3-4 days…..you should focus on the important things in life…..no, not like the meaning of life shit….or analyzing porn vs mainstream, where being a porn chick meant being blacklisted, while now it means being cool, so cool the […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

There’s very few updates or revolutionary ideas that came to me over the weekend, I spent it indoors drunk. I guess the only revelation I made is that it’s harder to kill yourself through alcoholism than the fake news media tell you…because I’m still here…but the again, maybe the fake news media is right and […]




Vanessa Hudgens Being Goth of the Day

Disney Kid probably best known for being an early adaptor, quick on technology, because she had the first leaked cellphone nude before the whole “FAPPENING” that fucked up Jennifer Lawrence’s ability to sell her first nude scene to the highest bidder, by basically handing us all she had to offer. A dude went to jail […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I hear it’s a debate tonight…but not a debate whether to click any of these links I’ve wasted my time compiling because that’s obviously something you russian spam bots are here to do…as you prepare to rig the election or like and follow the social media accounts of clickbait bitches out to scam you with […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The problem in the world is that they listen to the people of the internet, when they shouldn’t. They don’t listen to me, but they listen to all the whining bitching brats of the internet who always existed but were ignored, but now have a platform….whether it’s getting brands to change their name, calling white […]




Caylee Cowan Nude Shoot of the Day

I assume this is an old shoot of Caylee Cowan because she doesn’t look like the same person we’ve recently posted…..the girl in the Rick Salomon sugar baby scene, whether she’s a sugar baby getting her rent paid for or not, that’s just his poker playing, private jet flying, Paris Hilton Sex Tape Selling, Pam […]




stepLINKs of the Day

In having no friends, no social life, no social media, I really don’t keep on top of what is going on in the world….at least I try not to… I have no idea what the normal people are talking about in their everyday conversation because I haven’t had everyday conversation in years…. I know some […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Single people who can’t get laid, say that the normalization of porn is designed to keep people apart. They don’t want people to actually ever fuck and they feed porn so that you don’t go out there to establish interpersonal relationships, while some think it’s for population control to slow down breeding and others think […]




stepLINKS of the Day

This goes out to all you 5G protesting motherfuckers…don’t let them control your mind with high frequency cellular data…. I’m going to go watch the suicide warnings on all the movies featuring suicide so that I know the fucking storyline before I watch the damn movie but more importantly, I know that if I want […]