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StepLINKS of the Day

For the longest time I wanted to hire fat chicks and other women who don’t have what it takes to be bikini models – whether they are too old, handicapped, or fucking mutated….and do a parody of actual model shoots – you know to be ironic… I had this concept to do the DrunkenStepfather swimsuit […]




Halloween is Still Happening on Halloween of the Day

I know that today is official Halloween, but the whores out there have been posting costumes for a week now, because there has been at least a week of costume related parties that everyone goes nuts for with Social Media existing, where one could argue everyday is Halloween because you live a lie with your […]




Sofia Richie New Tits in a Bikini of the Day

Sofia Richie the bootleg Kardashian who works on the Kardashian show as one of the Extras that is paid in having some old dirty dick shoved inside of her like the blow up doll she is… It’s a good strategic move for the girl, because with the kardashians she gets press and exists one a […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I think I am still drunk from last night’s Halloween party in my head…which involved watching bad horror movies off a Netflix account we’ve acquired by who the fuck knows…and drinking myself to a state of near death….not getting scared of the Horror movies because I am not a baby….while scrolling all the slut costumes […]




Slutty Pre Halloween Roundup of the Day

It is Halloween on Wednesday, as you heathen evil supporters already know with celebrating your pagan events and death like the bad Christians you are…. It is the time of year we used to be excited about, because there was a period in time where people weren’t all sluts, and didn’t celebrate Halloween everyday with […]




Sofia Richie Pussy Eats her Shorts of the Day

Sofia Richie has a muppet face, that’s not because she’s partially black, that’s more likely because she’s partially a Kardashian / Jenner and jacking herself up, like you jack yourself off, multiple times a day…you’re unemployed and it is a great stress reliever… She’s wearing the bike shorts, because bike shorts are in style, even […]




stepLINKS of the Day

We can’t really blame all these outspoken sluts for being sluts, or for being outspoken… Our perversions have given them the ability to make their money sitting at home getting half naked.. They don’t even need to leave their nest or comfort zone…and can get paid. No risk, or danger that strippers used to have […]




Lady Gaga Possible Pussy Flash of the Day

Lady Gaga is unfortunately working as an actress now, and with that comes her promo tour, we just can’t get rid of this bitch….her music here to stain our fucking brains as it does…. I would say that the highlight of my career as a titty blogger happened in 2010, when I went to a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to discover that your mother and father were siblings…that daddy or mommy took advantage on the other – because the #metoo movement is a two way street and it could just as easily been creepy older sister molesting younger brother for the internal creampie as it was […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The problem with everyone being a whore on instagram for fame and attention is that it gives a huge responsibility to the consumer or viewer to figure out whether the girl is An actual whore…while they are all whores for the right rich guy who feeds into their needs and wants to get fame and […]