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stepLINKS of the Day

I just got cat-called and by cat called I mean some lady called me a fat fuck…. This happened yesterday when I was perving in the mall…but apparently…it happens everywhere….if you are gross enough. It wasn’t the kind of cat call girls are used to like when dudes drive by and scream “Show me you […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It may be the Christmas Season. The time of joy and happiness, goodwill towards man…even hope for a better tomorrow….a time for you to connect with Jesus you Christians…and spend time with family and friends…reconnecting with each other…spoiling each other…eating together….but as an outsider who only interacts with society on social media…It’s so hard to […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

The problem with not having a real job is that I don’t get to go to any Christmas holidays. No one ever invites me over for some fucking eggnog and cookies….there’s no drunk co-workers to convince to show me their pussy in the bathroom after one too many carols have been sung….which is really what […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It does amaze me that every time I get on twitter, because I’ve ben tweeting, I figure my best hope to get internet famous is on Twitter, even though no one uses twitters, and I’ve tweeted over 100,000 times and no one has noticed….but it does amaze me when I see Americans fighting with each […]




stepLINKS of the Day

One of the saddest thing about running this site – is when no one listens to me, despite my trendsetting capabilities, you know being a homeless broke ass angry drunk Mexcian pushing 50 wearing soiled pants….exactly what you’d expect the mastermind behind the fashion industry to be…. So when I proposed a new trend that […]




Amanda Bynes Photoshopped Comeback Tour of the Day

I find it pretty hypocritical that the world destroyed Amanda Bynes when she was fat and losing her shit. Every media outlet made fun of her, cyber bullied her, shat on her…not one was sympathetic about her situation, or showed empathy, or asked her how she was doing…if anythign they just made her crazy worse… […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The internet isn’t a safe space or a nice space. I wonder why do people think it is a safe space….or a nice place…that if they put their shit out there.. I remember a time when it was so critical to stay as anonymous as possible so that no one would know who you were, […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I am disappointed that I didn’t see any feeder erotica on social media – with at least one Fat Chick Weighing Herself before and After She Ate…you know…so we know just how much she fed herself…ideally in her lingerie as these people do now that they make lingerie in their sizes and they are as […]




stepLINKS of the Day

One person got mad at me on twitter, because twitter is still a thing, ask your President….and I am not relevant on Twitter, because I am not relevant anywhere, so I occasionally troll the feminist accounts saying silliness…just to get a rise…. This weekend there was a scandal about some court saying a rape victim […]




stepLINKS of The Day

I’m sure you’ve all seen that thick neck meme….that people are openly posting and laughing at…making jokes about…which confuses me because if he was a fat white girl….the internet would be MAD at the shaming….the people involved arrested for cyber bullying….or if someone called him a RETARD..holy fuck….only the Kardashians can get away with that […]