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Vanessa Hudgens Fit in a Sports Bra of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens is the greatest of all time….that’s a catch phrase amongst the YOUTHS….they do hashtag #GOAT…. I realize Vanessa Hudges is hardly the greatest of all time…but she’s looking her best in this sports bra. I just try to hype her up in my mind because she was one of the first celebs that […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

The highlight of my week so far has been when I was walking around, barely walking around, I saw a girl bending over while on a date with some dude having ice cream. He was sitting across the table from her, and was the one eating the ice cream, which was pretty fucking queer, as […]




Vanessa Hudgens Bikini of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens is the greatest of all time….I mean…not really…but she was one of the first celebs from some Disney shit to have leaked nudes. I guess Paris Hilton and her Sidekick hack was the original first hack…but the straight up nude to her boyfriend like all the girls are doing…but in an era when […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Buzz Aldrin told the world he didn’t go to the moon, some dude sold Hot Dogs in water at a fair and called it Keto Water, and got 40 dollars a pop for it, plastic straws are being outlawed around the world, because grown adults apparently need their sippy straws to drink their beverages, all […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I love watching the transition into sex work. I assume it’s a societal thing. Like girls hate fucking working and dudes are willing to pay them to fuck…and in this internet era of superficiality, vacations and designer clothing, while getting access to dudes who will pay you to get that shit….it’s almost hard to not […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Never trust someone who doesn’t drink….unless they are ex addicts…but people who just don’t drink because they never drink…are pussies…and we hate pussies…unless they are in bathing suit bottoms or spread…not when they are dudes… Speaking of pussies, I never realize how uptight people are….how they don’t understand the humor or the joke of the […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

It is the fourth of July…where are all the galleries of sluts in bikinis…or drunk sluts at pool parties lighting off fireworks while sucking on hot dogs and cotton candy or whatever it is you Americans do… I don’t leave my couch, but I can live this moment with all of you…freedom fighters… I left […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My wife told me that having sex with me is like removing a dry tampon only dick is smaller….despite her being fat and menopausal and even when she got her period she wore fucking diapers…that was nice of her. I am glad I am stuck with her… The other thing I am glad about is […]




Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson – Two Generations of Old Ladies in Bikinis of the Day

Keep it in your fucking pants Grandma… And I’m talkign to Kate Hudson – not Goldie Hawn – the actual Grandma…. Goldie can do whatever the fuck she wants with her old lady ass, it’s at the point of iconic and so old, we don’t even bother noticing…it’s not a point and laugh at Goldie… […]




stepLINKS of the Day

There is always a redeeming quality to shoving your dick in the mouth of the girl who hounds you, nags you, gives you shit all day, in a resentment, kind of reclaiming your manhood way…. There is always a redeeming quality to when a girl makes fun of you, knowing you were in her ass […]