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stepLINKS of the Day

Got some fan mail… I really like coming to your site but for the love of god just take an extra second to look over your posts before you submit. Just about every post has a word left out or misspelled! Best Joe So I responded: Joe, if that’s your real name… That’s the whole […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The best thing to do on freezing cold days is to laugh at homeless people on the street cuz at least your unheated apartment has running water….it’s an asshole move and if I had all the money in the world I’d bring them all home with me…I would rent the world a home….but right now […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The next time I update the site will be the end of 2012….a year that was supposed to end humanity as we know it…now I am just forced to go into 2013 with more failure and disappointment, unless I actually decide to make myself famous, which is always an option….because you know what – I’ve […]




Tamara Ecclestone Billionaire Titties in Loaded of the Day

Tamara Ecclestone is a billionaire…or at least the heir to a billionaire…cuz her dad is a billionaire…making her richer than Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian and luckily equally tacky, attention starved and low level…I mean sure she doesn’t have a sex tape, but she’s from the UK, they are more sophisticated than that, they prefer […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am an asshole…and I am ok with that cuz all girls love assholes…except maybe my wife…cuz part of me being an asshole to her…is making internet girlfriends and booking dates to meet them…because decent girls use the internet now..and worrying about meeting a 60 year old rapist is a thing of the past…cuz technology […]




stepLINKS of the Day

All that matters in life is finding a girl who will lick your ass under any and all circumstances…. Here are some LINKS…. Hulk Hogan Confirms It’s Bubba The Love Sponge’s Wife Heather Clem In Sex Tape GO The Time Tom Cruise Got Spanked By a Cross Dressing Club Hostess GO Nun Caught Sealing Beer […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am looking for love in all the wrong places….or maybe I just have the wrong budget…5 dollars gets me some rank ass pussy…. Here are the stepLINKS… Paris Hilton Made Out With A Chick So Her Male Model Boyfriend (Who is Obviously Gay, I Mean Shit Look at the Guy) Punched A Dude And […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

1 – We have a contest winner….sure she’s not holding up a sign and sure that pic could be of anyone captioned drunkenstpefather.com…but those tits make me ignore all rational thought…they distract me and remind me of what is important….tits. 2- I have a stalker and it is a lot of fun…but only cuz I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Trying to convince lesbians to let you watch them fuck while masturbating in the corner is always a fucking challenge…cuz there’s always one of the pair too hardcore and dyke to allow dick in the room…dolphin shaped dildos are the only phallus motherfucker…. I am amazing at failing…. It’s the weekend, here are the stepLINKS…for […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I just found out a site I work with sold for close to 200 million dollars….that’s a lot of sex, drugs, booze, rock and roll, villas, private jets….which brought up the question…the ever burning question of my life….that is why the fuck do I do this…when I could be making 200 million dollars…and I guess […]