I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Annalynne McCord Category




Annalynne McCord in a See Thru White Shirt of the Day

Looks like Annalynne McCord noticed that people stopped talking about her recently, like she doesn’t matter in the world, because she doesn’t, until wearing a see thru shirt last week when showing up to some Haiti charity party she managed to sneak into in hopes of networking herself into getting another job, because once this 90210 shit expires, she’ll have no where else to go and based on her level of talent, she may end up having to crawl back to her hometown where she was a star, with her tail between her legs and memories of her stint in Hollywood, even if it was just for a minute….so here she is with her adopted Haitian and her nipples on some kind of publicity stunt that she hopes gets people talking about her, and the sad truth is that nipples work, because here I am talking about her, and all it took was nipples….

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Annalynne McCord|See Thru




AnnaLynne McCord Fakes Caring About Haiti of the Day

With every Natural Disaster or Tragedy comes a handful of motherfuckers who actually care…like Paul Haggis who was doing work in Haiti before the earthquake and who held a brunch for his Hollywood friends to manipulate them into donating. Then there are the people who didn’t know they cared but realized that they do because it either affects people they know or it happened at a time in their life where it just affects them. Then there’s the fucking bullshit, self absorbed idiots, who have never done anything except for themselves and their egos, who only care because it makes them look good or draws attention to their almost useless celebrity, who figures going to a big Director like Paul Haggis’ house may help her get work down the line like Annalynne McCord.

On a sidenote AnnaLynne McCord must have pulled some strings, or a seat freed up, or she snuck the fuck in and they let her stay cuz she was showing off her nipples, because the flyer she is advertising says “Artists” on it. I guess she’s happy to have finally been grouped as an “Artist”, it’s like her career has finally peaked. She’s made it. Someone other than her has bundled her in with “Artists” even though she is anything but an artist..she just wants to be one and I guess that’s just another example of how Hollywood is ego stroking bullshit….

Pics via Bauer
Pics via Fame

Posted in:Annalynne McCord|Haiti




Annalynne McCord’s Push-Up Bra for Cosmo of the Day

I was wrong about this Annalynne McCord girl. I was convinced her stupid bottom feeding show based on a shitty but popular show in the 90s would have been off the air and forgotten by now like it was the Knight Rider 2008 show, but it turns out that with all these specialty channels, pretty much anyone can find success on TV because they are so fucking desperate for ideas….

So I didn’t expect Annalynne to be posing for Cosmo, not that posing for Cosmo is a really high profile gig, but still a gig far more high profile than posing for escort ads at the back of the newspaper I woulda expected out of her, but in my defense, posing for escort ads is really the level of talent she has, the rest of the public just hasn’t figured that out….

So we’re left with this….

Posted in:Annalynne McCord|cleavage|Cosmo|Push Up Bra




The 90210 Trash in Their Bikinis of the Day

It is thanksgiving today and I give thanks that 90210 will be soon be off the air, these girls will be out of work, desperate and turning to seedier roles and until that happens, 90210 will do all they can to get viewers including throwing the cast into bikinis, giving us a taste of what’s to come….
Here is Annalynne McCord and Jessica Lowndes in the Bikins…

Jessica Stroup One Piece

Shenae Grimes Sex Scene

Shenae Grimes Bikini Top….

Posted in:Annalynne McCord|Bikini|Jessica Lowndes|Jessica Stroup|Shenae Grimes




Annalynne McCord is Overqualified for the Job of the Day

This is my lame joke of the day. You know her mouth is way to big for your micro penis, not that your pathetic ass would ever be in a position where this nobody comes to you open mouthed and ready to suck you off in exchange for money, but at least she’s well equipped when things do come crashing down for her and I guess that is just a real sad truth of our generation is that this chick is seen as more important than every single one of us according to the media and that is really fucking depressing.

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Annalynne McCord|Big Mouth|Useless




AnnaLynne McCord in Some Leggings Trying to Pretend To Be Incognito of the Day

I love these pictures of Annalynne McCord. Not because I love Annalynne McCord, or even think she’s hot because I don’t and not because I think she’s an interesting personality or a natural talen worth looking at pictures and following around because I don’t. I just love love these pictures because I think it is funny to see how she’s intentionally got herself all covered up so she looks like she’s so important that she has to mask her identiry, but I know that this is all an act and that she’s probably the one who tipped off the paparazzi by telling them that she was going to be going to wherever she is going, because that’s just what bottom feeders do.

So now the idiots who run the pictures think “Shit this Annalynne McCord is really hot right now, she can’t even go to the store without wrapping herself up like she was Britney Spears” when in reality that’s just what her management want you to think since they are trying to keep her relevant as 90210 will not last forever and McCord’s potential future is not so bright. It’s like an act now, act fast, these are desperate times situation and the whole thing is funny to me, mainly because I like seeing people fail, especially when they are the kind of failure who keeps coming back for more and won’t accept that shit’s over.

Here are the pics.

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Annalynne McCord|Leggings




Annalynne McCord Working The Camera Hard While it Still Cares About Her of the Day

I saw two sets of pictures from last night involving Annalynne McCord in two different dresses at two different events on two different red carpets . This bitch is really working the scene, going to as many events as possible, making as many appearances as possible, trying to be on as many red carpets as possible, trying to get in as many publicity pictures as possible cuz she probably realizes just how shitty her show is and how likely it is that she’ll get sent back home on the bus she came in on, with no money and minor fame that everyone will forget about in a few years.

Unfortunately, I know that this pig of a girl will find a way to stay in Hollywood even if she lost all she undeservedly has, holding onto the dream, so this lifestyle she works her ass off for by changing into different dresses like some kind of nutcase, is pretty much for life, even if she’s hanging on by a thread, she’ll find herself a rich enough husband or do whatever it takes, to hold onto this fucking moment and drag it on forever because this is her fucking dream and there’s no fucking around….

I just hope she goes to bed at night with anxiety miserable and exhausted from all the running around from event to event in fear of losing it all because if she is actually enjoying this and loving every minute of her bullshit grind that upsets me…..

Here She is with Her Latch on Sisters at Some Macy’s Party…..

Here is Annalynne Workin the Camera While the Camera Still Cares About Her at the Macy’s Party

And Here She Is Working the Camera While the Camera Still Cares ABout Her at the Variety Party. Same Night, Different Dress….

Pics via Fame and Bauer

Posted in:Annalynne McCord|Ass|McCord Sisters




AnnaLynne McCord Showing Off Leg of the Day

AnnaLynne McCord is still doing the Hollywood circuit, you know going to events and having people take pictures of her, really milking her fame and I guess she should because I doubt it is going to last. I don’t think she’s hot, or interesting and I don’t watch her show and assume that means no one else does, because depsite popular belief, I am the microcosm of America….

At least she’s showing off her little tits…so we don’t have to look at her face…Good job Ugly.

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Annalynne McCord|Leg




AnnaLynne McCord Still Thinks She’s Got It Going On of the Day

Someone needs to knock this bitch off her high horse, and no, I’m not talking about her long-faced mother, I’m talking about her cunt ego. Seeing her strategically step out of the SUV with sunglasses on and her designer purse being shot by paparazzi and unfortunately not an assassin. Having her life play out like she always imagined it would and the insanity needs to stop. I don’t even know if 90210 is even an actual fucking TV show, and this kind of undeserved fame and the unnecessary attitude that comes with it. Seriously, how can we make this fall from the top happen fast ? Let’s collectively work on that, cuz all I have so far is crazed stalker kidnaps her and brain washes her for the next 18 years….and I don’t know anyone who would stalk this bitch, or even be able to stomach her more than 5 minutes, so we needs some fresh ideas.

The only thing semi interesting about her is her ability to really maximize the use of her really small tits without showing the world nipple and I guess that’s not really that interesting or even a talent but it’s a start for what I anticipate her future being when her money dries up and she can’t get work because the project she’s involved in is a total piece of shit, because maximizing tits is a huge part of a strippers work….

Pictures via INFphoto

Posted in:Annalynne McCord|Tits




Annalynne McCord in Some Stupid “Dominatrix” Outfit of the Day

Here is Annalynne McCord still pretending she’s famous, you know milking her career and her tits for all she can, because she probably doesn’t realize she is just a one-hit-wonder, but the rest of us do.

I love that she’s walking around with a pen that I’m sure she never leaves her house with, because this taste of fame is her childhood dream playing out and she couldn’t miss up the opportunity to sign random things like people fuckin’ cared.

She is so fucking clueless that she’s even got some sort of finger protector, I guess cuz she assumes that just that many people will be asking her for an autograph, because she doesn’t realize no one cares.

You see, all the interest in her has got to her fuckin head because this is the kind of postive reinforcement that she thinks she deserves. I assume that she has been told how pretty and talented she is all her life, you know the prize pig of the small town community she grew up in, making the reality check that’s coming so exciting because motherfuckers will stop caring and it will all come crashing down and that’s far more enjoyable that her weak attempt at a dominatrix outfit with corset and leather bra, because I guess everything she does is weak.

Pics Via PacificCoastNews and Fame

Posted in:Annalynne McCord|Trash