I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Ass Category




I am – Taryn Manning Poolside of the Day


You know what makes me happy….seeing a celebrity bitch who looks like every crackwhore I’ve ever fucked. I’m talking about the cold sore, ratty prison tattoos, a busted up face that looks like it’s been cum on at least a dozen times a day the last 4 years while smoking crack and drinking heavily, a body that looks like it hasn’t been fed in the last 2 weeks, but for some reason the skin still hangs off and roles like a fat whore who likes to eat donuts and a cunt that looks bigger than my dick which isn’t saying much but I am still a dude and girls shouldn’t pack that much meat, unless they work at the grocery store. She’s too broke to afford a fucking bathing suit but since bitch is crafty she stole a pair of her last clients underwear, knowing that a day at the pool was coming up. I guess the real highlight of these pictures is that the dude she’s fucking is splashing pool water all playful and shit, pretending he’s not trying to wash/disinfect/and get rid of the smell that burns his tongue when he goes down on her.

Here is Taryn Manning at the pool, she’s just an ordinary girl like you and me…except I am not a girl and you just wish you were but can’t afford the operation, hurtbag. The other difference is that she hangs out with fat chicks and I married one so being seen with one in public just isn’t how I am living….I just sleep with them…

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I am – Taryn Manning Bra of the Day
Taryn Manng See Thru Bra

I am – Who the Fuck is This
Taryn Manning Drunk and Beat Up

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I am – Rachel Hunter Bikini Pics of the Day


Rachel Hunter in a Bikini is something I hold close to my heart. In 1989 she was in a Sports Illustrated 20th Anniversary special and was one of the girls who rocked a sheer bathing suit. This was a time before porn was as available as it is today and I was about 20 at the time and stole it from my Neighbor. I think that video saw more of my seed than my wife ever has….It was a different era.

Speaking of seed, Rachel Hunter was married to Rod Stewart, she filled his tall blonde model of a woman mold that he seems to live by, and he filled her with his seed. I have a specific type of woman too, and that’s one who has genitals, or anything that can double as a vagina, but I have no standards…..

Speaking of no standards, this bitch may be washed up, but I’d still giver he a piece of my massive flacid peen and by massive I mean buried in my cardiovascular disease candidate of a gut.

The positive in all this is that she looks nothing like his daughter who looks like her face was run over by daddy’s Bentley in between ripping lines of supermodel pussies and writing shitty music.

This post may or may not sound like every other post I’ve written, but I don’t have enough brain capacity to try to come up with funny on a daily basis….

Here are the pics….

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Paris Hilton's Ass


Paris Hilton still has an ass, not a very good one, but one to poop with. That means the infection wasn’t bad enough to get the doctor’s to sew that shit up, strap bitch up with a colostomy bag, and send her on her way. It does however mean that she will continue to rock short skirts with no ass-covering panties. Yes, I just said panties. I never understood why girls found that word so gross, I guess it reminds them of when their dad’s used to dress them or undress them growing up….well just because you have repressed fucking issues about your dad taking off/putting on your panties, doesn’t mean I can’t drop the word…Point of the story is colostomy bag or not, I’d still fuck Paris’ ass…I can’t lie…there’s something sexy about girls who shit in a bag…..and not from her anus…

Bonus:Paris B-Day Pics, bitch looks knocked up,you know, fat in the Uterus

For more Nipple/Ass Pictures go to TaxiDriverMovie.com

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Paris Hilton’s Ass


Paris Hilton still has an ass, not a very good one, but one to poop with. That means the infection wasn’t bad enough to get the doctor’s to sew that shit up, strap bitch up with a colostomy bag, and send her on her way. It does however mean that she will continue to rock short skirts with no ass-covering panties. Yes, I just said panties. I never understood why girls found that word so gross, I guess it reminds them of when their dad’s used to dress them or undress them growing up….well just because you have repressed fucking issues about your dad taking off/putting on your panties, doesn’t mean I can’t drop the word…Point of the story is colostomy bag or not, I’d still fuck Paris’ ass…I can’t lie…there’s something sexy about girls who shit in a bag…..and not from her anus…

Bonus:Paris B-Day Pics, bitch looks knocked up,you know, fat in the Uterus

For more Nipple/Ass Pictures go to TaxiDriverMovie.com

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Beyonce’s Ass

All I know about black people is the general stereotypes. I have one black friend and he thinks he’s Jewish, he’s one of those educated black people who’s mom is a lawyer or some shit. You know the kind who knows how to play tennis and ski. He was actually my social worker at one of my halfway houses years ago, and we’ve kept in touch. He was doing the social work bullshit to get into med school or someshit. Either way, his life was like the Cosby Show, and he was whiter than you, you fuckin’ honkey. Shouldn’t you be in the kitchen making Kraft Dinner or someshit? The point of my story is that black women have big asses, even when they are famous, if you watch this Beyonce clip, you’ll see her fried chicken eating booty. And remember I am not the loser who recorded this shit to their computer and played it back over and over in hopes of seeing ass crack, you are. LOVE!

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Beyonce’s Ass

All I know about black people is the general stereotypes. I have one black friend and he thinks he’s Jewish, he’s one of those educated black people who’s mom is a lawyer or some shit. You know the kind who knows how to play tennis and ski. He was actually my social worker at one of my halfway houses years ago, and we’ve kept in touch. He was doing the social work bullshit to get into med school or someshit. Either way, his life was like the Cosby Show, he was whiter than you, you fuckin’ honkey. Shouldn’t you be in the kitchen making Kraft Dinner or someshit? The point of my story is that black women have big asses, even when they are famous, if you watch this Beyonce clip, you’ll see her fried chicken eating booty. And remember I am not the loser who recorded this shit to their computer and played it back over and over in hopes of seeing ass crack, you are. LOVE!

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Beyonce's HUGE Ass

Too much fried chicken is what I think when I see Beyonce’s ass. I am not saying that because it’s some racial – chicken/watermelon/fat blond chick/ too lazy to work statement. I am saying it cuz she’s all over the fucking Popeyes, she had a sponsorship and got to eat free friend chicken all the time. The problem is that all the weight went to her ass and legs, and although guys pretend to like women who are hefty downtown, we really don’t, we just put up with it, cuz when you have a big ass, you usually have big tits, and we like tits….so point of the story is Beyonce is fat, and i will get a ton of motherfuckers disputing that…but guess what asshole, I have pictures to prove it.

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Beyonce’s HUGE Ass

Too much fried chicken is what I think when I see Beyonce’s ass. I am not saying that because it’s some racial – chicken/watermelon/fat blond chick/ too lazy to work statement. I am saying it cuz she’s all over the fucking Popeyes, she had a sponsorship and got to eat free friend chicken all the time. The problem is that all the weight went to her ass and legs, and although guys pretend to like women who are hefty downtown, we really don’t, we just put up with it, cuz when you have a big ass, you usually have big tits, and we like tits….so point of the story is Beyonce is fat, and i will get a ton of motherfuckers disputing that…but guess what asshole, I have pictures to prove it.

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Fergie in a Bikini


I don’t really understand Fergie at all. She came out of nowhere, destroyed a decent hip hop group, not that I will ever admit to liking hip hop, but I will admit to seeing a group of crackhead “artists” turn into dirty popstars cuz they added a bitch with implants to sing over their songs, wear slutty gear and do a little dance. I have nothing against adding some pussy to any project to make it more successful, cuz I like pussy, but I will never respect people who profit off it cuz they lack the talent to lure in people with their own product. If I ever had a website, I would NEVER post pictures of nipple slips, bikinis and pussy to lure in readers. This has been a post on Fergie in a Bikini and she still has a disgusting face.

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Katie Couric's Tankini

She may be the future Peter Jennings, or Dan Rather, or whoever the news anchor who died/retired is. I don’t keep up with the news I like to pretend I make the news, which I don’t cuz I am a hermit and never leave the house. But sometimes I’ll break stuff and tell my bitch of a wife to clean it, if it’s cleaned up within 24 hours and that’s fucking news to me. Usually it just sits there and rots away until I give in. So when she does clean, I call down the girls and tell them that their mom isn’t a worthless obese cunt afterall. Either way, this isn’t about my marriage, it is Katie Couric and how she knows how to have a good time – just look at her in her tankini. asshole.

Thanks Dude Who Emailed these in!!

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