The nice thing about being a washed up internet troll that no one gives a fuck about or notices, is that nothing I write is serious, it’s all in efforts to either piss you off, or piss off the fans of the people I make fun of, you know shit on these people that are celebrated for the enjoyment of those of us who aren’t hot enough to get knocked up by billionaires, or matter in the vapid and vain celebrity life….they don’t care, they love the attention…
So yeah, I’ve been saying that every bikini pic of Liz Hurley, which has been a lot of bikini pics, since her career from model/actress to uterus for billionaire cum, pretty much wrapped up a decade ago with her own bathing suit collection that I’ll assume gets her paid, even though no one gives a fuck about Liz Hurley..
So I’ve been saying that her bikini pics are either archived, she shot them before she turned old as shit, you could easily fake it if you have some vision, I mean there’s no timestamp on a bikini pic, you can post a pic taken today in 10 years and if you’ve been consistent, no one will know the difference, you just need to hide in a bunker somewhere as you live out your life..
I’ve also said that her bikini pics are her transgender son pretending to be her, since trannies are gaming the whole being a sugar baby on instagram thing pretty effectively thanks to modern plastic surgery procedures to mulilate them in the weirdest way….I mean just yesterday I saw two sugar babies in a hot tub twerking – BOTH WERE ORIGINALLY DUDES…thanks social media filters, fillers and weird fat transfers to confuse the fuck out of everyone into thinking we’re dealing with Kardashian looking girls and not dudes playing dress up…
All this to say, in this dress, with the window to her titties, or a TITTY window, that I’ll accept as RECENT because there are likely pics from the event you can cross reference….is proof that Liz Hurley is not riding off archives, 300 pounds in a trailer park somewhere, she’s still bringing it…and LOOKING fucking amazing. I mean OLD lady tits have NEVER been so good, just think of all those times you’ve jerked off to your granny’s tits…NEVER this hot…I am sure.

Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley